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.Seth s hand slid around his neck andconvulsed at the nape as he let out a deep growl.James could see the flash of heat and lust in hiseyes. I knew that color would look deliciousagainst your skin.Before the flutter in his gut could distract him,he asked,  Why? Why the ribbons, baby? Seth skimmed hishands over his shoulders. James nodded when words failed him, Seth shands keeping his body wound so tight he hadtrouble thinking. You are not ready for true bindings of anykind, but I want to see how you will look one day,all stretched out for me, wearing nothing but thetokens I give you, Seth explained, his swirlinghazel eyes deep with barely restrained passion andlonging.James let out a moan at the thought of beingpossessed in such a manner by his lover.Seth s hands had not stopped teasing andexploring the entire time, and he now bent to histask, kissing his way down and then back up toJames s small, tight nipples.Drawing the hardenedbud into his mouth, he flicked it with his tonguebefore lightly biting down.Seth s lips and teeth latched onto his throat,worrying the flesh.He felt a tug on the ribbonaround his neck, but unlike the panic he expected,it made him feel possessed and desired.Sethincreased the intensity of the kisses as he settled his weight onto him.James moaned and rocked hiships up into Seth, wordlessly pleading with hislover to please hurry.Seth chuckled, the sensual tone shootingstraight to James s cock. Not yet, pet.We have along way to go.James wanted to cry, or possibly pounce onSeth, but was distracted from his plotting whenSeth reached over and lifted a wide black scarf. Iam going to cover your eyes now, and then we willbegin.James swallowed hard but nodded.He closedhis eyes before the scarf actually touched him,hoping to hide his unease from Seth.James feltSeth s fingers card through his hair and then thescarf settle across his eyes, what little light bledthrough his lids suddenly absent.His breath caughtand he tensed, unable to hide his fear. Let me ask you something, James.What areyou afraid of? I  Are you afraid I will beat you? James felt the tip of one of Seth s fingers slide up theunderside of his cock, tracing the large vein.James moaned and shook his head. No! Worried I will cut or pierce your skin? Thefinger disappeared but returned with friends.Sethran both hands up and down James s thighs beforehe pushed his legs up and out a little more,exposing his tight opening even more.James managed to grind out a n o as Sethworked a slicked finger around and then into hisbody.He hadn t even heard the snick of the lubebeing opened.He wrapped his hands with the scarfto hold on better and rocked against the invadingfinger. Then be a good boy, and let me love you,Seth cooed.The finger gone, James tried to reachout but the scarf kept him in place.Something, fur maybe, gently touched hischeek before it slid down his throat and chest totease over each nipple in turn.It was an oddsensation, the silky slide of the fur against his hotskin.Seth continued to stroke his chest and thighs with the material, sometimes with a touch so lightit tickled.Unable to see, he had no way ofpredicting where the fur would touch next, whichserved to heighten every touch, sound, and feeling.After an eternity, or so it seemed to James, ofthe sensual teasing, the fur wrapped around hiscock in a solid grip. Oh God&. The furwrapped fist began to stroke in long, slow pulls,drawing out a groan that James was sure camestraight from his soul.The sensation was strange, asilky slide and then prickles as the hand slid in theother direction.The other hand reached out topinch and roll his nipples, effectively overloadinghis body in sensation. Don t tense up and do not come yet. Alltouch suddenly stopped.Seth remained settledbetween his thighs, but for the longest time therewas no touch or sound other than their breathing,until the telltale rip of foil and Seth shifting.OhGod, please let this be it.Please&.With no other warning, Seth pressed into hisentrance.James fought to breathe as Seth continued to push in, not stopping until he was fully seated.James moved to meet Seth s unrelenting passion,tossing his head back and forth in ecstasy.Thesensations were so powerful, he knew he wouldn tlast, not with all the sensual torture Seth hadalready put him through.He just hoped Sethwouldn t deny him his release for much longer. I can t, sir.Please let me come! Jamesbarely managed to keep himself from screaming ashe begged.Seth hitched James s legs higher, slamminginto him over and over.The ribbon around his neckpulled sharply against his throat at Seth scommand. Now, pet.Come for me.Painting his chest and stomach with his hotseed, James keened and shook, arching his back,which drove Seth deeper.Seth continued to poundinto his body, snapping his hips harder and fasterthan ever.The driving slams against his prostatealong with the rest of the sensations helped toprolong James s orgasm, drawing it out until hisvision went white and the world stopped. As the world righted itself and came back intofocus, James wondered at the strange butwonderful floating sensation.Seth s exquisitehands caressed him, which helped him focus more,but his whole being felt the bliss of being wrappedin Seth s arms and soul.It was in that state that James drifted off tosleep, happy in Seth s arms. Chapter 19AS JAMES woke up, what he saw, both with hiseyes closed and open, was what called him to hisstudio before the sun began to lighten the sky.Bythe time he realized he was being watched, he hadalready been up for hours. Mother, Seth whispered behind him. Hehates when people watch him paint.He never letsothers see his work until he is satisfied withwhatever he is working on. But look at him paint, dear, how can you notwatch him? Agreed, but&. James tried to push away their whisperedconversation but to no avail.Thankfully he wasabout done with his newest and final piece for theshow.Britt would be by later that week to pick herpieces for the event.He hoped she would be happywith his offerings to her gallery. Do you think he will sell me the one he sworking on now, Seth? James could hear Terra slilting voice.Her accent was beautiful.He idlywondered why Seth s wasn t the same.Once in awhile, when he was really turned on or exhausted,a little of the same brogue his parents spoke inwould surface, but it was rare.He put down the brush he had been using, andturned in his art chair to face them. Terra, this oneis for the gallery show next weekend.I can t sell it,but, um& if you would like you can join us at theshow [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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