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.In any given sphere of activity of force, we must have, according to the cosmic principle, a static background -- Shakti at rest or "coiled" as the Tantras say.This scientific truth is illustrated in the figure of the Tantrik Kali.The Divine Mother moves as the Kinetic Shakti on the breast of Sadashiva who is the static background of pure Cit which is actionless (Nishkriya); the Gunamayi Mother being all activity.The Cosmic Shakti is the collectivity (Samashti) in relationto which the Kundali in particular bodies is the Vyasti (individual) Shakti.The body is, as I have stated, a microcosm (Kshudrabrahmanda).In the living body there is, therefore, the same polarization of which I have spoken.From the Mahakundali the universe has sprung.In Her supreme form She is at rest, coiled round and one (as Cidrupini) with the Shivabindu.She is then at rest.She next uncoils Herself to manifest.Here the three coils of which the Tantras speak are the three Gunas, and the three and a half coils to which the Kubjika Tantra alludes are Prakriti and its three Gunas together with the Vikritis.Her 50 coils are the letters of the alphabet.As She goes on uncoiling, the Tattvas and the Matrikas, the Mothers of the Varnas, issue from Her.She is thus moving, and continues even after creation to move in the Tattvas so created.For as they are born of movement, they continue to move.The whole world (Jagat) as the Sanskrit term implies, is moving.She thus continues creatively active until She has http://www.sacred-texts.com/tantra/sas/sas29.htm (11 of 14)07/03/2005 16:05:10Chapter Twenty-nine: Kundalini Shakta (Yoga)evolved Prithivi, the last of the Tattvas.First She creates mind and then matter.This latter becomes more and more dense.It has been suggested that the Mahabhutas are the Densities of modern science: Air density associated with the maximum velocity of gravity; Fire density associated with the velocity of light; Water or fluid density associated with molecular velocity and the equatorial velocity of the Earth's rotation; and Earth density, that of basalt associated with the Newtonian velocity of sound.However this be, it is plain that the Bhutas represent an increasing density of matter until it reaches its three-dimensional solid form.When Shakti has created this last or Prithivi Tattva, what is there further for Her to do? Nothing.She, therefore, then again rests.She is again coiled, which means that She is at rest."At rest," again, means that She assumes a static form.Shakti, however, is never exhausted, that is, emptied into any of its forms.Therefore, Kundali Shakti at this point is, as it were, the Shakti left over (though yet a plenum) after the Prithivi, the last of the Bhutas has been created.We have thus Mahakundali at rest as Cidrupini Shakti in the Sahasrara, the point of absolute rest; and then the body in which the relative static center is Kundali at rest, and round this center the whole of the bodily forces move.They are Shakti, and so is Kundali Shakti.The difference between the two is that they are Shakti in specific differentiated forms in movement; and Kundali Shakti is un-differentiated, residual Shakti at rest, that is, coiled.She is coiled in the Muladhara, which means fundamental support, and which is at the same time the seat of the Prithivi or last solid Tattva and of the residual Shakti or Kundalini.The body may, therefore, be compared to a magnet with two poles.The Muladhara, in so far as it is the seat of Kundali Shakti, a comparatively gross form of Cit (being Cit-Shakti and Maya-Shakti) is the static pole in relation to the rest of the body which is dynamic.The "working" that is the body necessarily presupposes and finds such a static support; hence the name Muladhara.In one sense the static Shakti at the Muladhara is necessarily co-existent with the creating and evolving Shakti of the body; because the dynamic aspect or pole can never be without its static counterpart.In another sense, it is the residual Shakti left over after such operation.What, then, happens in the accomplishment of this Yoga? This static Shakti is affected by Pranayama and other Yogic processes and becomes dynamic.Thus, when completely dynamic, that is, when Kundali unites with Shiva in the Sahasrara, the polarization of the body gives way.The two poles are united in one and there is the state of consciousness called Samadhi.The polarization, of course, takes place in consciousness.The body actually continues to exist as an object of observation to others.It continues its organic life.But man's consciousness of his body and all other objects is withdrawn because the mind has ceased, so far as his consciousness is concerned, the function, having been withdrawn into its ground which is consciousness.How is the body sustained? In the first place, though Kundali Shakti is the static center of the whole body as a complete conscious organism, yet each of the parts of the body and their constituent cells have their own static centers which uphold such parts or cells [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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