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."She crossed her arms over her chest."Now, do you care to65 Fate's Second Chance AJ Jarrettexplain why you're standing behind my desk?""Oh, I'm so sorry.My name is Marc, Marc Carter."I stuck my hand out for her to shake."I believe I have aninterview today?"Serena took my hand.She held on longer thannecessary."Have we met before? I mean, I know we'vespoken on the phone, but you seem familiar."A smile spread across my face.I wanted more thananything to tell her who I really was, but according to RossI had to keep tight lipped about it."No.I just have one ofthose faces.""You must." Serena chuckled and released myhand."You sound different in person than you do on thephone."My smile fell and my lips thinned.I bet the angeldidn't think of that one."You know how it is, no one eversounds the same in person as they do on the phone." Ilaughed to cover my nerves."True.Why don't we go back to my office and getstarted?" Serena turned and walked down the short hallwaytoward her office.I trailed behind.As I looked around, I noticed therest of the office wasn't too bad off.Serena had never beenone for handling paperwork or organizing.That's why shehad me.I took care of all the patient records, insurance66 Fate's Second Chance AJ Jarrettclaims, and accounting.I was her girl Friday.My eyesstarted to well up with tears.I felt like I had let my sisterdown not being here for her.When we reached her office, Serena took the seatbehind her desk and I took the chair in front."Is everything okay, Marc? You look upset."Serena's tone was sweet and gentle causing the dam tobreak loose.A tear escaped my eye.Serena shot up out of her chair to come around herdesk.She grabbed the Kleenex on the way."Oh sweetie, don't cry.Is this about yourgrandmother passing?" She held out a tissue to me.Grandmother? Oh that's right, Ross told her mygrandmother had died.I nodded my head.If I were tospeak, it would just be a jumbled mess.Serena took the empty seat next to mine.She pattedmy knee with her hand."I know what you're going through.I lost my little sister about six months ago.It's hard to dealwith but you have to keep going and know that yourgrandmother is in a better place." Her voice cracked at thelast part.I looked over to see Serena staring off into space.For a minute I thought she would break down, too.Thiswasn't how you want a job interview to go but this wasn'tany ordinary situation.Maybe Ross had a point.Maybe I67 Fate's Second Chance AJ Jarrettcould help Serena heal but maybe she could help me, too.Guilt set heavy on my shoulders for all the pain I hadcaused.If I could make her life a little easier for whatevertime I had left here on Earth then I would."Thank you," I whispered as I covered her handwith my own.Serena turned to look back at me and smiled."Anytime."With one more quick pat to my knee, she stood upand went back to her desk.When she was seated, sheopened a folder and skimmed down the contents.I couldonly assume it was my resume provided to her by Ross.Ihad to admit I was a little curious to know what it said.If Idid land this job, I would have to check it out.For the next half hour, Serena asked me questionsand told me the expectations of the job.It was all redundantsince this had been my job until I died.However, I couldn'ttell her to save her breath because I was her brought-back-from-the-dead sister, who now had a penis.That wouldn'tgo over well."Well, Marc, you appear to be more than qualifiedand your previous employers gave you excellentreferences."I just bet they did."And to be honest with you, no one else has applied68 Fate's Second Chance AJ Jarrettfor the position.So, if you want to try this out on a thirty-day probation period, I would love to have you comeaboard.I've got a good feeling about you, that and we sharethe same last name.It seems meant to be, don't you think?"I grinned across the desk at my sister.I had Ross tothank for this one."I'd like to think it is.I would love totake the position.""Great."Serena got me set up with the tax forms I needed tofill out.She said I could start tomorrow but I convinced herto let me stay for a bit to tidy up my new work area.Sheagreed, thought my go get 'em attitude was just what theoffice needed.She said my over eagerness reminded her ofher sister.If she only knew.* * * *It was getting close to lunchtime when I heard thefront door open.A very familiar voice called out my sister'sname.I sat a little straighter behind the tall desk to see ifmy suspicion was correct.Yep, I was right.Shawn camewalking into the office."Marc, is that you?"I flopped back down into my chair.What the fuckwas he doing here? I had to calm down.He was probably69 Fate's Second Chance AJ Jarretthere to see Serena.They must have become better friends,bonding over my death.In an odd way, I was relieved toknow the two people I loved most in this world could leanon each other in their time of grief."Yes, it's me." I stood."I just got a job here as theoffice manager."Shawn came to stand in front of my desk."Really?Huh, that's weird.Remember me telling you about my bestfriend Marie?" I nodded."This is her sister's dentalpractice.She actually used to work here as the officemanager [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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