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.Corleone.You justfollow that timetable and it will go off as smooth as silk.""Well, all right.But I've known silk to snag.However, I will be a good general.I will use your orders.Itgives me goosebumps, the thought of you climbing out a thirty-fifth story window.Now, don't you fall,you hear me?""I promise," said Heller."Oh, how I wish 'Holy Joe' was here.How he would have loved this! Faustino, no less! I can hardlywait to see the face of the mayor's wife!"Chapter 3They left Bayonne after dark in Babe's high-powered, bulletproof limousine.The New Jersey Turnpike,when they joined it, was a wasteland of concrete, deserted of all traffic due to the absence of fuel.Geovani had had no problem with that: They had their own emergency supplies.He was burning up theroad, delighted to do a hundred miles an hour with nothing else in sight.Not even the cops could chasehim, as they had no gas either though it was doubtful if they would have, knowing the car.To their right, the city of New York was not visible at all, though the summer night was clear.Hellercould not ever remember seeing it that way: Only a few beacon lights, red sparks, gleamed as aircraftwarnings on the taller towers and buildings. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHe made out, at last, the beacon light on the top of the Empire State Building.The top thirty-two storiesof the building, usually lit, were dark, probably for the first time since a bomber had crashed into it nearlya half a century before."We'll get to you later," Heller told it silently, but he wondered how hisimprisoned friends were doing there.That lunch case hadn't contained all that much.They would havefinished it by now.He asked Babe if he could use the phone and called the condo.Balmor answered."Did she call?" said Heller."Oh, yes, sir," said Balmor."She left a message that there was no change in the person.Do you have amessage if she calls again, sir?"Tell her I'm working and that I'm fine.And give her my love."He rang off and found Babe looking at him."Who was that?" said Babe."Some girl? It's very importantthat you marry well, Jerome.You must introduce her to me.""Oh, you'd approve of her," said Heller."She's from the same country as that Prince Caucalsia I toldyou about.The one that belongs at the top of your family tree.""Really?" said Babe."Oh, yes," said Heller."And she's blond, tall, blue-eyed except when they are gray, very beautiful,talented, educated.She's also an aristocrat.""Jerome!" said Babe, looking at him."You're in love!"Heller laughed."I plead guilty.And she'll love you, too, when she meets you.Who wouldn't?" Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlBabe smiled and then began to laugh."Oh, Jerome no wonder you forgot your mother for a while.But it's all right.What I couldn't bear was thinking you were mad at me.Now, here's what we will do.Assoon as we have finished this war, I'll have a big reception.I'll present her to all the people who matterand if she's as beautiful as you say, we'll be the envy of everybody! Now, let's see: The Waldorf-AstoriaHotel is a little bit old-fashioned but the ballrooms are quite nice.Or should we use the Plaza? Maybe theGrand Hyatt.No, I know.Madison Square Garden! Are you engaged yet?""Well, not formally.It's just an understanding between us.""Ah! If I approve of her, we'll have an engagement party! What's her name?"Heller, the Fleet officer, would not lie about his girl.He said, "Her passport says her name is HeavenlyJoy Krackle.But her real name is the Countess Krak." "Good heavens! A COUNTESS! And notsnooty or anything?""She's the soul of charm.You'll love her!""Very good, then.That's settled.An engagement party at Madison Square Garden! Choruses from fivemusicals! The best bands! Champagne! Imagine it: love and war! Oh, Jerome, I'm so glad you havecome back!"They were entering the Holland Tunnel.Babe stopped making notes of the list of guests and put it firmlyaside."I better get my mind on this timetable or we'll be fleeing for our lives to our estates in SouthAmerica.But promise me faithfully one thing, Jerome.""What's that?""Don't fall!" Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlChapter 4Thanks to the dizzying speed Geovani had driven and the empty, dark streets of lower Manhattan, thelimousine arrived early on the scene.They parked beside a small, dark park.Further to the south, a quarter of a mile away, lay the police headquarters, seen only as a faint blueemergency light.Nearer to hand but unseen were the U.S.Court House and the New York CountyCourt House.To their right and close by on the Bowery lay the dim, unlighted bulk of the Narcotici mobbuilding.The high-rise of Total Control, Inc., was black glass and chrome but one was hard put to evenmake it out against the murky stars.Heller, with an infrared flashlight and a lens over his eye, was scanning one final time the plans of thebuilding that Babe had gotten him that day.There was a sound of footsteps approaching and Babe looked up alertly.She slid her window downand a face appeared, half seen."Mia capa?" It was Signore Saggezza, consigliere of the Corleone family."All set?" said Babe [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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