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.His bluntness shouldn t have come as asurprise, considering what just happened.Like some mythical hawk, he couldprobably read the shameless thoughts running through her mind. Like is so& unsuitable. She heard the shaky catch in her voice. What s on your mind, Dimples? he asked offhandedly, holding a gun in onehand and holster in the other, standing naked as a jaybird near the end of the table.She watched him return the pistol to its leather home and run a calm hand alongeach bullet on the belt, as though a naked, willing woman spread out on the diningtable was an everyday occurrence.Studying the limp pecker between his long, muscled legs made her drool.Helooked up and smiled, seemed to take immense pleasure in her open curiosity andappraisal of his intrinsic male anatomy. Devil s Pact 227Feeling more forward than the first time she sat in Caleb s lap and touched hishard flesh, she boldly replied,  I can t rightly explain it.One word comes tomind hunger.His brows rose, stunned by her unabashed honesty. One look at you, and I hunger for your touch.Hunger to have you inside meagain, feed me every last inch as I swallow you whole.Leaving his guns on the table, he moved closer.Her breath caught as hishands glided up her knees to her upper thighs and then stilled. Don t be shy with me.Say exactly what s on your mind.I ll give youwhatever you want. He took hold of his penis, and it began to swell.She groanedas she felt him rub the tip over her flesh, still tender, sensitive from their intimacy. If you want my cock inside you, filling that hot pussy of yours, then say so. Devin, she breathed, her heavy-lidded eyes met his as she lifted her hipstoward him in response. Damn, girl, keep looking at me like that, and I ll fucking lose it.Look atyou. His lips tightened into a thin line when she winced as his fingers slowly slidthrough the slick crease of her pussy. You re tired.Can t even sit up, let alone goanother round, though I admire your appetite.Biting back her disappointment, moaning softly, she lay back and closed hereyes.Strong hands curled around her waist as Devin pulled her forward.Enveloped in his masculine scent of arousal, her nipples brushed against the hardexpanse of his bare chest, causing her to gasp.He held her body tightly against his, the heat of his skin steamy against herweak, moist flesh.Sensitized to his touch, his muscled strength felt comforting,reassuring, and unbelievably arousing. Look at me. Their eyes locked.His hands cupped her buttocks, pulling hertightly against his steel hard erection. I m ready.I ll always be ready for you.But in case you didn t realize it, I fucked that pretty pussy of yours raw.Whenyou hop off this here table and try to walk, you ll feel it.There s a few things youneed to learn about me, and it will suit you well to remember.Don t ever tell meno or lie to me.And I don t like quickies.She blinked.What was that supposed to mean? 228 Samantha Cruise I like my women always ready for me.From now on, don t wear any so-called unmentionables. Wh& what? she muttered unsure if she understood correctly. No pantalets, no chemise, no nothing.No decent woman went without at least a chemise.For a while, she wentwithout pantalets.After she lost so much weight, they kept sliding down her hips.Now that she regained her weight, to go without pantalets was kind of wickedlyillicit, and though she didn t want to admit it, highly erotic, to walk around all daywearing nothing beneath her dress.For purely sexual reasons, he wanted access to her body at any time, day ornight.The lusty thought sent a warm gush of liquid to the intimate area he wasnow grinding with the tip of the engorged steel rod in his hand.From the wicked gleam in his eye to the sultry grin curling his lips, hegathered the idea exited her, though she tried to look shocked and embarrassed bythe request.Her pussy coating his cock with a bucket load of cream told himotherwise.Her reaction to each indecent proposal, accepting them withoutquestion shockingly aroused her instead of scaring her into rejection.What elsewould he ask of her?Along the slope of her throat, he brushed kisses, whispered,  Whenever I feellike spanking your bare ass, sucking your tits, or eating your cunt, I will.Her body stiffened slightly in his arms in response to his choice of words.She shrieked when he nipped at her shoulder with his teeth and released her. Put only your dress back on.Get some rest for tonight. Tonight, she repeated, perplexed by what was to occur later in the evening. That wounded passage is sore, Dimples.We ll work on your stamina anothernight.Tonight, you get to suck my cock, and I ll eat your pussy.Give your insidestime to recover.An excruciating sensation struck her inner recesses at the memory of his lipsand tongue consuming her ravenously.She quickly calculated the hours.Moving away from the table, he pulled on his buckskins. I ll pick up the girlsand take them into town for their evening meal. Devil s Pact 229Megan eased off the table and let out a loud groan, feeling as though someonehad pounded her body with fists.The aches and pains were numerous.Shegrabbed the wooden edge as her legs started to give out. Can you make it? He actually looked concerned as he watched her strainedeffort to move.She did her best to hide the suffocating pain.Taking an awkwardstep, she lost the battle. Oh my. She leaned her bare buttocks against the table, afraid to bend over topick up her dress for fear of never being able to stand upright again.She stoodabsolutely still.Closing her eyes, a throbbing ache of a strictly painful persuasionrippled through her body.A scant moment later, he was by her side, wrapping his solid armsprotectively around her.For a critical moment, she couldn t believe she almost begged him to take heragain.Had she lose her mind? Thankful at least he had sense.Or was it hisexperience with plowing into females whenever he wanted? He seemed to knowan awful lot about how she felt even before she did.Recalled the times hereturned from town smelling of cheap perfume.That Cheri woman at Jazelle swas on first-name basis.Not even first names.She called him something else.What was it? Did he have a cute nickname for her? Perhaps Floppy Tits? Did heleave those girls sore? Was he concerned about their well-being afterward? Leave me alone, she hissed, trying to shrug out of his embrace.The suddenrage of jealously caught her off-guard, added to her resentment.Ignoring her protests, he cradled her in his arms and carried her into thebedroom. Consider this your first and only warning. I m not telling you no, she countered stubbornly. I ve ran this ranch formonths alone, I believe I can mange to walk from one room to the next alone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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