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.“You aspooner, Josi?”Josiah pulled the comfort up to his neck.He’d been right,the blanket was like pulling a warm, fragrant meadow up overyourself.“If I knew what a spooner was, I might be.”He was tugged closer to Wyatt then, his mouth covered brieflyin a kiss that took his breath away and even managed to reawakenhis exhausted cock.Wyatt deepened the kiss, his tongue sweepinginside Josiah’s mouth and pushing in like he was trying to get tohis tonsils.Josiah melted inside.“Roll over,” Wyatt said after he pulled back with one last softtouch to Josiah’s stunned lips before nudging him to his side.Josiah rolled over, facing away from Wyatt, lifting his headfrom the pillow when a muscled arm slid beneath his neck.Wyattmoved closer, molding himself to Josiah, top arm slipping overhis waist, hips pressing against Josiah’s back.“This is spooning,” Wyatt teased, encouraging Josiah to bendhis knees with a press behind his kneecap.“And you, my friend,78 K-lee Kleinare the little spoon.”Josiah laughed and snuggled back into Wyatt’s embrace, allwarm and protected and completely content with who he wasand who he’d decided to become.“Spooning’s good.”“It sure is.”He felt lips press the scar on the back of his head, Wyatt’smouth lingering there a moment before he spoke.“Does it hurt?”Josiah shook his head.“No.It’s old news.” Wyatt seemed toaccept that because his lips fell away and he was quiet.“It’s okay,Wy, really.”Wyatt tightened his hold, kissing the back of Josiah’s neckonce more than laying his head on the pillow.Josiah was justnodding off, the heat of Wyatt’s body, his musky but sweetscent, and protective circle of arms enveloping him, soothingeverything that had ever needed soothing in Josiah’s body.He’djust his eyelids fall closed when one last statement popped intohis head.“You must be pretty amazing to get my daddy to like you.” Hedidn’t know why he had to say it at that moment, maybe it justlet Wyatt know just how amazing Josiah thought he was withoutactually saying it?“Not so amazing,” Wyatt replied sleepily, sighing into Josiah’shair.“But I have an amazing ma.”Josiah let out a drawn-snicker.“Your mama talked to mydaddy?”“Wouldn’t exactly call it talking, more like lecturing.She lethim know in no uncertain terms that he was being an asshole,had always been an asshole and no one was gonna put up withhis assholeness any longer.Then she took all his booze away andthe keys to both his trucks.”“She did what?”Wyatt pulled Josiah closer, kissing the back of his head, lipslingering there.“My ma put your daddy through a rehab of herown design.I would have killed the man, pardon my saying that,Finally Home 79Josi, if I had to go through what she did with him.But she wasstrong and determined, and later, he was so appreciative that heattempted to cook her a meal.”Josiah groaned.“My daddy cooked? That couldn’t have beena good idea.”“She said it was the worst thing she ever forced herself to eatbut it was from the heart.”“They weren’t, you know, involved, were they?”“Naw,” Wyatt said.“Just came to an understanding I reckon.”Silence filled the room for a few minutes, Josiah’s brainbecoming drowsy and content again, until he had one last thingto say.“Wy?”“Hmm?” Wyatt mumbled.“Is this really gonna work?”Wyatt yawned and hugged him closer.“I think so, but noone rightly knows what will happen do they? There’s stuff to beworked out, for sure, but I think between the two of us we canmanage.All we can do is try and love each other.I think I loveyou enough for both of us, so in that case, we’ll be fine.”Josiah would have sworn he saw fireworks as he closed hiseyes; bright bursts of color and sparkling flares of love.Hewanted to stay awake and just bask in the happiness he wasfeeling but his weary body and brain told him otherwise.“Loveyou, too,” he whispered into the darkness, scootching back to getas close as possible to his lover.The words felt less foreign andstrange every time he said it and as Josiah finally let the clouds ofsleep claim him, he decided he’d be saying it a lot.r r r ­Josiah blinked his eyes open to too much light and a cold thattook his breath away.He was lying naked on his back, the blanketshaving mysteriously disappeared while he slept.He rolled to hisside, an instant smile forming on his shivering lips at the sightof Wyatt beside him.His cowboy had managed to rustle all the80 K-lee Kleincovers to his side of the bed and he lay snug and bundled underthe heap.Josiah shifted his body over, wrapping an arm aroundthe snoring mount, one foot sneaking under the blankets to pokeat the back of Wyatt’s calf.“Holy mother of… that’s fucking freezing!”Josiah chuckled and wiggled himself under the blanket,snuggling up close to Wyatt’s back so he could feel the extentof the fucking freezing.He’d wondered just before he fell asleepwhether his feelings would have changed by morning and whetherthe decision that seemed so clear in his mind would become fadedand unsure.One look at Wyatt, one touch of Wyatt’s skin againsthis, hell, even the sound of that deep, gravelly voice swearingfirst thing in the morning, had taken all the uncertainty away andmade his future seem vivid and promising [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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