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.They hide behind areligious mask so that they will not be suspected of the manyabominations they continually perpetrate in this country and aroundthe world.May God help us to never have anything to do with thissatanic organization.Abraham Lincoln stated,So many plots have already been made against my life, thatit is a real miracle that they have all failed, when we considerthat the great majority of them were in the hands of theskillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained byJesuits.But can we expect that God will make a perpetualmiracle to save my life? I believe not.The Jesuits are soexpert in those deeds of blood that Henry IV said it wasimpossible to escape them, and he became their victim,though he did all that could be done to protect himself.Myescape from their hands, since the letter of the Pope to JeffDavis has sharpened the million of daggers to pierce mybreast, would be more than a miracle.http://www.geocities.com/thesecretterrorists/book/ch4.html (4 of 11)2.12.2005 16:30:58THE SECRET TERRORISTS CHAPTER 4: PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLNBut just as the Lord heard no murmur from the lips of Moseswhen He told him that he had to die, before crossing theJordan, for the sins of his people; so I hope and pray that Hewill hear no murmur from me when I fall for my nation s sake.The only two favors I ask of the Lord are, first that I may diefor the sacred cause in which I am engaged, and that I amthe standard bearer of the rights and liberties of my country.The second favor I ask of God is, that my dear son, Robert,when I am gone, will be one of those who lift up that flag ofliberty which will cover my tomb, and will carry it with honorand fidelity, to the end of his life, as his father did,surrounded by the millions who will be called with him to fightand die for the defense and honor of our country. CharlesChiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, ChickPublications, pp.302, 303.Abraham Lincoln understood that his time was near.In the midst of unparalleled success while all the bells of theland were ringing with joy, a calamity fell upon us whichoverwhelmed the country in consternation and awe.OnFriday evening, April 14, President Lincoln attended Ford sTheatre, in Washington.He was sitting quietly in his boxlistening to the drama, when a man entered the door of thelobby leading to the box, closing the door behind him.Drawing near to the President, he drew from his pocket asmall pistol, and shot him in the back of the head.As thePresident fell, senseless and mortally wounded and theshriek of his wife, who was seated at his side, pierced everyear, the assassin leaped from the box, a perpendicularheight of nine feet, and as he rushed across the stage,bareheaded, brandished a dagger, exclaiming Sic siempertyrannus! and disappeared behind the side scenes. Ibid.pp.307-308.Noble Abraham, true descendent of the father of the faithful,honest in every trust, humble as a child, tender hearted as awoman, who could not bear to injure even his mostenvenomed foes: who, in the hour of triumph, was saddenedlest the feelings of his adversaries should be wounded bytheir defeat, with charity for all, malice towards none ,endowed with common sense, intelligence never surpassedand with power of intellect which enabled him to grapple withthe most gigantic opponents in debate, developing abilitiesas a statesman, which won the gratitude of his country andthe admiration of the world, and with graces and amiabilitywhich drew to him all generous hearts; dies by the bullet ofthe assassin!But who was that assassin? Booth was nothing but the toolof the Jesuits.It was Rome who directed his arm, afterhttp://www.geocities.com/thesecretterrorists/book/ch4.html (5 of 11)2.12.2005 16:30:58THE SECRET TERRORISTS CHAPTER 4: PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLNcorrupting his heart and damning his soul. Ibid.p.308.And after twenty years of constant and most difficultresearches, I come fearlessly today before the Americanpeople, to say and prove that the president, AbrahamLincoln, was assassinated by the priests and the Jesuits ofRome
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