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.Bradt TravelGuides; Ltd.England224235294750(22) Appendix 1: Svalbard archipelago[Source: http://www.svalbardrepublic.org]231432623167(23) Appendix 2: Exact location of sample collection(marked by star),Hornsund, Gnålodden[Source: http://cruise-handbook.npolar.no/en/hornsund]246990364307(24) Appendix 3: Documentation of the study area and the evidence ofpolar bearPicture 1: Fresh tracks of polar bear on the beach,Gnålodden, Hornsund, southwest Spitsbergen,Svalbard on August 10th, 2004[Photo by Nuria Selva]Picture 2: Polar bear in its resting area, after waking up, Gnålodden, Hornsund, southwestSpitsbergen, Svalbard on August 12th[Photo by Nuria Selva]253705883232(25) Picture 3: Tracks of the polar bear whose diet was studied at Gnållberget, Hornsund, southwestSpitsbergen[Photo by Nuria Selva]Picture 4: View of the study area from the base of seabird colony, Gnålodden, Hornsund, southwestSpitsbergen, Svalbard[Photo by Nuria Selva]263603266279(26) Picture 6: Polar bear hair in the resting place, the place of scats collection, Gnålodden,Hornsund, southwest Spitsbergen, Svalbard[Photo by Nuria Selva]Picture 7: Cochleria groenlandica at the base of seabird colony,where the bear was observed grazing, Gnålodden, Hornsund,southwest Spitsbergen, Svalbard[Photo by Nuria Selva]277881430459(27) Appendix 4: Distribution of polar bears subpopulations in the Arctic[Source: http://anniekatec.blogspot.com/2010/12/polar-bear-status-pits.htm]281663967172(28) [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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