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. So the solution to the filler problem is to stop putting the spacesthere in the first place.To make that happen, you have to get used to stretching out certain words.Taking the sentence,  I love it when I hear my daughter laughing.A lot of you would say it like this: I love it  uh  when  um  I hear my daughter  um  laughing.In order not to leave a space between  daughter and  laughing, simply stretchout  daughter until you start the word  laughing.Listen:I love it when I hear my daught-e-e-e-r laughing.Daught-e-e-e-r laughing instead of  my daughter (space) laughing. 64Roger Love s Vocal Po w e rYou may be thinking that if you have to go through all the words in your sen-tences and figure out which ones to stretch, you ll go crazy.When you simplylearn to connect all of the words together, something that really doesn t take anyserious brainpower or tremendous focus, the words just naturally begin tostretch themselves out.You just have to get used to not stopping until you needto take a breath.Practice SentencesHere are some sentences to practice on.Try to connect all of the words togetherjust as indicated in the previous exercise.I believe that by changing my voice & I really couldmake positive life changes.Your voice will become the new soundtrack to your life.(Notice that you didn t have to breath in that sentence.You could connect all the words together on only one breath.)I never learned to play an instrument & now I realizethat my voice is the most beautiful instrument I own.It s worth the effort to master this.People have been struggling with fillers sincethe dawn of communication.It s often thought of as one of the biggest flaws inspeech today.If you get used to connecting all of the words together, and learning how tostretch the words, you will have completely eliminated the problem.With nofillers, you will be free to sound like the incredibly intelligent and insightful per-son you are.67.Practice the  Connect the Dots Exercise at least three times a day for thenext several weeks.Make note of any insights or changes in the flow of yourspeaking as you practice these techniques. 65Roger Love s Vocal Po w e rA Bad Case of the  Interrupter-itis VirusWe all need to stop interrupting people before they finish their sentences.Whenyou interrupt someone, it makes him or her feel less important.They subcon-sciously believe that you re not really interested in listening to them, hearingwhat they have to say, or getting to know them better.You selfishly begin tomonopolize the conversation until the person just decides not to participate.In Japan, when two people are having a conversation on the phone, if one per-son were speaking for any length of time, the other person would quite often saythe word  hai, which means  yes in Japanese.This would basically be tellingthe person on the other end that, yes, I m still listening.So one side of the con-versation would be.Blah, blah, blah in Japanese.and the other side wouldbe.hai, hai, hai.You should use a similar technique to stop the interupter-itus virus.Instead ofsaying  hai, just simply make a noise like  mmm, or  ahh, or  oh.This actually solves two problems.First, you can use these sounds when youwere going to interrupt.It allows you to jump into the conversation withoutstopping the other speaker in mid-stream.And second, you can use these soundsduring a conversation to show the other person that you are really listening andinterested in what they re saying.Either way, it keeps you outwardly focused andmakes the person you re speaking with feel very important, as if you actuallywere hanging on every word.68.Practice this technique when you are listening to others throughout the nextseveral weeks.Write down any insights, feelings, or changes that you note asyou practice this technique. 66Roger Love s Vocal Po w e rMaking Practiced Speech Sound DynamicWith practiced speeches, many people have the problem of sounding toomechanical in their delivery.When this happens, your voice may move up anddown, with calculated variation, but it just doesn t come across in a meaningfulway.After a while this can be annoying to listen to.Roger s response to this problem is to have you take your notes and sing yourway through them.When you do, you ll find yourself discovering interestingways to emphasize words, you ll hear them in a different way, and you ll begin tohear the real message shining through.Singing gives you new perspective on your material because it s one of the onlytimes both sides of your brain (the creative, imaginative side and the orderly,logical side) operate together.When you practice by singing a few phrases andgo back to speaking them, you tap into the power of your whole brain.Andwhen you re connected to both your logical mind and your imagination, youcan t help but express yourself in a way that feels whole.You might even sur-prise yourself.Your delivery feels fresh, and people can t help but listen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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