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.EducationYes, Jennifer represents the typical presentation of a should focus on pertinent information about risk-woman with epithelial ovarian cancer.She was diagnosed reduction measures, screening options for women atwith advanced ovarian cancer that had spread to other high risk, and the importance of annual examinations.abdominal organs and the lymph nodes by the time she In addition, nurses should keep current on researchwas diagnosed.She essentially experienced no symptoms concerning ovarian cancer and should be able to dis-of concern prior to her diagnosis.Her 5-year survival rate seminate this information at health fairs and women sis poor because of her advanced cancer state.support groups.students with their community resources and to visu-Ï% STUDY ACTI VI TI ESalize the equipment used in cancer treatment.Cancer1.Depending on the type of reproductive cancer thetreatment centers are very specialized and most offerstudent selects, the responses will vary.Typicallynumerous modalities of care.It is important that stu-the symptoms described are vague, and the womandents know what is available in their communitiesmay have delayed seeking help from her healthcareand be informed referral agents.provider.Her preoperative emotions are usually fear,denial, and anxiety regarding the unknown.Her 3.Most web sites address the lay public and offerpostoperative feelings can include relief, worry, education about each type of cancer.Most urgedepression, and anxiety again.Her future may seem clients to seek specific information concerningbright if the cancer was detected early, but it may be their symptoms or situation from their healthcarebleak if it is advanced.practitioner.2.Depending on where the student lives and what com-4.Ovarianmunity resources are available, their responses willvary.The purpose of this field trip to acquaint the 5.Breast and ovarianChapter 92.The correct response is B.Tension builds withinÏ% MULTI PLE CHOI CE QUESTI ONSthe abuser and he demonstrates increased anger1.The correct response is D.Giving women the abil-and violent behavior without any provocationity to gain control over their lives allows them tofrom the woman.This tension-building phasemake the changes needed to protect themselvesstarts the cycle of violence.A is incorrect: typi-and their children.As long as they feel victimized,cally the woman doesn t provoke the abuser s vio-they will take little action to make change.A islent behavior, but he blames her for his lack ofincorrect: being the victim of abuse is not a mentalanger control.C is incorrect: in the honeymoonillness, but involves being in circumstances wherephase, the final phase in the cycle of violence, theher courage and self-esteem may be hindered.B isabuser says he is sorry, he loves her, and it willincorrect: leaving the abuser is a process, not annever happen again.D is incorrect: in the explo-abrupt action, and a great deal of preparation ission stage of the cycle of violence, the abuserneeded before making this move.C is incorrect:physically harms the woman.This stage followsnurses don t have the resources to provide finan-the tension-building phase.cial support to abused women, but they can makereferrals to community agencies that could help 3.The correct response is C.Women with lowwith job training.self-esteem and limited communication skills3132-26_AnswersRev.qxd 12/15/05 3:45 PM Page 741ANSWERS TO WORKSHEET QUESTIONS 741seem more likely to become victims of abuse 4.The correct response is A.This statement pro-than those with good communication skills motes a sense of self-worth, which may have beenand assertiveness.Women possessing these destroyed by her abuser in the relationship.Thisskills would be able to make changes in their statement indicates to the woman that she has alife and would not fall victim to abuse.A is lot to offer and that she shouldn t put up with thisincorrect: cooking skills have a limited impact abusive behavior.The victim may not have heardon abusive relationships.The woman s ability this message before: her abuser may have con-to communicate and feel strong within her- vinced her that she did deserve the violence.B isself will provide her with better preventive incorrect: many children living in violent homestools than her cooking skills.B is incorrect: are abused themselves and extremely stressed.Nobeing a good decorator will not prevent children should live under such stressful circum-abuse.Good self-esteem and work skills stances; a two-parent household is not healthy ifwill go further to help her recover from an one is an abuser.C is incorrect: in most cases theabusive relationship than being a good home- woman doesn t trigger the abuse; rather, themaker.D is incorrect: improving her appear- abuser has limited control over his anger and doesance would not prevent her from becoming a not need to be provoked before lashing out
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