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.Once deselected,ÉÉÉchoose OK in the Edge Blend dialog box and then Apply in11ÉÉÉthe Edit Parameters dialog box.ÉÉÉDeselect the three old edges- Select the blend to edit again.- This time select the edge that is not highlighted.New edgeEDSDesign Applications UsingUnigraphics NX11-6All Rights ReservedUnigraphics Workbook Editing the Assembly Part File- Select the control point as shown below.Be sure that theÉÉÉcontrol point selected is the end point of the edge that wasÉÉÉjust added to the blend feature.11ÉÉÉÉÉÉControl point- In the variable radius text box enter.0625 and choose OKtwice.- Review the assembly part file.NOTE: The removal of the old edges and the addition of the newedge could have been completed in one step but was done in twosteps for clarity.EDSDesign Applications Using11-7All Rights ReservedUnigraphics Workbook Editing the Assembly Part FileStep 6 Change the number of blades on the impeller from 6 to 5.ÉÉÉMaintain equal spacing of the blades.ÉÉÉ11ÉÉÉÉÉÉStep 7 Change the profile of the blade by editing the BLADEsketch to the values shown below.p78=6.625EDSDesign Applications UsingUnigraphics NX11-8All Rights ReservedUnigraphics Workbook Editing the Assembly Part FileStep 8 Review the assembly.ÉÉÉÉÉÉ11ÉÉÉStep 9 Increase the planar interface between the impeller andÉÉÉshaft_impeller components of the main assembly.- Determine the current radial interface between the planarfaces of the two components.ImpellerShaft_ImpellerRadial interfacebetween the twocomponents.The radial interface is 0.25, this value needs to be increased to 0.5.To achievethis, a boss feature on the shaft_impeller will be edited.EDSDesign Applications Using11-9All Rights ReservedUnigraphics Workbook Editing the Assembly Part File- Edit the boss feature shown below to have a diameter of 6.5.ÉÉÉÉÉÉ11ÉÉÉÉÉÉSelect thisboss feature.Did the rest of the shaft sub assembly update? If not, it is because thesecomponents are only partially loaded.- If all of the shaft sub assembly components did not update;open them using the Assembly Navigator.If the componentshave updated, skip this action.Here is a good example of design intent captured.Observe how the shaftextension and shaft_load components update in size.The shaft extension is now6.5" in diameter and has maintained a wall thickness of 0.375.This wasexpedited by two operations.First, the boss feature on the shaft_impellercomponent that fits within the shaft_extension had its diameter expressionmade associative to the first boss in order to maintain a 0.375 offset.Second,the edge of the shaft_impeller was linked to the shaft_extension component.Step 10 Change the length of the shaft extension to 24 inches.Notice how the shaft_load component maintains its position relative to theshaft extension.This is because the shaft_load component is linked to theextension component.Step 11 Perform a Clearance Check on the assembly.- Change the work part back to the ***_impeller_assm.- Choose Assemblies’!Components’!Check Clearances- Choose Select All in the Class Selection dialog box andchoose OK.EDSDesign Applications UsingUnigraphics NX11-10All Rights ReservedUnigraphics Workbook Editing the Assembly Part FileNotice the hard" and touching" interferences listed in the dialog box.We areÉÉÉnot concerned with the touching" interferences as they are simply face to faceÉÉÉconditions.However, the hard" interferences identify conditions that need to11ÉÉÉbe addressed.ÉÉÉ- Double-click on the interference between the Key_35 andthe ***_shaft_impeller.- Move the Interference Check dialog box to a location awayfrom the graphics window and Replace View to the Rightview.- Zoom in closely to one of the bottom corners of the keywayon the impeller shaft and the key itself as shown in the figurebelow.1 Zoom in here2 To see thisInterferenceNotice the corner radius of the keyway is too large and interferes with thechamfer on the key.To solve this problem we need to edit the blend radius ofthe keyway in the impeller shaft [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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