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. Will paint forfood, he said when Eric opened the door. And a roof over my head.Eric smiled and opened his arms wide, welcoming Tim home.Chapter TwentyPeople change.Catching them in the act, that s the trick.No one has seen a wrinkle etching itselfinto skin, or witnessed the moment a hair turns gray.Stomachs become flabby and muscles begin tojiggle, the transformation not hidden and yet undetectable.None of this happens overnight, but age often comes as a surprise.Usually an old photo is to blame, indisputable evidence that skin had oncebeen tighter or eyes brighter.Other times aging is revealed in a chance reflection, a moment ofconfusion over this older person who looks strikingly familiar.For Tim, the process of aging was presented to him like a play, one he repeatedly dozed offthrough.He would wake from the distraction of everyday life and see Eric with fresh eyes, realizinghow much he had aged in the last year.Or even the last six months.Eric insisted the chemo was toblame.Winter had been hell for them both.Tim finally talked Eric into trying chemotherapy, even sittingwith him while the drugs were pumped into his veins.Then came weeks of illness, with Tim takingcare of Eric as best he could during his recovery.At the end of the month, when Eric was back tobeing his old self, he returned to the hospital for another round of chemo, and the cycle would repeat.Convincing Eric to return for each subsequent treatment hadn t been easy, but they made it throughtogether.Having recovered from the final round of treatment, Eric seemed like his old self again.Except in appearance.Chemotherapy hadn t stolen his hair, but his face was more gaunt and his framethinner, as if a black hole was eating him up from the inside. Stop doing that, Eric said, lowering the book he was reading. What? Tim said innocently from the opposite end of the couch where he was curled up. Looking at me that way.You promised you never would.Tim shrugged dismissively. I m a painter studying his subject.That s all. Well, study me when I don t look like hell. Eric set aside the book and massaged his temples. Doyou have classes tomorrow? Just one.Nothing I can t skip.Why? I know it s short notice, but I need you to drive me to MD Anderson.Located in Houston, MD Anderson is one of the most comprehensive cancer centers in the UnitedStates.Tim had already ferried Eric there multiple times, especially lately, since the strongpainkillers he was on made Eric the equivalent of a drunk driver. Can we take your car? Tim asked. Of course. Then it s a deal. Tim reached out a socked foot and affectionately nudged Eric s leg. What s thereason? Time to see how the chemo did?Eric nodded. That, and a few other things.Bring a book.It s going to be a long day.Tim knew that from experience.The next day he brought not only a book, but the laptop Eric hadgiven him for Christmas.Eric dozed for most of the three-hour ride to Houston, which was just aswell, since riding in cars made him nauseous lately.Plus, this meant Tim could drive the Jaguar XJRlike the racecar it was meant to be.Tim settled down in the waiting room as soon as Eric was called away by a nurse.As open as Ericnow was about his cancer, he still didn t like Tim being there for the tests and consultations or evenwhen the hospice nurse came around.That Tim was allowed to be in attendance for the chemotherapywas an honor, and one step closer in their strange relationship that Tim still struggled to define.Today the appointment was taking longer than usual.Eric reappeared twice, sitting with Tim whilewaiting for the next doctor or test results.In between these periods, Tim tinkered with his laptop,playing card games and listening to tunes.The nurse on duty, a ramrod-thin woman with tired blondhair, gave him a sympathetic smile whenever she caught his eye.When he grew weary of music andtook off his headphones, she stopped to talk to him. I ve seen you here before, she said.  Yeah, I might as well move in, Tim quipped.The nurse smiled. It s really nice of you to always be there for your father.They got this a lot.Eric found it annoying, but Tim thought it was funny and rarely corrected anyone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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