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."And I can't tellyou how angry it makes me,"he said, his light tone giving the lie to his words.The lord's private suite, through which they had been conducted, was large,light, and airy, light and air in the bedroom provided by the wide doors thatopened on three sides of it, opening out into the atrium garden: the lord'ssleeping chamber was a tongue, thrust into the garden, protected by the redPage 249 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlbrick wallsGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlof the residence.There were other openings in the walls, but they were onlyhorizontally slitted windows, set just below the juncture of ceiling andfloor.Lesser beings would be allowed to share the fresh breeze of the lord'sprivate garden, and perhaps a distant scent of patchouli and sunbakedendester, but not the explosion of fiery red-orange sunblossoms that rimmedthe garden, or the cool greens of the broadleaved trees."I understand why I am upset," Pelester said, not sounding at all upset, "butwhy are you so concerned?"Thick-fingered hands picked up a filigreed silver eating prong, speared abacon-wrapped morsel of something white fish, perhaps? or veal? and popped itin his mouth.Unmindful of the early morning chill, he wore a thin satindressing gown, its broad sleeves hemmed with silver thread in a design ofrearing horses.To the left of his plate, a steaming mug of hot tea sat; tothe right, a small silver bell lay on its side in an intricately carved woodencradle."It wouldn't seem to be your problem, but mine.""If you don't ask yourself any questions, so it would," Toryn said."Questions?""Questions.Like: why should she try to escape now?" Toryn rested a hip on thetable as he sipped at the tea, not apparently noticing Pelester's glare."Justdays after you've lent her to the Warrior? And then me?And the morning after I told her that I suspected she knew more than she wasletting on.""What made you suspect that?"Toryn's grin was insultingly broad."I didn't, but it seemed to be worth a trybefore I left her in Festen's hands.She overplayed the innocence, just alittle, I finally decided.I'm almost but not quite sure she knew something,and I was going to spend the day questioning her.Her escaping proves that Iwas right."He reached out and grabbed a fist-sized loaf of bread from a plate and tossedit to Jason, then picked up another and dipped it in a brown sauce from atureen.Pelester's mouth quirked into a frown, but then relaxed."All it proves,"Pelester said, "is that you scared her into doing something.foolish.""It isn't foolish for her to try to escape if she makes good her escape.""Please," Pelester said, raising a hand, "this is not something new.My familyhas been keeping slaves for generations.My slave-keeper has a lock of herhair and some nail clippings safely stored, and I've a fast pair of horsesheading for Abereen and a wizard; I'll have a troop of men on her trail bytomorrow morning," Pelester said."Would you care to accompany them?""No, I'd rather preempt them." Toryn shook his head."I'd rather find herbefore then.Our horses are rested, but I'll want to move quickly lend methree more and we should have her back and put to the question by tomorrowmorning, instead of just starting to search then.""And how do you expect to find her?"Toryn nodded at Jason."Festen here was born a woodsman near Wehnest he cantrack a quarry anywhere, particularly if he's had a scent of it." Torynsmiled."And he's had more than that of littleMarnea." He considered it for a moment."She's fleeing on foot, likely stayingoff the roads likely we can pick up her trail quickly, and ride her down bynightfall, and have her talking before your noble headGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlrests on its pillow.I'll bet gold-for-silver he can find her footprintsbefore you can finish your breakfast."Jason kept his smile inside.This was likely to be true enough, given thatPage 250 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlToryn had just been out for a walk in Marnea's sandals, making thosefootprints.Pelester nodded."Very well." He raised a cautionary finger."But I'm fond ofthe little chit I don't object to you passing her around among yourselves thisnight, but I don't want her brought back seriously damaged.""I know my business," Toryn said."A few bruises and scratches are to beexpected "" and are acceptable.A girl so badly abused that I have to send for the Hand,and then deal with screams at night, is not." Pelester rubbed at an earlobe.Toryn bowed."Of course.""Then you shall have the extra horses, and my best wishes, as well." Pelesterreached for the silver bell [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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