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. If you could own avehicle, any vehicle, what would it be?She answered without hesitation. A Hummer.Not the H2 or H3, but the originalgas-guzzling Hummer.He looked amused. What color?She laughed.What the hell was wrong with this vampire? He was one off-beat dude. Definitely black. Tinted windows? Of course, she said. Oh, and some chrome rims. Turn around.His eyes were a brilliant shade of green.She figured they changed color like Gabe sdid.Did that mean he was in a highly emotional state? What exactly did that make her?She gave him a little smile, then turned to the parking lot.Her mouth fell open. Oh.My.God. Please, Lucifer snapped. He didn t give you the Hummer.I did. What? What is this? Where did it come from? She went up to the black Hummerthat hadn t been there two seconds before and ran a hand along the side of it.It was soshiny she could see her reflection in it.Energy clung to it as if it had been infused withmagic. Look at the plate.She walked to the back of the Hummer.M VIRGIN. Sweet! she laughed.She opened the doors and peered inside. How did you dothat? This is insane. Gabe hadn t moved anywhere near the Hummer.He was looking atit as though it would jump up and bite him. You know what? Forget how you did it.I don t care.You seriously rock.I don tknow how you did it, but you rock.Lucifer gets shotgun. Chris climbed into the driver sseat. Man, she said, buckling up. I might have to quit running around after Gabe andseriously consider dating you.She took the keys Lucifer handed her and started the truck.She turned on the radioand looked for a rock station.Was this beautiful piece of machinery really hers to keep? They d have to pry it out of her cold, dead hands.Mine.Gabe got in the backseat and leaned forward. You do understand he really is theDevil, right? He is not a vampire by any stretch of the imagination.He s evil.He s theDevil. No, he s not the Devil. She winked at Lucifer. He s Satan, remember? Now,buckle up and let s see how fast this baby will take us to Tom s house.Lucifer buckled. Actually the Hummer wasn t built for speed; it was built forpower.If you want speed, we can talk Lamborghini.* * * *Chris followed Gabe and Lucifer into Tom s house.It was nearing seven thirty atnight and the place looked empty.As she walked down the hallway, she saw the dining room table lying on its side.Pieces of china littered the floor, and pictures had been knocked off the wall.There wasblood on the floor.They were too late.She ran downstairs. Mike! Stephen! Dave, where are you? She went into thecomputer room, and when she found it empty, she went into a panic.They should neverhave left the house.Then it dawned on her.That s why Gabe had taken her to his motel.He wasprotecting her from Tom.But who had been here to protect her brothers? No one is here. Lucifer walked elegantly down the steps.Her heart pounded in her chest.While she had been lusting after Gabe, her familyhad been fighting for their lives.It must have just happened.She d been talking to Mikeonly a couple of hours ago. Where are they? Are they okay? She turned around andsurveyed the empty room again. This is my fault.I shouldn t have left. Chris, calm down.None of this is your fault, and you have no idea what hastranspired.Gabe is on the phone with Sven, so he will find out.She met Lucifer at the bottom of the stairs. Did Tom really sell his own family outfor a little bit of power? Did family mean anything to anyone anymore?How could Tom hurt this family? He did, and it s not just a little bit of power.Without the Alliance, the vampireswould have the opportunity to do whatever they choose to do. He walked past her, intothe main room. Maybe he made a mistake.On Thanksgiving some men came here with guns, andTom helped to kill them.Do you think he changed his mind? That he never meant  No.The timing hadn t been right, so he did what he had to do at the time toconvince Gabe of his allegiance.There s money and power involved.He doesn t give ashit about anyone but himself.He had to wait until Sven and Roger arrived before hemade an attempt to kill anyone. I see. She really didn t.Was it true? Was he really Satan?  How do you know allof this?Lucifer turned to face her. You know the answer to that if you are willing to believeit. He looked over her head.She could tell by the look on his face that someone was standing behind her.She was afraid to turn around and see who it was. I ll take care of it, he said to the entity behind her.He looked back at her. It salways something, isn t it? Enjoy the Hummer.He vanished.She stared at the place he had been standing for several seconds, then she turned tolook behind her.There was nothing there.All the energy of the room had dissipated intonothing.A chill ran down her spine.Could he really be Satan?All of a sudden the eerie silence of the basement freaked her out.She practically ranback up the stairs.Now graced with the knowledge that vampires and demons couldliterally pop in and out whenever they chose, she felt as though she were trapped in ascary movie.She found Gabe in the kitchen on the phone, leaning against the kitchen counter withhis back to the window. We ll be there within the hour.Chris started to say something, but Gabe held his hand up for silence. Keep Mike out of the room.We don t need any complications from him.We ll bethere soon. Gabe shut his phone. Let me guess.You know where Tom is?He cocked his head at her, refusing to answer her.That was a bad sign. What are you going to do when we get there? Whatever it takes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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