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.There will be a rich inheritance.6.The health is good.The patient will recover quickly.The servant will be faithful and trust-worthy.Livelihood is well assured and abundant.The occupation may be medical and will be fortunate.7.A good marriage, but bereavement; and more than one marriage is denoted.The opponent will bepowerful and a man to be feared.Contracts will be profitable.8.A rich dowry.Certain legacies.The colleague is capable and will benefit you.Death by snake or insectbite or poison.9.The voyage will be highly fortunate.The dream denotes success and a new opening.The lawyer willdo himself credit and benefit you.The publication will be well received.10.Certain honours.High patronage.Good credit.The parent is long-lived but impulsive and headstrong. CHAPTER XIThe judge will be impartial and just and inclining to a good cause.11.Faithful and good friends.Honourable associations.The highest wish will be obtained.12.The prisoner will be pardoned.The exile will return quickly.The confinement will be fortunate andsafe.The enemy will be active and persistent.Cauda (descending node)1.A short life and a miserable one.The person is of poor aspect and mean disposition, crabbed andvindictive.2.Poor estate.A competence earned with difficulty.Failing fortunes.The goods will not be recovered.3.Few relatives and those distant or unsympathetic.The journey will be highly dangerous and may befatal.The letter concerns a departure and is unfortunate.4.The parent dies early.The property is of no value.The mine will not yield anything.The house isfateful and may be demolished.The end of life is miserable.5.The child will die at birth.The progeny will be few and ill-favoured.There will be no inheritance.Speculations will ruin you.The beloved will die or become as dead to you.6.The health is very bad, the excretory system is imperfect.The patient cannot recover.The servant iswholly undesirable and will be a source of great danger.The livelihood is poor.The occupation is menialand undesirable, or yet nefarious.7.The wife will be ill-disposed and violent, or there may be no hope of marriage at all.The opponent hasno chance of success.Contracts, will never be completed but to your ruin.8.No dowry but an extravagant wife.Legacies are very remote from you.The death will be a violentone.The colleague is malicious and to be avoided entirely.9.The voyage will be fatal.The dream portends dire distress and trouble.The lawyer will fail to pursuehis case.The publication is a dead failure.10.The parent is shortlived and of ill repute.Honours are distant and beyond your reach.The credit isassailed and cannot be upheld.The judge will be malicious and will exceed his functions.11.Friends will prove ruinous and a cause of danger.Associations unprofitable.The wish is denied. CHAPTER XI12.The prisoner will perish if he does not escape.The exile will never return.The enemy is verymalicious.The confinement will be extremely dangerous.The foregoing interpretations are due to the signification of each of the symbols in the Twelve Houses,and will apply to all questions which are proper to each House.Judgment is not, however, to be madefrom the single position, but must also take into account the duplicated or repeated positions, thewitnesses and the judge.Observe that the 13th symbol is the witness for the inquirer or consultant; the14th for the opponent; the judge is impartial and is related to the 10th House, while the 16th symbol isthe final appeal and is the end of the matter, as denoted by the 4th House to which it is related.Anyquestion can be answered by relating it to its proper House (see "Astrology," Part I), and observing whatsymbol falls in that House, how it is sustained by the witnesses, or reflected in other parts of the figure,and what the judge may determine.The Geomantic art is by no means an easy one except to those versed in the nature and signification ofthe symbols, the Houses, and the planetary affinities.Some attempt has been made by Agrippa and others to introduce the signs of the Zodiac into theGeomantic scheme, but the evident disagreement between the various methods submitted clearly showsthat they form no part of a coherent tradition.It will be found in practice that the signs normal to theHouses can be presumed with satisfactory results; the 1st House and Aries, the 2nd and Taurus, and soon, being the foundation of the true Geomantic figure, the modifications being, of course, due to thesymbols which fall into them.The root nature of the symbols should be known, for many of them are capable of considerable variationof meaning, according to the Houses they fall in, the corresponding signs, and the nature of the questionto be resolved.Root Meanings of the Symbols.Carcer.- A prison.Denotes privation, confinement, restriction, inaction.It corresponds toTristitia.- Sorrow.Denotes grief, disappointment, bereavement, condemnation.It is of the nature of.Laetitia.- Joy.Denotes joviality, success, laughter, good health, and confidence.It corresponds to.Acquisitio.- Obtaining.Denotes gain, achievement, success, fulfilment and expansion.It corresponds to.Puer.- A boy.Denotes impulse, ardour, zeal, impetuosity and energy.Corresponds to. CHAPTER XIRubeus.- Redhead.Denotes a rash, passionate and fiery nature; accidents, violence.It corresponds to.Fortuna Major.- Great fortune.Denotes success, honours, illumination and protection.It corresponds to.Fortuna Minor.- Lesser fortune.Denotes the above in less degree; benefits conferred rather thanattained.Corresponds to.Puella.- A girl.Denotes pleasure, gaiety, brightness, things that are pretty and sweet, attractive butelusive schemes, a promise but not a certain fulfilment.It corresponds to.Amissio.- Loss.Denotes bereavement, reversal, expenditure, loss (whether of faculty, position, money,etc., according to its House), and is unfortunate.It corresponds to.Albus.- White head.Denotes intelligence, experience, wisdom, judgment, and is fortunate, of the natureof.Conjunctio.- Union, Denotes combination, counsel, coming together, support, partnership, marriage.It isgood or bad according to the House-sign with which it is associated in the figure.Of the nature.Via.- A way, or road.Denotes a passage or way through, an entrance and exit, a direct course, a meansto an end, connections, singleness, communication.Of the nature of the New Moon.Populus.- People.Denotes a mass, swelling, gathering together, a crowd, plurality, the tide of opinion.Itis fortunate and of the nature of the Full Moon.Caput.- The head.Denotes entering in, accession, increase, ascending, acquiring and absorbing.Of thenature of tile Dragon s Head or Moon s Ascending Node.Cauda.- The tail.Denotes going out, recession, decrease, descending, losing and relinquishing.Of thenature of the Dragon s Tail or Moon s Descending Node.The PairsIt will be observed that the sixteen symbols are brought into relations as eight pairs of opposites.Thus :Acquisitio and Amissio.Laetitia Tristitia [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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