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."This mess may," said the senator, "prove to have its compensations."* * *New York, October 24.At a meeting of the Better Radio and TV Association, president Jack M.Straub today awarded the association's Distinguished Service Plaque to Cyrus Cartwright, II, and Nelson Ravagger, for "distinguished efforts which have resulted in vastly improving the dismal standard of radio and television broadcasting, by enabling listeners and viewers to record their actual feelings spontaneously and directly, rather than through the doubtful intermediary of sampling procedures."Mr.Straub said that he will give an even bigger and better plaque to missing financier and reputed boot-leg-manufacturer Skybo Halante, "if someone will locate him for us.""Communication," Mr.Straub added, "generally needs to be two-way to be effective."High GJames M.Heyden, head of the Advanced Research Projects Division of the Continental Multitechnikon Corporation, blew his breath out exasperatedly, sat back in the expensive aggregation of pads and springs that served as his desk chair, and read the handwritten note again:JimPat tells me we are now so far ahead of the international competition, defensewise, that no large new government orders can be expected.Introduction of any new and revolutionary gimcrack at this time would, therefore, be most unwelcome and inexpedient.So put the new gimmicks on the back burner, and get going full blast on that Kiddie Kit Science Series.We'll expect rapid progress, as we want the first three Kits on the market at least ninety days before Christmas.Naturally the Moon Krawler should be one of these first Kits.Any suggestions you may have for utilizing our now top-heavy staff of technicians and engineers would be appreciated.We assume you will cull the deadwood.Remember that in pruning, you want to cut pretty close into sound wood, as this actually promotes rapid healing and leaves no dead stump to fester.Also, you will of course bear in mind that we have a little different approach, expensewise, on items for the general public, as opposed to rush government orders.The Krawler should retail at not over $13.95, according to market simulation on our big new MIMIC computer.The Krawler, remember, does not have to fit into a cramped space, or endure high acceleration, vacuum, or a lunar landing.It won't break our hearts if the thing fails to last long enough for our great-grandchildren to play with it on Mars; of course, it shouldn't fall apart before the holidays are over, either.I know I don't have to spell this out for you, Jim.Ed and I are going to be out on the coast for a couple of weeks, enjoying the California smog, and trying out those twelve-lane, six-deck highways they brag about.If the merger goes through, we'll be gone another week, anyway, but that won't matter.We'll be so diversified then that nothing but another 1929 could really put us under.So, bear down hard on the reconversion, streamlining, and rationalization of your operation.Incidentally, the MIMIC simulator indicates that the other two kits should sell, respectively, at $8.95 and $29.95.Obviously, you can shoot the works on the later model, though we'll expect a more generous profit, too.Just what these other two kits should be, we don't know, as our programmer was evidently unable to figure out just how to put the question to the computer.The computer gave out nothing but gibberish on the subject.So we'll leave that up to you.This is, of course, all your responsibility, Jim, but I hope you'll be generally guided by the spirit of these few suggestions.We'll look forward to seeing things well along when we get back from Cal.StuHeyden sat up straight, and swore.He hit the intercom button."Nell!"There was a startled feminine squeak, "Sir?""Dig up that note from Stu Grossrad—the one he sent about eighteen months ago—the one that said 'full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes,' and so on.""That was longer ago than eighteen months.I think""Never mind that.Dig it up.And the one before that—that one about blasting out a foxhole and hiding in it.And the one before that, too—I think there was one before that."Heyden sat back and looked over the note.A fresh burst of profanity escaped him just as his secretary came in with several sheets of paper, and then, blushing bright pink, turned to leave."Hold on," said Heyden [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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