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. Really? We re coming for you? I think you ve seen too many action movies, mate.Cesar grinned. Maybe, but I thought the roar had a nice effect.Garret patted him in the back. I ll give you ten out of ten for the roar it was one ofyour better ones.www.total-e-bound.com PROTECTING HIS PRIDE Amber Kell58The pair transformed into their animal forms.Cesar picked up the radio in his mouthand carried it back with him.Maybe someone could trace the radio transmission to its owner.It was time to take the hunt to the hunters.The shifters weren t going to sit around and bepicked off one by one anymore.Now was the time to act!Cesar s mind spun with ideas.He d meet with Talan tomorrow.He knew the alpha lionwould listen to his ideas.Optimism grew as he ran towards the wolf pack headquarters.Everything would work out.It had to.He had a family to take care of now.Also available from Total-E-Bound Publishing:www.total-e-bound.com Thresl Chronicles: Politician WonAmber KellExcerptChapter OneFlowers perfumed the air and music scraped across Zander Elios nerves like a scratchylullaby.Depressed over the entire situation, he tried to keep his face relaxed and neutral.Itwould be just his luck if a reporter took a picture of him scowling at the king s wedding.Hisfather would probably have an embolism.Hmm& that might make the bad pressworthwhile& Behave!The word whispered across his mind with warm amusement but did little to lightenZander s mood.He dared to flicker another glance at the caramel-coloured Thresl sitting byhis side.However, the cat shifter didn t spare him so much as a flicker of attention from hisgolden eyes.Damn beast!This time the thought was entirely his.A flick of the tail showed him his Thresl had atleast heard him even if he didn t respond mentally.Zander knew he should be happy for hisfriends finding each other, but his own love life lacked any sparkle or even hope of futureimprovement unless some major changes happened.The one creature capable of spicing itup insisted upon keeping his fur.He sighed as he considered what to do about his problem.There were really only twoalternatives to either pass his Thresl on to someone else or to convince the creature totransform and become Zander s perfect other half.With no sign of impendingtransformation, Zander was beginning to lean towards the former option.Maybe he justwasn t the right human for this Thresl.www.total-e-bound.com Thresls only converted when they found their mate.After two years of living with andbeing the intended bondmate for a Thresl, Zander wondered if he d ever reach the level ofcommitment shown by his friends.He turned his attention to the men at the front of theroom.The grooms stood on a dais facing each other, their eyes focused exclusively on eachother.After watching them for a bit, Zander wondered if the pair even noticed they had anaudience.The thrum of love vibrated the air around them and sizzled along Zander s spine.His cock hardened from the sexual energy pouring off the royals.He bit his lip to hold back acurse at his mother.If he hadn t inherited her empathic abilities the wedding would havebeen so much easier to get through.He took a slow deep breath to get his feelings under control.Focusing on the ceremonyinstead of how hot the men looked would probably be a good first step.Traditional Threslwedding suits of creamy silk with black lapels wrapped both rough-edged men in previouslyunseen elegance.Kreslan tugged at his jacket only a few times, showing more restraint thanZander would ve expected from his volatile friend.I won t cry! he silently vowed.The couple s love for each other had people all but holding their breath as the pairexchanged vows.Zander s damn watery eyes apparently hadn t got the notice about drippynoses, red eyes and photographs not mixing well.His family would kill him if he appearedin the media looking less than his best.There wasn t anything inherently sweet about the marriage between King Vohne,leader of the Thresls, and his mate, Kreslan Piers.Not even when King Vohne handedKreslan a ceremonial dagger for his wedding present and Kres kissed his cheek.In Zander sopinion, the romantic music added unnecessary drama to the tender sight of the two menlegally binding together.Zander knew Kres thought the event a waste of time since the couple were alreadysoul-bonded and had reincarnated together many times over the past few centuries.However, the king had insisted that the Thresl people needed to see their king marry hismate in order for them to feel settled as a species.If their ruler was happy then they weremore likely to feel confident in the future of their race.Kres had eventually given in to hismate s opinion, though with little grace.www.total-e-bound.com Zander privately thought Vohne just wanted to marry his beloved human again anddidn t really care who attended their wedding [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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