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.Alex s breath and voice become more strained withevery thrust, so much so that I can t hold back my own voiceanymore. Your soft lips& He slides two fingers of his left hand into my mouth.Mytongue automatically swirls around them as I suck. I ve wanted you for so long, Alex says in a hungry, growlingvoice as he thrusts and thrusts, brushing against my pleasure spotevery time.My moans turn into rasping cries.Alex lets out a deep groan. I want to fuck this body of yours 210 Erica Pikeover and over again.I push my head farther back into his shoulder and cry out.The pleasure deep inside of me, Alex fucking me, his voice, andhis touch& I ve never had this feeling of fullness before.Histhrusts lose their rhythm, and I force back my cries when mycock threatens to erupt. Let me hear that beautiful voice of yours, he growls againstmy head.I clamp my jaws shut and hold my breath while he shoves hiscock inside me again and again. Nnnngh, escapes from my lips when I refuse to let go; Idon t want this to end. Let me hear it! he growls and thrusts harder.My voice echoes off the bare walls when the searing pleasurerips through my body.Alex s muscles tense up when my assclamps down on his cock.He jerks with deep, sexy grunts andmoans against my neck when he hits his high.As we cuddle on the bed afterwards, Alex sends trillions ofshivers through my body with his light finger strokes from mystomach down my thighs and back.The faint light from thebedside lamp casts shadows on his well defined muscles wherehe lies with his head buried in my neck.His naked body is tangledwith mine as much as he dares, because he s still afraid of hurtingme.Personally I don t give a damn about my injuries because I mso happy I could die.There is no sound in the room except forour slow breathing and the light grazing of his fingertips againstmy skin. What are you thinking? I ask. Mm, he smiles. Just that I wish I could stop time and behere forever.My heart thumps an extra beat. But I m also worried, he adds. What do you mean? I slide my right hand over his smoothshoulder. You should be stuck on cloud nine after the best sex ABOLUTELY ERIC 211of your life.I feel his laughter rumble through his chest, but he doesn t letit out. What makes you so sure that was the best sex of my life?Because that was, without a doubt, the best sex of my life. Because I m the best  and most skilled  bottom there is, Ianswer confidently, but I m a bit worried now.Does he think sexwith Terry is better?  You won t find a better sex partner, I add,hoping he doesn t detect the insecurity in my voice. Hey, who did all the hard work? Alex gently pokes my side.I squirm, but then I hold back a whimper because themovement made my ribs twinge. Who was there to inspire you to do all the hard work? Icounter while I run my fingers over his upper back and shoulders.Alex pushes himself up on one elbow and gives me a hot,blood-churning kiss. Okay, that really was the best sex of my life, he admits in awhisper, his brown eyes deep and tender as he gazes down at me.I try my best to keep my cool by forcing back the huge grin.My chest is all mushy and my cock is stiff again.He leans backdown and gives me another long kiss before he untangles hisbody from mine and rolls onto his back to lie on his pillow.Everyparticle in my body already misses his heat, scent, and touch.There is still a content and relaxed expression on his face, butthere s also a tiny little crease between his eyebrows when he rollshis head to look at me.I sigh dramatically. Okay, what are you so worried about? I just&  The crease deepens while he seemingly looksthrough my body to search for words. I keep wondering aboutwhat s been going on at Rafael s over the past few weeks, and Idon t mean the withdrawal. What do you mean? I ask, honestly baffled. It s just that when you were out of it at the hospital you keptmumbling things, like  please don t make me do this, and&  He 212 Erica Pikecloses his eyes for a bit and takes a deep breath. And  he s or  it sdisgusting, I don t want to. What was that about?I bite down on my lip.I can t tell him.I can t even think itmyself.I ve been pushing it away every time it pops up.I tryto push it so far away that I ll never have to think about whatit means, but now it s all up on the surface again after such abeautiful time in happy bliss. Oh that, I manage with a weak smile. Probably just talkingabout that time Rafael brought home a bottle of tequila.It wasreally nasty. The lightness in my voice sound way too chipperto be sincere.I can tell by the look on his face that he doesn tbelieve me. Eric, your voice was pleading and crying when you weresaying those things.If he s been abusing you somehow  No, I interrupt. No, it s not like that.He just used tobring his friends over for threesomes, and I didn t always feellike it, and I didn t find them very hot, but they didn t hurt me oranything&  much.The intense look in his eyes has me sinking deeper into themattress.I grope around for the sheet to cover my very nakedbody. It wasn t consensual? No, of course it was, I answer.But it wasn t.Not always.Not Gavin.Not that last night withTravis.Not a number of other guys who made me want to throwup while they pushed themselves into my body over and overagain. But  Please, Alex.Please, I whisper. I just had mind-blowingsex with you, and I don t want to spoil it by talking about this.I don t know if it s the pleading in my voice, or if I just lookedlike I need it, but he slides himself back towards my body andwraps his strong arms around me.It feels so damn good, butwith the lingering memories in my mind I have to battle my tears ABOLUTELY ERIC 213away. Eric, Alex whispers into my hair and follows up with a kiss, forcing a partner into having any kind of sex is a means ofcontrol.That s violence, too.I know that.I realize that now, but I still don t want to dealwith it.It s better if I just forget all about it.I also hate that I toldhim because now he s all worried with loads of misconceptionsin his head. It s fine, I say with a forced laugh. It wasn t really like that.It was just sex.Alex pushes himself up on his elbow again and looks downat me. You don t feel disgusted at all?This calls for my best acting skills: carefree face and a lighttone. I don t know.I guess I don t care.I know that he loved methe whole time, so I wanted to do this for him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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