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.School-based education is one.But this area includes all the things you do to learn, as well.Working through this book could be anexample.What type of learner do you want to be? How would you like to engage with that area of yourlife?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Recreation/LeisureRecreation, leisure, and relaxation are important to most of us.It is in those areas that we rechargeour batteries; the activities in this area are often where we connect with family and friends.Think about 174 Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Lifewhat is meaningful to you about your hobbies, sports, avocations, play, vacations, and other forms of rec-reation.In these areas, what would you like to have manifest in your life?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SpiritualityBy spirituality, we don t necessarily mean organized religion, although that could certainly beincluded in this section.Spirituality includes everything that helps you feel connected to somethinglarger than yourself, to a sense of wonder and transcendence in life.It includes your faith, spiritual andreligious practices, and your connection with others in this domain.What do you most want to be aboutin this area of your life?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CitizenshipHow would you like to contribute to society and be a member of the community? What do youreally want to be about in social/political/charitable and community areas?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Health/Physical Well-BeingWe are physical beings, and taking care of our bodies and our health through diet, exercise, andsound health practices is another important domain.What do you want to have revealed in your life inthese areas? Choosing Your Values 175________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sometimes, we find that clients get confused about what values are, even at this point in the pro-gram.People often make the mistake of stating that they value something when, in fact, that chosenvalue has been dictated by the desire of others.To test your values, look over the exercises above and ask yourself the following question in regardto each of the values you wrote down:  If no one knew that I was working on this, would I still do it? Ifyou find that you ve written down statements that don t  ring true, or are more a matter of  being agood boy or girl than stating what is truly in your heart, go back and edit what you wrote.This list isnot for anyone else.It is for you.RANKING AND TESTING YOUR VALUESIn some ways, it s not very important that certain values are more meaningful to you than others [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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