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. Goodbye, Trina.I will see you again.They watched as she stepped through the portal. Where will we live? Trina asked as she rose to her feet. Shadow Warrior 55 Emery LaRue We will live in the shifter s house, on the other side of the mountains. It could be a hut, as long as I m with you.Blayde kissed her gently and held her close to his side.Turning, they faced theothers. Andreste, I thought you had to leave? Trina said, smiling at her friend. The lady is giving me time with, Carter.He must learn the ways of the hunter.She smiled. We have all found something special from this day. Trina? Roveena stood before her. I am so sorry.I hope in time we may begin tobe a family. I would like that. Blayde? Brillasse broke away from Ike. Don t wait to long to come around,okay? We will be around often. He smiled. But for now, I need to be with Trina.Holding one another tight, the two forms shifted into a brilliant light, and then theywere gone. Well, I guess that s that. Ike said into the silence. Come on, woman.Let s goupstairs.I have something for you.Ike hauled a screaming Brillasse over his shoulder, running up the stairs.The otherslaughed, and the tension was broken.Once again, all was well in the portal world.*** It is beautiful, Trina gasped as she got her first look at her new home.Everything seemed to shimmer.The shifter s house was spacious and looked muchlike the homes back in her world, but the water surround the place looked as ifdiamonds danced upon the waves.The trees were tall and the greenest of green. So, we are shifters, but of the good kind? Shadow Warrior 56 Emery LaRue Yes. And I have a part of you inside me? We will always be together, like this, like now. And you love me? More than anything. Then, come and love me, my shifter. She smiled as she wrapped her arms aroundhim. There is another part of you I ache to feel inside me.Blayde smiled and carried her through the house into the room that would betheirs, together, until the end of time.He loved her with his whole heart and body, and when his mind came into play, hepaid her back with a few images of his own.When her body came alive for him, he kissed her deeply, knowing that they wouldhave this together every night from here to eternity. I love you, Trina. And I love you, my shadow warrior.*** You thought you had me, did you not? Persephone arched a brow at herhusband. I believe I have proven my point, Hades.Good will always triumph overevil. There will come a time when you will not best me so easily. Well, you lost this round.So, you have a six-month commitment to me.You lostthe bet, now it is time to pay up. Really, woman, that is below me, Hades grumped. It was a silly bet anyway. I agreed to your terms.You agreed to mine.You lost. I am a god.Do you really expect me to do that? If you want any special time in the next six months, I suggest you drop to yourknees and do me well. Shadow Warrior 57 Emery LaRueHades dropped to his knees.The site of his beautiful wife s body in her sheer gownwas enough to drive him mad. You know, there are other things I could do in this position, he said as he pulledone dainty foot into his lap. Maybe later, dear, but for now, you owe me a foot message every night for thenext six months. Of all the things, I am reduced to rubbing your feet. Cheer up, love.You have a while to plot your next move.And plot he would.But for now, he would do better to make his wife smile [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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