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.As I said, it is unlikely, if you are an average, normal person, that you will be able to keep your lockmold stable on these subplanes for any extended period of time.If you just wait it out, you will probably disappear from that subplanewithin a couple of minutes anyway.If you choose this option, just explore your environment.Like I said, and you have to always keep this in mind when you project, nothing can hurt you when you are out of body.You are literally indestructible.YOU are the only thing that can hurt you, and the only way this can happen is by letting your own fears take you over.If you learn to control your fear, you will ALWAYS be safe out of body.This said, let me give a couple of examples of what the lower subplanes are like.1>(A typical lower subplane experience.)"Felt myself wake up on the physical.Tried to remember my dream but it fadedquickly.That made me mad.Plus I hadn't projected for several days, and that sucked too.I thought "go for it" and pretended I was jumping out of my body - and I did!Surprised, I floated in my room for a brief instant and then faded.At first I thought I was in the void, but then I saw all kinds of humanoid silhouettes around me.There were all kinds of them marching like sleep walkers.It was a dark and eerie environment.I couldn't fly well and I felt like I was zipping along like a balloon.I shot past a silhouette and it bent out of my way in a distorted and unnatural manner-like it bent sideways or something.I tried to look at my hands, but it was very difficult.Woke up.This was a very short projection - less than a minute.I bet I was on the lowest astral plane.I think I saw a bunch of "lost souls".Itwas very much like Leadbeater described it - dark, heavy, hard to control one's movements.The silhouettes were like zombies; no self-consciousness, they just marched like a herd."2>(Another typical lower subplane experience.)".Drifted off to sleep again, imagining I was in the living room downstairs.Inthe next instant, I was downstairs! I was floating by the ceiling in the living room.It was dark, like nighttime.This time I could move, but it was very difficult.I pulled myself to the floor.I looked at the front door.The dimensions of the room were distorted and enlarged.The door looked far away, like in a telescope.I walked toward the door with great difficulty.I felt a small sense of triumph when I finally reached the door.I opened the door and walked out onto the porch.My movement became a little easier.I looked outside to the street.It seemed to be just before dawn.In the street, I saw two figures running carrying something looking like sacks over their shoulders.They seemed to be wearing what looked like long underwear.They were hunched over as they ran.I don't know what they were, though they were humanoid.My first impression is that they were thieves running from the scene of the crime.But the way they moved, all hunched and distorted made me think that they might be demons or some lowly astral creatures.At any rate, they disappeared across the street.They didn't notice me at all.I wanted to follow them but I knew I couldn't move as fast as they were.Then I flew out through the porch window around to the side of the house.Once outside, everything seemed really dark and murky, and distorted.I realized I was on the lowest astral plane and got scared.I wanted to leave and felt myself back in my body."3>(This entry illustrates some of the denizens of the lower subplanes, a topic to which we will return).Was in one of those scary brown heavy regions.Thought I had woke up.Was lying in bed and I heard soft but threatening hissing voices.It made me scared.Had my back to the voices but it sounded like they were getting closer.Realized I was in the nasty Etheric levels and tried to wake myself up.It backfired and I went into a higher dream level for a moment but lost lucidity and had a false awakening.Thought I had woke onto the physical but actually was in some dream facsimile of my room at Dad's.Saw a clear blue sky through crack in the curtains and it made me feel great; couldn't believe I let those stupid Etheric ghouls get to me.Went back to sleep unafraid.Next I knew I was in the Etheric again and heard the voices.This time I wasirked and determined to confront them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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