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. You heard me.He wanted to be close to you and he doesn t drive.It s a good location.You don thave to see him if you don t want to, but considering the tantrum you just threw, that d be a bit stupid. Did you put him up to it? Zachary, your conniving old great uncle runs rings around me.I just trail around behind him making fishimpressions. He demonstrated and raised a small smile in his companion. He wants to spend the rest of hislife close to you.Why is that a bad thing? He didn t before.  He wanted to.You should ask him about your grandparents, I think. Sounds like you and he have done little else but discuss me and my private affairs. Strangely enough, that s what happens when you have to look after someone who nearly died.Mr Ledbetter,you re being a prick.Again.Zachary nodded, as if that was fair comment Julian had expected him to go off about it. Hey, that wasn t aserious.you don t have to let me insult you.You can argue back, I won t walk off unless you get really nasty.Zachary looked up. But I will and you will. I ll come back.Until Linis says not to.He s a smart little guy, your kem. He reached down and stroked Linisexquisite fur.The kem trilled and arched into his hands.Julian looked up and found Zachary staring. Okay? Okay. His voice wobbled a little.He wasn t as calm as he d like Julian to believe, but Julian didn t want toshred all Zachary s defences just the ones which were getting in the way of his own happiness. Great! So, let s go pester Leo.He s bored stiff and it s been all of eight hours.Zachary managed a smile. It was lucky the car ran over me and not him. You have a very strange definition of luck, Mr Ledbetter.And just like that, Zachary stopped making it difficult to organise his return to the apartment.Part of it wasbecause Leo would live there too for a bit, since it made sense that if they were hiring full-time attendants,they should keep an eye on Leo as well and take the strain off both of them.But part of it seemed to be thatZachary accepted the good will behind the arrangements.He wasn t exactly enthusiastic, but that was a lotmore than Julian expected from anyone having their home turned upside down, and facing weeks and weeksof disability and painful rehabilitation.But he was cooperative about decisions, and offered opinions whenasked, and made suggestions when it was appropriate.Leo was amazed and grateful.Julian was grateful too because it took a lot of stress from Leo, and that made Julian a lot less worried.Havingboth of them poorly made for extra running around.Leo had almost daily doctor s visits for checkups the firstweek after he was allowed out of hospital, and the doctor had insisted he cut down visits to his nephew toonce a day, so Julian had to make up the shortfall but he didn t mind at all.He felt needed and respected,and for the first time in his adult life, like he actually made a difference to someone who wasn t related to him.That the office had covered his absence so easily was kind of insulting, but not that much of a surprise.But ifhe stopped helping Leo and Zachary, it would hurt them a lot.He wasn t exactly irreplaceable, but he wasmore than a convenience.He found he liked having that kind of responsibility, and wondered how he dreplace it when Zachary was fit and could do whatever Leo needed doing.Release day didn t go completely smoothly.Julian absolutely forbade Leo to be involved at all, and told him tostay in the apartment and rest while he settled Zachary in.It turned out to be a wise decision.There wasn t anout and out disaster just lot of small irritations.The building manager had locked the service elevator, soZachary had to wait in the car for nearly an hour before the man was found.A couple of the doors which theythought would be wide enough for the electric wheelchair, weren t, and had to be removed from their hinges. Zachary realised he wouldn t be able to cook in the kitchen after all, despite the ramp allegedly making thispossible, and that meant he d have to rely on his attendants or Leo or Julian.That was the closest he came tolosing his icy coolness, after so long being preternaturally patient with all the annoyances.But Leo saved theday by sweeping in with an airy insouciance, ordering an exquisite and healthy meal from a local restaurantwhile declaring he never cooked at home, and that Zachary should enjoy the luxury while he was around.Theattendants were given two hours off while Leo, Julian and Zachary had their lunch.Since Leo looked rested and was at his most charming and amusing, the food was good, and Linis and his twofriends decided that the modifications and hoists were all specially installed kem toys, Zachary s ill-temperslowly melted away under the relentless barrage of things not going wrong and the playfulness of the kems.He even allowed himself some cheesecake. Full of eggs, don t you know? Leo said, grinning at his nephew. Good for recovering patients. Full of fat and sugar, Uncle Leo. So? You re skin and bones, Zachary.A little of what you fancy. A little, yes. He glanced sideways at Julian, before adding,  Uh.but thank you for the meal. Not at all.Thank you for letting me stay.Julian, I'm afraid our next task is organising the removal of myworldly goods from my old place, to here.I ve decided maintaining the old apartment as a pied-a-terre is justtoo self-indulgent and I want my books. My next task, Leo, Julian said firmly. Our next task.Julian looked at Zachary in surprise. What do you mean? I want to help.It s only my leg and arm that have been damaged, not my brain.Frankly, I could do with theactivity. Very well, Leo said, clapping his hands together,  my two favourite young people can take this tedious taskaway from me with pleasure.I ll assign myself to kem sitting.Zachary, your help with my legal affairs would beappreciated too.They ve appointed some fellow down at your firm, but he s not got your brain. Of course, Uncle.Julian cleared his throat. Uh, Leo.maybe with Zachary back home and with the live-in helpers andeverything.I could go back to work now.I can still help you in the evenings.Zachary s secretary is supposed tobe coming around to help him ease back into things, and she could Leo turned to his nephew. Zachary? What do you think? I think Julian accepted a responsibility and he should see it through to the end. Julian started to seethe atthe cool remark, but then Zachary added,  Linis doesn t like my secretary.He likes you.I trust Linis opinion.And he smiled a little, the tired, drawn smile of a man who d had a hell of a day but who d managed to staycalmer than anyone could have reasonably expected. Leo beamed and patted Zachary s hand. As you should, my dear boy, as you should.I'm sorry, Julian MessrsClarke, Saxony and Markham shall just have to do without you for a while longer because I don t intend to dowithout you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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