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.All of the parameters are fullydocumented in the sample configuration files and manpages that come with the Postfix distribution.This quickreference can point you in the right direction, but you will have to consult the body of this book or the onlinedocumentation to understand how each parameter works.All of the parameters are listed with a type of value that should be assigned to it.Most of the value types are obvious.Those that require some explanation are described here:Explicit listThe parameter requires one or more items from a specific list of possible values.See the online documentation for aparticular parameter to see what the possible values are.Lookup tablesWhen a parameter points to lookup tables, the tables are specified with their map type and the table name separatedby a colon:transport_map = hash:/etc/postfix/transportPathnameThe complete path to a file.TemplateSome parameter values are specified as strings that contain macros:smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_nameThe macros are expanded into their values at the time the parameter is used.See the online documentation to find outwhat macros are allowed for a particular template parameter.Time unitsMany parameters are specified as an amount of time:queue_run_delay = 1000sThey are assigned a value and a time unit abbreviation.Time unit abbreviations are listed in Table A-1.If you leaveoff the time unit, each time parameter has a default unit that it assumes for the value specified.You can check theonline documentation to see what the default unit is for a particular parameter. This document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF Pilot[ Team LiB ] This document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF Pilot[ Team LiB ] This document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF PilotA.1 Postfix Parameter Referencebounce_notice_recipient"2bounce" is one of several possible error classes.Each class of error can optionally generate an error notice.2bounce_notice_recipient designates the recipient address for "2bounce" error notices.Possible values:email addressDefault:postmasterExample:2bounce_notice_recipient = postmasteraccess_map_reject_codeSMTP response code sent when a request is rejected because of an access map restriction.Possible values:reply codeDefault:554Example:access_map_reject_code = 554alias_mapsList of alias databases used by the local delivery agent.Possible values:alias mapsDefault: hash:/etc/aliases, nis This document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF Pilot[ Team LiB ] This document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF Pilot[ Team LiB ] This document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF PilotAppendix B.Postfix CommandsPostfix command-line tools are listed below.Each one is fully documented in a manpage that comes with the Postfixdistribution.This appendix is meant to give you an idea of what each command is used for.You should refer to themanpages for complete information about each of the commands:postaliasCreates or queries alias databases.postcatPrints the contents of queue files, allowing administrators to display the text of a message in the queue.postconfDisplays or changes Postfix parameters.Can display one parameter at a time, or the entire list of parameters.postdropInjects a message into the maildrop directory for delivery by Postfix.postfixStarts and stops the Postfix system.Can also be used for other Postfix maintenance, such as checking theconfiguration and flushing the queue.postkickSends a request to a particular Postfix service.Meant to provide a way for shell scripts to communicate with Postfixservices.postlockLocks a specified file for exclusive access.Provides a means for shell scripts to use Postfix-compatible locking [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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