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.Okay, I, too, do a thing or two to avert his attention from Taylor.It s actually toget his attention to me, because Michael Hawkins is a smoking-hot alpha male, despite his mature ageand from what I heard from Bree s gossip, single, too.Oh, yes, I m clearly aware of the fact that Bree has her eyes set on Michael.Like, I didn t seeit coming.I bet she wants him for his money only.Bitch.Lindsay and Michael.Even our names match perfectly as opposed to Bree and Michael.Adefinite scratch to the ears.I guess it would be a clever idea to leave him to Bree s able hands,though.He s not just a few decades older than I am; he seems to have the exact attitude to play withinnocent girls like a rocket ball.And the last thing I want at this point of my life is a one-night standwith a playboy.After a few minutes of chatting at the bar, we proceed to the table, and Michael arranges ourseats so he ends up sitting between Bree and me, unfortunately across from Taylor, too.She tries herbest to act happy and interested in the silly conversation Bree has going with Michael. So, I heard you have two sons.I bet they don t have half the charm you have, Bree says, brushing her hand on his shoulder.Okay, I might have imagined her hand on Michael s shoulder.Inreality, it must be wandering south under the table cloth, judging by the high pitch in Michael slaughter. Zane has my eyes, but Christopher is all his mother, Michael declares after his laughter. So, Lindsay  Michael turns to me, and I feel triumphant for getting his attention without eventrying. What made you give up on beautiful New York? Unemployment.I pissed off the company I d worked at so badly that no other businesswanted to hire me afterwards, I reply, popping a piece of bread into my mouth, not missing Taylor sunusual peak of interest in the conversation.Shit.I haven t told her anything about the lawsuit. Really? Michael s hand touched my elbow briefly. Will you shed light onto what it is thatyou did so I can take precautions if you start working for me?I turn to him, curiosity pulling my eyebrows together. Are you offering me a job? First tell me what you did, then I ll consider it.I eye Taylor and notice how her eyes narrow, a clear sign of anger.I should have beenanxious, even scared for Taylor s momentary annoyance at keeping secrets from her, but I feel rathersatisfied for distracting her attention from the constant worry over her baby. I sued my boss forsexual harassment and won.Apparently, as a woman, going after your rights and striving for dignity atthe work place isn t something the recruiters appreciate deeply over there in New York.Michael laughs, and somehow it sounds really genuine this time, compared to the laugh he dgiven to Bree s over-the-top compliment. A feisty girl.I like that. He produces a card from thepocket of his suit jacket and hands it to me.His eyes crack at the corners as his face brightens with asmile. Call my assistant and tell him to set up an interview for you.I stare at him suspiciously, not missing Bree s cold look toward me. Just like that? You don teven know what I do, if I have a degree at all. Let s leave the interrogation for the interview, shall we? He focuses his attention back toAdam, and the two delve into some utterly boring details of the ongoing project.I force myself, more than a couple of times, not to yawn, as I m the only one who s cluelessabout the project.Even Bree joins the discussion more often than I d have liked.Okay, I admit she snot a dumb slut as I d have preferred her to be.Only downright annoying. After the lunch, Adam, Michael, and Bree hand the valet their tickets, and Michael offers hishand first for me to shake. It was a great pleasure meeting you, Miss Doheny.I ll be looking forwardto that call. He winks, and I wonder what kind of call exactly he expects from me.A stunninglybeautiful, metallic-grey Bentley stops in front of us, and the valet leaves the car, opening the door forMichael.Michael hurries to place his goodbyes before settling, in the sexiest way a man can have,behind the wheel.I don t dare look at Taylor s face, since she won t miss how my mouth is watering. I d rather have that car than a condo in West L.A., Bree exclaims, waving her handenthusiastically at Michael.For once she and I have the same opinion on something.Taylor slides her hand beneath my elbow, directing me toward the backseat of Adam s car. You re not going to apply for a job at any of Hawkins s companies.Why didn t you tell me you wereunemployed? We have an open post for a public-relations expert.It s yours whenever you want tostart. Baby, Adam interrupts. Why don t we go have desert somewhere before heading towork?I free my arm from Taylor s grip, smiling at them both. Yeah, you two do that.I ll take a cabback home. I should give them a little space, since I m sure they re tired of having me as a constantthird wheel. You don t need a cab.I ll drive you wherever you want to go, Bree says, and I shrug myacceptance and wave my goodbyes to Taylor and Adam, as I collapse onto the passenger s seat ofBree s Volkswagen Beetle. Mind if we stop by my place very quickly before heading off to Taylor splace.It s only five-minute drive away, and I need to pick up some documents for work. Sure.Having plenty of free time is one of the perks of being unemployed.Cute car, by theway. Thanks. Never thought of you as a Beetle girl. Why? Which car fits my image better? Don t know.Something fancier.sexier.Like a BMW. I d love to own a BMW, but I don t want to fall behind on mortgage payments.  That s a valid argument. I nod, envying the fact that she owns a home, whereas I live undermy sister s roof. I think Michael likes you.I frown, not exactly sure if I like the change of topic, and it surprises me how easygoing she isabout Michael s interest in me.I thought she wanted to wrap her claws all around him and never lethim sneak a glance at another woman. You think so? Yeah.Why else would he want to recruit you without knowing anything about yourqualifications? You shouldn t decline his offer, not because he s a super yummy guy, but for yourcareer. What do you mean? I ask. A help from someone in the top management is the single most important factor thatdetermines how quickly you ll climb the ladder in an enterprise.I wouldn t be where I am now, if itwasn t for Jack and Taylor.Having Michael on your side will keep you safe from the dicks in themid-management, too, if you know what I mean.I give her a knowing smile. You re absolutely right.I d rather try it over at Michael s than atEdelman Constructions.I don t want people behaving differently around me just because I happen tobe the sister of the company owner. I wish I had your problem. Bree breaks into a laugh, making me feel like a jerk.I guessshe s not as annoying as I made her to be.She pulls up in front of a two-story home. This is my placeuntil I win the lottery [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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