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.Talkback Quick Test 1AGrammar1 Use the prompts to write responses.Use the present perfect.1 A: Where have you been? It's late!B: We / get back / from the cinema  We've just got back from the cinema.  2 A: Hello, Mike.How was work today?B: Hi, dad.Juan / arrive / yet?                                                                        3 A: Could you iron the shirts, please?B: I / just / be / to the supermarket!                                                                       4 A: Where's Susie?B: she / not /come / home / yet                                                                      5 A: Sorry, am I late?B: Don't worry.I / just / get / here                                                                      6 A: Are they ready to leave?B: Yes, they / already / pack / their rucksacks                                                                      102 Underline the correct alternative.1 I  'll cook   / cook dinner if you won't wash /   wash   up.2 If you win / 'll win lots of money, will you / you'll take me on holiday?3 She tell / 'll tell you everything when you speak / 'll speak to her.4 When she 'll get / gets a new job, she give / 'll give you the money.5 We send / 'll send you a fax if we get / 'll get any news.6 You won't / 'll get a job if you don't / will look for one.10Vocabulary3 Complete the words.1 It's cheaper to send a   t e x t   message than to call on your mobile.2 Message b                are very useful if you have time to use them.3 I won't write a b          because I don't want everybody to know about my life.4 You should use an i                      phone for all your calls because it's free!5 She'll update her social n                            site when she has time.6 Do you ever use your computer to reado                news?54 Complete the sentences with the correct words.1 I always feel   nervous   before an exam.(nervous / lonely)2 He looks very                 when he has to give a presentation.(amazed / uncomfortable)3 We're so                 about Jack's wonderful new job in Dubai.(lonely / excited)4 She got really                 when her dog didn't come back.(excited / worried)5 I'm                 ! I never thought I'd get my money back.(amazed / confused)6 You might get                 if you try to find it without a map.(excited / confused)105 Match words 1-6 to stress patterns a)-f).1 gadget   c  2 mobile phone     3 digital camera     4 internet addict     5 remote control     6 MP3 player     a) ooOoob) oooOoc) Ood) OooOoe) oooOf) ooO5Functions6 Read the responses to the opinion below.Cross out the extra word in each sentence.`The internet is the worst thing they've ever invented.'1 That's   the   true.2 I don't think it so.3 I think you're very totally right.4 I am totally disagree.5 I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you about.6 I'm not just sure about that.7 You're quite in right.8 In my opinion, it's yet the best thing they've ever invented.9 That's definitely isn't not true.10 I'm afraid but I don't agree with you.11 I don't think it's much as bad as that.10Total:50Pre-intermediate Quick Check Test 11APHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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