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.ImagesBeats to spearhead the black arts movement, when of white decadence subsumed in homoerotism leadthe title poem appeared in The Naked Ear, Baraka to physical and spiritual decay in  Way Out West :received a note from Langston Hughes that sim-  No use for beauty / collapsed, with moldy breathply read,  Hail LeRoi from Harlem.I understand / done in.Insidious weight / of cankered dreams.you re colored. The poem  Preface To A Twenty Tiresias / weathered cock. The poet connectsVolume Suicide Note suggests an apocalyptic end these images with his own mortality, juxtaposingfor the poet,  the ground opens up and envelopes the passing of the seasons with the passing of hisme, but does so with an irony at his own expense.youth.Because he has become accustomed to his fate, the Turning his critical gaze toward the black mid-poet stands apart from the chaos, a critical observer dle classes in  Hymn for Lanie Poo, Baraka sati-of the  broad edged silly music. However, because rizes the black man who  apes the white man byhe has not the faith of his daughter (to whom the detailing the banality of his stifling, domesticated 266 Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Notelife.Unique for its distinctly racially conscious Baraka ends the poem on a note of generic angst:voice,  Hymn for Lanie Poo sets up a tension  You are / as any other sad man here / american.between the poet and the white consciousness ofAmerican culture.In the space of this tension, the Bibliographynarrative takes the black bohemian as well as the Benston, Kimberly W., ed.Imamu Amiri Baraka (LeRoiblack bourgeoisie to task for complicity with white Jones): A Collection of Critical Essays.Englewoodhegemony.Parodying the black bohemian and ef- Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978.fectively turning the criticism back on himself, the Fischer, William C. The Pre-Revolutionary Writingspoet puts the weak protestations of the bohemian of Imamu Amiri Baraka. Massachusetts Review 14national consciousness into minstrel slang:  It s (Spring, 1973): 259 305.not that I got anything / against cotton, nosiree, Hudson, Theodore.From LeRoi Jones to Amiri Baraka:by God / It just that./ Man lookatthatblonde / The Literary Works.Durham, N.C.: Duke Universitywhewee! / I think they are not treating us like / Mr.Press, 1973.Lincun said they should / or Mr.Gandhi. Mackey, Nathaniel. The Changing Same: Black MusicIn the final poem of the collection,  Notes For in the Poetry of Amiri Baraka. boundary 2 6, no.2A Speech, the poet fully articulates his own es- (Winter, 1978): 355 386.trangement from black culture,  African blues / does Ross, Marlon B. Camping the Dirty Dozens: The Queernot know me. Returning to the unresolved tension Resources of Black Nationalist Invective. Callalooof his position as a black poet in a white subculture 23, no.1 (2000): 290 312.in a white America, he sees himself as an  ugly manto whom  Africa / is a foreign place. Unresolved, Stephanie S.Morgan Qaccidental murder.Junky covers Burroughs s yearsQueer William S.Burroughs (1985)Queer is a transitional novel between the hard- of addiction and Queer his years off junk in Mex-ico and on a South American expedition to try toboiled prose of JUNKY and the  routines of NAKEDfind the mysterious hallucinogenic vine yage.JoanLUNCH.is barely mentioned in Junky and is conspicuouslyQueer can be used as an alternative to Junky,absent from Queer.the text used for the junk paradigm as a blueprintAt the time when he wrote the books, Bur-for WILLIAM S.BURROUGHS s oeuvre to be readwith a queer paradigm.Jamie Russell s Queer Bur- roughs thought of Junky and Queer as part of thesame book: one written on the junk and the otherroughs (2001) and Greg Mullins s Colonial Affairs:off it.Yet Queer is an odd sequel to Junky, writtenBowles, Burroughs, and Chester Write Tangier (2002)are recent scholarly texts that emphasize Bur- as Burroughs struggled for a form to recount his ex-periences.In the introduction to Queer, Burroughsroughs s homosexuality over his drug use to analyzehis writings.During the cold-war 1950s it was po- says that while he was an addict, he  just shot upand waited for the next shot. On junk, he needs notentially more subversive to be a homosexual thanhuman contact.Off junk, however, he is desperatea junky.To grasp the importance of Burroughs as afor contact, in particular sexual contact, for whennovelist, Queer must be examined.an addict kicks, the sex drive comes back in  fullQueer was first published almost 35 years afterforce. At first, Burroughs says, William Lee (Bur-it was written (some speculate that the manuscriptroughs s persona in the novel) believes that the con-was either lost or suppressed by Burroughs).In histact he seeks is merely sexual and that to lure in theintroduction to the book, something Burroughssex object named Eugene Allerton (based on Lewishad to write to meet the demands of the publisherfor a text of adequate length and a piece of writ- Marker) he devises skits, or comic routines to enter-ing that happened to eclipse the novel itself on its tain him.As these performances intensify, however,publication, Burroughs draws heavily from his let- Lee realizes that he is looking for much more thanters to ALLEN GINSBERG and JACK KEROUAC, which mere sexual contact: He is searching for contactwere written during the period when Burroughs with an audience [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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