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.Sandwiching a painful spot between your hands is aexcellent way to raise the resonance of the tissue.As I describe in the section aboutgroup sessions in chapter 5, when you have four hands or even six working, they canquickly become the dominant resonance.I highly recommend that you always use bothhands whenever possible.Furthermore, I suggest that you put your hands on both sidesof the problem area to sandwich it between your hands.Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal61 Chapter Six: Advanced Techniques/ notice that sometimes when you are demonstrating Quantum-Touch, you use yourpalms, other times you use your thumbs or fingertips.Why do you do this?When I want to concentrate the energy into a small areasuch as the TMJ point (see p.145) or on the sides of thevertebrae, I will use my fingertips to concentrate theenergy.This is a technique that BobRasmusson came up with that he called the"tripod." Simply touch your thumb, indexfinger, and middle finger together and directthe energy out of your fingertips.Focusingthe energy in this manner can help you to bemore effective when working in very smallplaces.Using the palms of your hands isrecommended for the vast majority of thetime.If it is physically awkward oruncomfortable for you to use your palmsduring a session, use your fingertips or atripod.Don't let the rules I'm giving youget in the way of putting your hands onsomeone to do the healing work.Above all, be comfortable when you are doingQuantum-Touch.I have no sensation in my hands or any part of my body -what should Ido?I have found in my classes that a small percentage of people have trouble feelingsensations.This makes it a bit tougher to learn to do Quantum-Touch, but with time andpersistence these people have learned to run energy quite well.A few of the best healersI know have had a difficult time feeling some part of their bodies when they first startedout.Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal62 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesThe first question to ask yourself is whether or not you have any sensation anywherein your body that you can feel without touching.Can you feel any part of your bodywithout touching yourself? If you can feel your hands, feet, face, or any other part ofyour body by bringing your attention there, then you have a starting place and you canbuild from there.The Power of Focused EnergyHow important is it to be focused during the sessions?To really boost the power of your sessions, it can make a big difference to try to focus100 percent on running the energy.Clearly this requires a great deal of effort on the partof the practitioner.When I say "effort," I mean to concentrate on running the energy,concentrate on the breath, and consistently connecting the energy to your breath.Thosewho have developed a great deal of skill in running energy often speak of completelygiving themselves to the process.If I concentrate 100 percent on running the energy, does that mean I should never talkwhile giving a session?Not necessarily.I strongly recommend that you concentrate on having fun when youare doing Quantum-Touch sessions.The work is about love, joy, gratitude, and wonder,not about rigidity or being overly serious.When you are about to drive your car onto ahighway and need to accelerate, it may take a lot of gas to get the car up to speed.Onceit is up to speed, you can let up on the gas and cruise.Similarly, when you are runningenergy, it may take a lot of work to bring the vibration up to a "high pitch." Once youhave done so, you can keep the breathing going and let the energy continue to do thework.Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal63 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesIt is OK to talk with your client from time to time.The important thing is to be surethat you continue using your breathing techniques while you talk.If you make an effort,you can take big breaths while you speak.Be sure to keep asking your client about whatthey are experiencing, as this can give you valuable information.Continuing with the caranalogy, you may want to accelerate in order to pass another car on the road.InQuantum-Touch, at times you may want to do some fire breaths to bring the energy up toa higher vibration.At this point, you would stop talking and focus 100 percent onrunning the energy.The Client's Experience of aQuantum-Touch SessionHow long does it take for people to know that something is happening when theyreceive a session?Often people will notice energy shifts and changes in their pain levels within a fewseconds of being touched.During my lectures, I like to give as many three or fourminute sessions as I can.I'll ask people to tell me about only one area where they are inpain.If I have a large audience, I'll often bring some of my students or other Quantum-Touch teachers on stage to help out.Typically, about 90 percent of the people receivingthese short sessions will report a major shift in symptoms.Many times, people willapproach me six months or a year later and tell me that the pain didn't came back, eventhough the session was rather brief.I like doing these short sessions because it makes the work believable.People oftenneed to feel the energy for themselves before they are willing to believe in it or use it.What do people usually feel when they receive a Quantum-Touch session?Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal64 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesPeople are all unique and will experience the energy in their own fashion.Somepeople will not feel the energy at all.Many will experience the energy as hot, cold, ortingling sensations.It is important to understand that all sensations that a personexperiences from the work - from the most minor to the most intense - are all excellentsignals that the session is working.The most common sensation that people feel is thatof heat.The heat can be mild and slightly warming all the way to burning and painful.If a light touch is capable of bringing up strong physical pain, however uncomfortable itmay be for the client in the short run, it is a very positive sign that you are makingwonderful progress in the healing.I remember with one student who worked on meduring a class, it didn't just feel hot on my lower back where he was working, it actuallyfelt quite sunburned.Is it the temperature of your hand people are responding to when they say they arefeeling hot or cold sensations?This does not seem to be the case.Recently I worked on a man who felt a burningheat when I was working on his back.I let him touch my fingers and to his greatsurprise, he found that my fingers were actually quite cold.When I touched his backagain, there was the same burning sensation as before.A little later, he felt the sensationas cool around his hips [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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