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. Bas undid his belt, his zipper, and after hestepped out of his pants, he kicked them across the room, leaving him in apair of boxer briefs. Wow.You re really excited to see me, aren t you? I would have to be out of my mind not to be.Now, why is it that youstill have clothes on? Tsk.Tsk.Tsk, Bas.Every time I come over, you re always anxious toget me naked.I m starting to think you re trying to form a nudist camp. I am.Wait until you see what activities I have planned.She looked at his huge bed, which looked awfully alluring with thecomfy tan cover and overstuffed fancy pillow. Scuba diving?He moved closer to her as she slipped her panties down until they fellaround her ankles. Nope, too predictable.I thought we d have a fashionshow.Her head snapped up. Oh? Sounds interesting.With a salacious grin, he walked over to his nightstand and opened thedrawer.He brought out two silk scarves. I think so too, and hopefully,you still will after you find out how I want you to model them.Gaea s eyes widened. Now wait a second  Do you remember the first question I asked you that night atPescatore s? Um, yes, I do. I was going to do this after dinner, but I m willing to reverse theorder.Her gaze stayed on the silk scarves.They looked soft.But being tiedup?He walked back over to her, and his arms slipped around her waist. It s going to be magnificent, he murmured. All you have to do is lie188 Exception to the Rules Stephanie Morrisback and let me take care of you. I don t know about this, Bas.I like having my hands free. Which is a good thing.You have lovely hands.However, tonight isgoing to be about you.All the pleasure you can handle.Nothing but earthshattering things are going to happen to you.I swear.She stared up into his eyes, but she already knew that he was tellingher the truth.He would never do anything to hurt her.Completely theopposite.Bas was the most caring lover she d ever had.Which didn tmean he couldn t take on his dominant persona on occasion.She liked it alot.He was considerate and without restraint, and boy, he had somestamina. Okay then, she said, caressing his back. I ll agree to this.Do withme what you will.He tried for a wicked chuckle, but the effect was ruined when hekissed her.She felt the hardness of his erection against her hip and itoccurred to her that they probably should speed things up a little.Bas clearly had the same idea because he led her over to the bed.Shewent to sit on the edge, but he stopped her, instead lifting her up into hisarms and placing her carefully in the center of the humongous bed.After she was settled, naked, exposed, he lifted her arms up and overher head, toward the posts.Her heartbeat sped up as he secured her rightwrist, making sure that the scarf wasn t too tight, but that she couldn tescape.She tested it a few times, almost called it off, but then figured shehad nothing to lose by taking a chance.When he wrapped the scarf around her other wrist, she realized therehad never been another lover in her past she d trusted enough to do this.And definitely no other man had made her this aroused and antsy.Gaeasqueezed her thighs together, but it didn t help.Only one thing would easeher ache.She squirmed on the duvet as he moved to the end of the bed, smiling,taking in the sight of her vulnerable body with clear excitement while heremoved his boxers.His erection was as hard as she d ever seen it, and she189 Exception to the Rules Stephanie Morrisfelt more attractive than ever that she could have this effect on him.Then he crawled onto the bed.Her pulse raced, and in spite of her willingness to try somethingdifferent, her hands tugged at the bonds.It was hard to lie completely still,especially when he grasped her left leg in his hands and kissed the arch ofher foot. Relax, he whispered.Then he kissed the top of her foot, and withindescribable composure and extreme gentleness, he moved leisurely upher leg, licking, nibbling, kissing.Gaea had never thought of her leg as anerogenous zone, but obviously, she d been misinformed.Because everycaress made her insides almost melt. Stop wiggling, he said. Impossible.He stopped moving until she met his gaze. You can.You will.She comprehended what he was doing, and it thrilled her.Tonight, hewas calling the shots, not her.Of course, she was the only beneficiary ofhis attention, which wasn t actually a burden, but still, she wasn t used togiving up power.In fact, her days were completely designed around theidea of acquiring power.Yeah.She could do as he asked, for now.After she obeyed his request, he still didn t go back to hisministrations until she lowered her gaze.Fascinating.A little strange, butgood.Especially good because he traveled rapidly up her leg, sucking herflesh, kissing, nibbling.All the spectacular things his mouth and tonguecould do.But that was only the beginning.The star attraction came a fewmoments later.His hands spread her legs.She felt incredibly exposed,totally worshiped, and a little self-conscious until she saw the lust in hisexpression.That s all it took.That and his skilled tongue, of course.He knewexactly what to do, exactly how hard to lick, when to slow down.He190 Exception to the Rules Stephanie Morristeased her until she pleaded, then rewarded her with the focus andattention that was out of this world.She didn t come just once.That would be too easy.If she d had herhands free, she would have rearranged herself.Given him something asgood as she was getting.But that wasn t what he wanted.In the end, itclearly wasn t what she wanted either.Gaea cried out loudly as she came.They probably heard her in FortWorth.Several times.She lost track of how many times she climaxed.ButBas didn t stop.Not until she was so wiped out that her voice cracked andher vision dimmed.Then he raised up.Gaea struggled to open her eyesenough to see his contented grin.But a bigger surprise was when her gazetraveled down to his waist.He wasn t erect any more.Bas noticed her bewilderment. It s okay.The comforter is washable.Then she understood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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