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.She crushed the full length of his muscular body against herown, and ground her moistly throbbing pelvis hard up into him while opening her thighs as wide as theycould, her hungry pussy flaring with a warm, wet welcome.Her hands ran wildly up and down along hismuscular skin, tracing the forming muscles of his shoulders and sides down to the lean, tautly clenchedmoons of his boyish buttocks.She could feel his rigid, hotly throbbing penis beating against the warmcreamy flesh of her smooth inner thighs, and she arched her back and reached under her strainingbuttocks with both her hands to pull her cuntal lips farther apart.Then she relaxed and her teenagelover's slim young penis lay cradled more fully within the moistly pink confines of her narrow, hair-linedvagina."You feel soooooo good, lover-boy," she sighed delightedly."All of you feels good to me, but your cockfeels the best of all."The boy pressed forward tentatively, and Joan's eyes closed in sublime ecstasy as she felt the first tendercontact against the sensitive fleshy edges of her pussy.His handsome features contorted above herlust-glazed eyes as she felt the youthful hardness of his pushing loins dig anxiously into her softly yieldingvaginal slit, insinuating itself up and down in a teasing effort to find the swollen entrance to her inner cunt.Unable to bear his maddening probe another moment longer, the older woman reached between theirnaked bodies and grasped the flesh of his long slender shaft to guide it to the exact position between hereagerly quivering pussy lips."There, darling lover, there's my hole for you.Shove your prick in now, ohhhh do it to me now!" shepleaded up at him breathlessly.She felt the boy's pressure against the tight elastic opening of her moistly waiting vagina, and she gaspedin delight when his hard, blood-filled cock-head slipped into her hot, aching pussy.It moved slowly atfirst, stretching the long unused walls of her vaginal channel, and she winced a bit from pain while hisvirile rod of hardness seemed to keep on sliding inside her belly forever.His long youthful penis wasfilling her more beautifully and completely than any adult man's thicker and more brutal cock, and she layin rapture beneath the auburn-haired boy as he began to quench the gnawing hunger that had beentorturing her for so long.Above his naked teacher, Wayne was lost in the delight of his first sexual experience with a mature andexperienced woman, and his youthful face took on a contorted expression of raw animal lust as he gazeddown at her wantonly spread-eagled beneath him.The tip of his rampant young cock was burying itselfin the moistly rippling walls of her soft, warm pussy, and the boy had a feeling of limitless power, unlikeanything he had ever experienced before.With a hoarse cry of excitement, he pressed downward intoMiss Frazer's willing belly, his weight smashing her full rounded breasts tightly down upon her chest.Hethrust his leanly muscled hips forward and slid his long, lust-hardened penis deep up into her cunt,pushing the moistly parting folds of her vaginal walls in velvety waves before his attack.Joan could onlymoan in delight as she felt his round young testicles bounce against the cheeks of her upturned buttocksand the blunt head of his cock prod deliciously against the sensitive tip of her cervix."Ohhhh yes! Oh yes, lover-boy!" she cried out in utter delight.She kicked out her legs high into the airand locked them tightly around the boy's tensely driving body.She gasped for breath at the eroticallysearing sensations of Wayne's hard young shaft plunging fully into her hot hungry pussy, and she began togrind her buttocks up and down in the most provocative manner she knew how.She wanted desperatelyfor him to shoot his boiling fresh sperm far up inside her thirsty cunt, and fill her as she had not been filled in nearly two whole years.This afternoon, she and this wonderful boy would explore together all thesexual delights that she had been trying so hard to suppress! "Ahhhhhh!" she cried again, "Rememberthe film today and fuck me just like that! Ahhhh!"Wayne needed no second urging.A flash of recollection crossed his mind, and he could see in his mindthe young bridegroom bucking wildly into the virginal pussy of his newly-wedded wife.In an effort toduplicate the action, the boy ground his loins down into the squirming, pliant flesh beneath him, fuckinginto his naked teacher with long and hard strokings of his cock.She strained back under him, arching herfirmly fleshed buttocks up at him and lifting them both a couple of inches off the squeaking bed.Shetwisted and turned under his pounding, driving body, opening and closing her legs around his thighs asshe worked up and down in abandoned tempo.Her mouth gaped open wide and her head flailed wildlyfrom side to side driven almost insane by the sensations she was feeling in every pore of her body."Ohhhhh, lover-boy! Gooood! Ohhhh, so fucking good! I knew you could do it, darling! Ohhhhh yes!That's the way! You're such a good fucker, lover-boy!"She rotated her hips around the hardened pole of his impaling young cock, her wetly clasping vaginadilating in time to his rhythmic fucking up and down inside her.It felt to her as though he had his heartembedded inside his pulsing cock-head, and that his youthful flesh was blending into one with the flesh ofher inner passage.She was becoming one with his cock! She and her darling boy lover had crawledinside her and had become one fleshy mass of electric sensation with her, the two of them mergingmagically together by their unleashed lewd passions.He was a part of her now; a thrusting, grunting,joy-giving part of her!The teenage boy could barely contain his joy as he felt her soft warm buttocks screwing up against thelength of his wildly throbbing hardness.The tiny contracting muscles inside her cunt were nibblinghungrily at his inflated cock-head, and the pulsing wet lips between her hair-fringed slit were grippingtightly at his pumping shaft.He buffeted harshly down against her black curly pubic hair, embedding thefull length of his slim young penis deep into her warm white belly with every eager stroke.Then he pulled his cock experimentally away and looked with eager curiosity down between their nakedbodies, resting still above his teacher with his hands on either side of her shoulders.He watched inwide-eyed wonderment as her quivering loins slid up and down at will on his rigid penis that fused thetwo of them together [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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