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.Ashait A priestess of Het Heret during the 11thDynasty and daughter of Menthuhotep II.258 Tameran NamesName MeaningAshlar The squared stone represents worked ma-terial, the result of some effort or creativeactivity.Ba en Shu  Soul of Shu, a name for the wind.Calling the physical wind the Soul of theGod of Air is a wonderful idea.You couldprobably do that to other Elemental deitiesas well.Bak  Hawk.Bekat  Morning, morning light, dawn.Beketaten  Servant of Aten. One of Akhenaten sdaughters.Bekh  To give light, to illumine, also a black-haired bull God of Hermonthis, the livingSoul of Ra, the Bull of the East, and theLion of the West. All these are containedin one four letter name.The Bull is theHorned One of the Egyptians.The Lion isa symbol that appears often, and it is mybelief that it symbolizes power. Bek is thename of an architect to one Pharaoh(Akhenaten) and it could easily be spelled Bekh. I rather like it, but then I m preju-diced.It s my husband s Craft name.Withall this symbolism, you might find it s yours,too.Bennu This is the mythical bird from whom theGreeks received their idea of a phoenix.Besit  Fire, flame.Burqa  To shine, to glimmer, lighten, sparkle,bright, shining.259 Circle of IsisCircle of IsisCircle of IsisCircle of IsisCircle of IsisName MeaningFekat Turquoise or malachite.Also  Fakat.Fetket  Cupbearer of Ra. It was Fetket whobrought drinks (nourishment) to Ra.Habni  Ebony.Ham  Pelican.Hann  Stag, gazelle.Hanna  To cry out in joy, to sing praises.Hebni  Ebony.Hebu  Messenger.Heknu  Song of praise.Hemagat  Amethyst.Henkheses  East wind. The God of the East wind.Heqret  Earthen vessel. The symbol for Nut is thehieroglyph used in spelling this name.Heri  To be at peace, to be content, to be satis-fied. A similar word,  hotep, is usuallyused with a deity name to signify that thedeity is content with your existence.Hermakhis The rising or setting Sun, usually a title ofHeru.Hesa Singing God.Hesi  Song or  chant.Hesira A high official of the Third Dynasty.Thename might mean  Song of Ra.Hesit  Song of love.Hesu  Song or  chant.260 Tameran NamesName MeaningHet This word,  house, is found in the namesof at least two Egyptian Goddesses;  HetHeret, which means  House of the Sky,and Nebet Het (known to the Greeks asNephthys), whose name means  Lady of theHouse. Combined with the name of a de-ity, this name could signify that you wish tocontain the deity within, to be a shelter andenclosure for the qualities of that deity.Theword, spelled differently in hieroglyphs, alsomeans  womb.Hetchut  Light, splendor.Hetep See  Hotep.Hotep  To be at peace, to be content, to be satis-fied. This name appears often in Tamerannames in combination with the name of adeity. Ra hotep,  Amenhotep. It sym-bolizes the God or Goddess being pleasedwith your existence, certainly something tostrive for.Ihat A priestess of Het Heret in the Fifth Dynasty.Iuwy A  songstress of Aset during the right ofAy, 18th Dynasty.Iymeret A priestess of Het Heret in the Fifth Dynasty.Ka  Image, double, spirit, phantom. Anpu kawould mean  spirit of Anpu, or  doubleof Anpu. It also means  bull, the animalthat was to the Tamerans the symbol ofmasculinity, as the stag was for the AngloEuropean.261 Circle of IsisCircle of IsisCircle of IsisCircle of IsisCircle of IsisName MeaningKamset An architect and a sculptor in the FifthDynasty.Kam ti  Image,  statue.Kapet  Incense.Kari(t)  Shrine. Another instance where the addi-tion of a deity name would create a specialname.Karinut:  shrine of Nut.Kauit A priestess of Het Heret during the 11thDynasty who was a daughter ofMenthuhotep II.Khaemwas A High Priest of Ptah, and the son ofRameses II.Khames  Spear,  javelin.Khasekhem  The powerful one appears. A SecondDynasty king [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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