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.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rsnarl of a sports car.This engine didn't sound like either.Someoneelse had found him.***The Jaguar's navigation system said that they had an exitcoming up on the right.A proliferation of signs, though, stated thatthe road was closed and suggested they use unfamiliar roads."Figures," Atticus muttered."Our luck is running true lately.Allbad."The navigation system also seemed decidedly annoyed by thedetour, insisting that they take the exit as they flashed past thebarricaded roadway.Beyond the heavy fortifications, the pavementcame to an abrupt halt at a vast pit, seemingly a mile square a forestof cranes and a jumble of structures, none of them linked, thatrefused to take any logical form."What the hell are they building there?"Ru made a noise to indicate he was clueless."It's probably the Big Dig," Kyle said over the radio."The what?""The largest urban construction project in the history of themodern world.Forty-two miles of underground highway in a pathover two hundred feet wide.""Oh, yeah.I guess I've heard of it," Atticus said."Mostly that it'soverbudget and way behind schedule."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"Well, they're basically building the Panama Canal through theheart of Boston.""I heard that in some places they'll have, like, four tunnelsstacked on top of themselves," Ru said."Four? What the hell for?""One for cars, one for buses, the subway system, and the last." Ru searched his memory."Oh, yeah, the subway station itself."The detour sent them off on a newly constructed road that thenavigation system didn't acknowledge existed, and minutes later theywere lost in a maze of small one-way side streets.Atticus cursed softlyunder his breath as the navigation system struggled to plot a newcourse.Hopefully finding their way back to the beach house wouldn'tbe as complicated and time-consuming; he wanted to see for himselfthat Ukiah was safe.***The Iron Horses had described the Boston Harbor Hotel as"hard to miss," and they were right.The street in front of the hotelwas an obstacle course as the old elevated freeway was beingdismantled.The hotel itself, though, was surprisingly beautiful:crowned like a princess with an elegant rotunda and a four-storyarchway through the heart of the building to a harborside courtyardand yacht-lined wharf.They parked in the hotel's underground parking lot and rodethe elevator up to the lobby.There it stopped and Kyle stepped off.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rAtticus stuck his hand out to catch the doors before they couldclose."What are you doing?""There's a business center here.I'm going to connect to theInternet and do some searches on the cult.""You can do that after we talk to Sumpter."Kyle fidgeted in place."I don't want to talk to Sumpter.""I don't want to talk to him either," Ru said.Atticus gave Ru a hard look."Neither do I, but we have to.""You two talk to him.I don't need to be there.I'm just backup.""Yeah, we're a team," Atticus said."Come on."Kyle shook his head, getting his mulish look."No."Atticus sighed."Fine, fine, we'll talk to him.We're going tomake this quick, twenty minutes tops.""I'm just downloading stuff to my laptop for later." Kyle pattedhis shoulder bag."Ten minutes." Atticus let the door shut."I don't blame him," Ru murmured as the elevator started upagain."Sumpter is an asshole," Atticus agreed.He and Ru rode the elevator to the top floor and foundSumpter's room."Yes?" Sumpter called from within the room when Atticusrapped on the door."It's Steele and Takahashi."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rFootsteps neared the door, there was a pause to use the spyhole,and then the door opened [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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