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.It clung to her like a choker,snug but not restrictive.The pendant of rubies pooled in the hollowat the base of her throat, rapidly warming to her skin.He walkedaround the table again for a peek.ýÿIt looks perfect on you.ýÿ With a gentle finger skimmingher skin, Jack outlined the pendant.His gaze never left hers.Never wavered.A world ofpromise and sinful mastery lay in his eyes.Morgan had seen Jackin a lot of ways in the past few days: angry, asleep, protective,aroused.But never like this: possessive and totally determined.Morgan exhaled a ragged, aroused breath.ýÿPerfect,ýÿ he murmured.ýÿLie back and keep your legsspread so I can see that sweet pussy.ýÿShe only hesitated long enough to remind herself that sheýÿdcome here to be with Jack, to experience the ways he could makeher feel.To embrace her sexuality.Dark, hungry, his gaze roamed over Morgan, heating her upfrom the inside out.He looked so big, soýÿmale standing over her,the hard ridges of his torso taut, defined, rippling with everybreath.Her mouth went dry.Now all she had to do was trust him with her pleasure.Slowly, Morgan did as he commanded and laid back on thetable, legs parted.She wanted to ask what he had planned for her,for them.But she knew that wasnýÿt allowed.She had to trust him.So far she hadýÿwith her life.And she was still alive.Maybe for the first time, totally alive.For a long moment, he did nothing but gaze at her, his darkstare penetrating her body, her mind.She couldnýÿt have looked away, even if she had wanted.But breaking the connectionbetween them was the last thing she desired.The jolt of it was likea livewire, stunning her, shaking her to her core.Breathless.Suspended.Tormented with anticipation.She waited.ýÿClose your eyes.ýÿOh, what did he have planned? Not seeing what he wasdoingýÿ Morgan wasnýÿt sure she could handle it.But the weight ofthe choker around her neck reminded her of all sheýÿd agreed to.The twin slashes of Jackýÿs black brows warned her against furtherhesitation.Stomach jumping, heart pumping, Morgan allowed her lidsto flutter shut, concealing Jack and anything he might do from herview.A moment later, a scrap of something soft and silky fellover her face.Jack adjusted it over her eyes, then tied it off at theback of her head.A blindfold.She gulped.God, he meant for herto go into this totally blind and give him total trust.Morgan took a calming breath.She was up for this.Shecould do it, even if she had to disregard the wild thump of herpulse to believe it.Jack leaned closer.She could feel his heat, scent hisheavenly musk as he approached.It soothed her, even as it madeher even more aware of herself as a woman, even more wet.His lips settled over hers like a whisper.A brush of heaven,a slide of hot taste, a forbidden brush of his tongue.ýÿThank you foryour trust.ýÿShe relaxed into the table and arched her neck to receive WICKED TIES ýÿ S.Bradley w/a Shayla Black ýÿ Berkley Heat, Jan.2007, ISBN0-425-21361-7 Page 140more of his kisses.Instead, she felt the grip of his fingers around her rightwrist.He lifted her hand, easing it a few inches to her right.Shefelt cold metal around it a click later.Not tightýÿbut not givingeither.There was no way she was moving this arm.He repeatedthe process with her other wrist.Then he bound her ankles in thesame way he had her wrists, locking them on either side of thetable, knees bent, thighs wide.ýÿIn time,ýÿ he murmured, ýÿand, Iýÿm sure, after your fairshare of punishments, youýÿll learn to trust me as you should.ýÿThe soft note of censure reverberated through her belly likea warning.Without being told, she knew she had punishmentcoming now.Still, the sharp rap of his fingers slapping the mound of herpussy shocked Morgan.The sensation vibrated through her, downher nether lips.Then the ache centered right under her clitýÿbut itwasnýÿt pain.Pushing past the alarm and desire flooding her mind atonce, a ferocious need seized her body, concentrated between herlegs.Jack repeated the process this time, just a fraction harder.The ferocious ache became monstrous, gripping her in its clutcheswith an unavoidable grasp.Morgan bit her lip to hold in her moan.Then once more, the flat of his hand struck the pad of herpussy, with more force.Sensation zinged through her, ricochetingthrough her vagina.Equal parts pain and pleasure.The vise of needtightened until it strangled her thoughts.The moan lodged in herthroat broke past her resistance and filled the silence betweenthem.ýÿOne more like that, and the pain will outweigh thepleasure.Iýÿll reserve thatýÿunless you hesitate again.Understood?Shake your head or nod.ýÿThe rumble of his voice dug down inside her, inciting afresh wave of want.Heýÿd already reduced her entire existence toher beating heart, her pounding pussy, and that line that seemed torun between them with some link she didnýÿt understand.Finally, she realized that Jack was waiting for an answer.She nodded.ýÿGood.Tonight, Iýÿd rather pleasure you than punish you.ýÿFootsteps across the hardwood floor told her heýÿd turnedaway, crossed the room.Was he leaving? No! Sheýÿd pushed awayher inhibitions, resolved to embrace what he wanted to share withher.Dismay stole over her, and she tried to fight the cuffs at her wrists and ankles.Then the footsteps announced his return, measured in aprecise militarylike cadence.ýÿYou arenýÿt going anywhere.Neither am I,ýÿ he vowed andplaced his palm in the center of her stomach.His skin was like ahot brand, promising more, vowing to make her completely his.Morgan stilled, more relieved than she would have thoughtpossible.The wet slide of Jackýÿs tongue brushed across the swell ofher breast.His finger trailed a gentle path down the inside, thenaround, tracing the naughty cutout in her bra, so close to hersensitive areola.She arched in invitation.He ignored her.ýÿYour nipples are the palest blushing pink,ýÿ he whispered,his hot breath fanning right against one of the tight beads.ýÿTheyturn a sweet, pale rose when youýÿre aroused.ýÿEven as he teased her with the possibility of his mouth overher breast, his finger was on the move again, drawing in aseemingly random pattern across her chest, down her abdomen,then back up.ýÿYour freckles are fascinating to trace, and one day,Iýÿll spend hours finding each and every one and licking them untilyou beg me to fuck you.But not now [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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