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.The woman on the bed gave a shout, indicating that she finally came.Her moans went on for whatseemed like forever, and Michaela couldn t help but glance over her shoulder to watch the woman thrashabout.The man had dropped the flogger on the edge of the bed, his mouth on her, lips sucking intently onher clit.She felt guilty, watching the man slowly bring his woman down from her orgasm when she should bepaying attention to Austin.But this was nothing like she d ever witnessed before.Certainly not live and inperson.Austin s hand landed on the back of her head, soothing as he stroked her hair. Go ahead and watch.This is what I brought you here for.Michaela closed her eyes, savoring his touch.This man was perfect.It felt as if he could read hermind and the way he touched her, gave her exactly what she wanted&It was uncanny.It almost felt too good to be true.Michaela opened her eyes to see the woman slumped against the mattress, her body limp, herbreathing slowly evening out.The man stroked the inside of her thighs with tender fingers, barely touchingher skin, and the woman sighed in relief.The man s gaze met Michaela s, hot and hungry.He slipped a hand down to his crotch, stroking overhis erection that strained against his pants.Michaela felt an answering surge of wetness in her pussy and ohGod, she wanted to do something to this man.This stranger.But would Austin let her? Would he want to do something like this? Was she wrong to even ask him?She wouldn t ask him, she couldn t.She should get up, take Austin s hand and run out of this place.Take him home and fuck him there, in the privacy of their apartment.So why wasn t she moving?Austin wasn t sure if Michaela wanted to take this a step further.He knew the man was interested.There was no denying that.He sent heated looks to him and Michaela.Austin knew if he told him to, theman would be on his knees sucking Austin s dick with as much enthusiasm as he just licked that woman scunt.How Austin knew this he wasn t sure.He just did.70 www.samhainpublishing.com Karen EricksonHe d just told Michaela he didn t like to share and that hadn t been a lie.But it would mean nothing,to interact with this man.Hell, she already helped the woman get off, shoving that flogger handle inside herpussy with a curious enthusiasm he found arousing.He knew Michaela was a natural at this.Wanting to play, wanting to explore, she had little fear in letting her inner bad girl come out andshine.He loved that.They could bring in some interesting elements to their relationship all the whilekeeping the intimacy, the connection between them.Austin shook his head, blown away by his thoughts.He needed to tell her how he really felt, what hereally wanted from her.She would be receptive.He knew it.He decided he would show her first.By offering her exactly what she wanted.And give her the push,the permission that she seemed to so desperately want.Reaching out, he touched her shoulder.She turned, a tentative smile curving her lips, and he offeredhis hand without a word.She took it and he hauled her up to her feet.Her dress hung halfway off her,revealing her breasts.The small globes of creamy flesh rose and fell with her every breath, her nipplesdusky pink and hard as diamonds. Take the dress off, he commanded and her eyes flared at his request, the tone of his voice.Withouta word, she shed the white garment until she stood before him in only a pair of white lace thong panties andher strappy silver stiletto sandals.Austin curled his hands into fists.She was gorgeous, and he wanted to touch her so badly. Don t beafraid of what you want, Michaela.Her lips parted and she glanced over her shoulder yet again, indicating what she wanted. What aboutyou? I want what you want. It was true.There would be requirements, limits but he was willing to let herimagination run wild if that was what she chose to do.She sunk her teeth into her lower lip, nibbling as she was prone to do when nervous.What a pictureshe made, nearly naked, her hair a cloud about her head, the ethereal, angel-like makeup emphasizing herdelicate features.Innocent, looking like a little saint when she debated letting her inner vixen come roaringout.He took her hand again, hauling her close, his eyes sliding momentarily shut at her sweet scent, andthe way her body fit so perfect against his. As long as I get to participate, I m all for this.Are you? Canyou live with yourself in the morning after what we plan on doing tonight?Michaela tilted her head back, her green eyes drinking him in, lips parted.Her tongue snuck out tolick those lush lips and she gave a jerky nod. I want to share it with you. Share what? He needed to hear her say the words, believed she needed to hear herself say them too. Him. She flicked her head toward the man who now stood silent behind her. I want us to be withhim.www.samhainpublishing.com 71 Forbidden Doing what? Despite his feelings for her, despite how much he wanted her, his cock jerked at thethought of being with that man.Whatever his name was.Her eyes closed and she visibly swallowed, as if trying to gain some inner strength just to say it. Iwant to suck his cock. Her eyes opened. And I want you to suck his cock with me.Austin nodded once and tore his gaze from Michaela s, pinning the man behind her with an intensestare. What s your name?The man lifted his firm chin.He was attractive, not normally Austin s type but he would do.Eventhough he had the appearance of a macho ass, Austin suspected he was more of a submissive, at the veryleast a steady switch.There was too much softness in his gaze, too much acquiescence. Jed.Austin cocked a brow.For real?  Jed?Jed shrugged. Don t wear it out. Well, Jed, we want to thank you for including us in your activities tonight.We d like to return thefavor.The man smiled, spread his arms wide then let them fall at his side. I am all yours.Austin nodded toward the woman who lay quietly on the bed.It was as if she might ve even fallenasleep she was so still. What about her?Jed turned to look at her. She s tired.I ll take her out of the restraints so she can curl up on the bedand watch.She likes to watch.Of course she liked to watch.Hell, they all liked to watch. Take care of her then.Jed went about unhooking the restraints from the woman s bound wrists and ankles, his touch gentle,his words low and soothing.Austin turned his attention to Michaela who stared at him with wide eyes, anunmistakable hint of fear on her pretty face. Don t worry, Austin whispered close to her ear, trying to offer comfort. We won t do anything youdon t want to do. I m afraid I ll want to do everything, Michaela breathed and Austin couldn t help but laugh. Just do as I say.If you don t&  He paused, gripped Michaela s chin and forced her to look at him. You ll be in trouble.Big trouble.Hell, he knew she liked all that punishment talk and he d said it on purpose.The flicker of arousal hesaw glow in her eyes made it worth it. I promise I ll do as you say. Her voice was soft, like a direct caress to his straining cock [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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