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.LESSON TESTGRAMMAR1 Choose the correct answer.1 We make the past tense of regular verbs by adding -d or -ed / -s or -es to the verb.2 We make the past tense of verbs like carry by adding -ed / -ied to the verb and dropping the y.3 We call verbs that change their form in the past tense irregular / unusual verbs.4 We make the negative of the past tense by putting did + not before the past tense / infinitive.5 The singular past tense of to be is I was, you was, he was / I was, you were, he was.___ / 5 pointsVOCABULARY2 Complete the sentences with these adjectives.lonely bored scared excited worried nervous angry embarrassed happy tired1 I get really __________ the night before exams.But when I actually take them I just relax.2 She's a bit __________ about finding a job.There aren't any good ones for people leaving school.3 When you start in a new school or a new job, you're by yourself, so you sometimes feel a bit __________.4 I love movies like Frankenstein and Dracula because they make me feel__________.5 I get really __________ if people say rude things about me or my clothes or my family.6 If I read or watch TV for a long time, I get __________ and want to do something different.7 Winning money, being with friends or getting good exam results - that's what makes most people __________.8 You can get really __________ after a long, hard week at work.9 Do you get __________ if someone sees a photo of you as a child, or sees you doing something stupid?10 As it's their first trip to France tomorrow, they're feeling really __________.___ / 10 pointsFUNCTION3 Read the texts.Complete 1-10 with A, B or C.Holiday postcardsDear MikeWe're having a great time! We 1 ___ two days ago and 2 ___the first day meeting new people and going to the wonderful beach.Last night we went to a party.It 3 ___ on the beach and there was a full moon, so it was beautiful.This morning we 4 ___ a bit tired because we 5 ___ to bed till 1am, but we got up early and took an elephant ride - yes, an elephant ride - along the beach and up into the mountains.See you soon!RobDear JanWe got to Billy's four days ago.It 6 ___ really heavily for the first three days so we couldn't go to the beach.Then we 7 ___ go anywhere interesting because Billy's house is six kilometres from the village and we don't have any transport.Last night was OK because Jenny came to visit and 8 ___ us to a disco on the beach.There were lots of people there, and the music was great.But the worst thing was that I 9 ___ my money and my mobile.I think I left them on the beach, but they 10 ___ there this morning when we checked.So now I'm quite depressed, as this isn't the holiday I was dreaming of.Love, Sandra1 A arrive B arrived C arriving2 A spend B spending C spent3 A was B were C wasn't4 A feel B feels C felt5 A doesn't go B didn't go C not go6 A raining B rainy C rained7 A could B couldn't C went8 A took B taken C take9 A losing B lose C lost10 A weren't B wasn't C didn't___ / 10 pointsTotal : _____ / 25 pointsLESSON TEST Inspiration 3 UNIT 1, LESSON 2This page has been created for Inspiration 3 Tests.It is photocopiable.Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007.1 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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