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.Harry shrugged andthey left.Marion walked the short distance to the large apartment building, looking straight ahead of her, her backstiff, unaware of the gentle quietness of her surroundings.The building still had a canopy, but thedoorman had been dispensed with many years before.She pushed the button and the buzzer sounded andshe pushed open the door, and she stood in front of the inner door, unaware of the television camerafocused on her.The buzzer sounded again and she pushed the door open and rode the elevator to thefile:///D|/Documents and Settings/René/Bureaublad/Selby/SELBY_JR.,_Hubert_-_Requiem For A Dream.html (113 of 132)9-4-2005 20:39:44 Hubert Selby Jr.- Requiem for a Dreamtwenty second floor.Big Tims smile was from ear to ear as he opened the door and stepped aside to letMarion in.He had to step aside because Big Tim was big, in every sense of the word.He was about six-six, broad, huge, big.his body was big, his smile was big, his laugh was big, and even his apartmentwas big.The living room was huge and endless french doors opened on a balcony that overlookedCentral Park and you could see for miles.His view was big.He took her coat and hung it up and told herto sit, indicating the large couch.There was some old Coltrane playing and he moved in time to themusic as he went to the bar and poured himself a large glass of bourbon.What would you like? Marionshook her head, Nothing.O, you strictly a dope fien? Marion was startled by his question.She had neverthought of herself as a dope fiend.She shook her head and felt a need to buy some time, but she wasntsure why.Eventually she asked for some chartreuse.Yellow or green? Again she was surprised andmuttered yellow while she tried to compose herself and recover from the rapid series of surprises.Hersurroundings were starting to register and somehow they were diametrically opposed to what she hadexpected though she hadnt been aware of expecting anything.She looked over her shoulder at theincredible expanse of sky and skyline and then around the room.Big Tim brought the drinks, andbottles, over and put them on the table, then opened a drawer and took out a hash pipe and put a nicesize piece of hash in the bowl.He lit it and took a long poke then handed it to Marion.She accepted itautomatically and took a couple of pokes then handed it back to Tim.They handed it back and forthuntil the hash was gone and Tim turned the pipe over an ashtray and let the ashes fall out.Whats yourname? Marion.His laugh was loud and deep and happy.very happy and relaxing, What you know,Maid Marion, hahaha, Im Little John.Marion sipped her chartreuse and smoked her cigarette feeling thecombination of dope, hash and alcohol dissolving all concerns.She finished her drink and as Timrefilled the glass Marion leaned back and closed her eyes and felt the warmth flow through her as herbody and mind relaxed and she smiled and then chuckled as she thought of what her family would do ifthey could see her making it with a schvartzer.What's so funny? Marion shook her head, laughed for amoment, Nothing.Its a family joke.You outta sight fox, why you want to get all fucked up behind scag?Again Marion was surprised by the reference to her being an addict and she shook her head and tookanother drag of her cigarette, buy more time.I like a little taste once in a while.Sheeit, you aint sittinhere with me cause you like a little tase baby, uh huh.Marion shrugged and sipped her drink and tried tosay something, but continued sipping her drink instead.Sheeit, that dont mean nothin to me.Jus so longas ah doan get into mah own shit.Ah aint even horned any an ah aint goin to neither, uh uh.He took adrink, A little juice and little smoke make it for me real nice.He refilled the hash pipe and lit it, took along poke and handed it to Marion, Ah jus like to sit back an be cool and dig mah man Trane sheeit, ahshore wish that mutha fucka was still alive.Damn he could blow.He refilled his glass and Marions andtook the pipe when she handed it to him and took a couple of hits and gave it back to her, speaking toher while still holding his breath, Better make it quick baby, its bout gone.Marion dumped the ashes inthe ashtray and drank some chartreuse and Tim put an arm around her and pulled her next to him.He puthis legs up on the table and stretched out and Marion put hers up on the couch.You dig mah man Trane?Marion nodded, I have every record he ever cut.All the old Miles quintet, Monk, all of them.No shit?Thas nice.Ah likes a chick that knows how to listen to music.You know most broads jus dont knowhow to listen.Women arent the only ones.Maybe.But most brothers know how to listen.Ah meanreally listen.He took another drink, licked his lips and leaned back with his eyes closed for a minute,listening.Marion closed her eyes and just leaned against his chest, feeling the weight and security of hisarm around her, moving her toes slightly in time to the music.That last hash and the chartreuse reallyfile:///D|/Documents and Settings/René/Bureaublad/Selby/SELBY_JR.,_Hubert_-_Requiem For A Dream.html (114 of 132)9-4-2005 20:39:45 Hubert Selby Jr.- Requiem for a Dreamdid it.She felt fine.She felt warm.She felt at home.Trane had just finished a chorus and the pianoplayer came in and Marion muttered a soft, Yeah.Tim opened his eyes and smiled and looked at her.You know what ah likes best about patty chicks? They give good haid.Nigga broads Marion feltsomething in her stir, she felt her eyes pop open, but remained immobile.Tims huge hand was fondlingher right breast doan know nothin about givin haid.Ah dont know why.Might be it has some-thin todo with some ancient tribal custom.Marion heard his laugh and wondered why it reminded her of SantaGlaus, but it was true, he sounded like a commercial for jolly old St.Nick.He put his other arm aroundher and pulled her up to him and kissed her as his hands seemed to cover her entire body at once.Sheput her arms around his neck and kissed him as hard as she could, clinging even tighter to his neck.After a minute he backed off slightly, Better save some a that energy.His laugh made her smile [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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