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."She disappeared about three weeks ago.I trackedher.I'm not stupid.I've seen others go missing.Other kidsin their change year.They had taken her from the Moon,and I found her.She was in a room." The horrors ofwhatever was in that room clearly choked the words fromMark as he stopped as suddenly as he d started."You got her away," Nick prompted carefully. Itwas the right thing to do. Mark looked at him withdespair, clearly wanting to skip the retelling."I did.There was a fight, but I'm strong." He keptlooking at Nick, focusing on Nick's eyes, and Rob had thefeeling that he was a voyeur in something intensely private.96 Shattered Secrets Diane Adams & RJ Scott"I wanted to get her to the cops.We got almost all the way,but she was bleeding, and she fell down.I tried to help.Iput my hand there." He held out his hand, pressing it downon his chest, "I pushed so hard to stop the blood.And thenyou were there." Unconsciously, the young wolf movedclose to Nick, leaning in for support."Where are your parents?" Rob asked gently."There s only us, and an uncle, but he's away a lot.So it's just& just me& " Mark's voice faltered, and Nickswore under his breath."He can't give us any more," Nick stated firmly."Faces, names " Rob interrupted quickly."He didn t see much, but I'll make sure you havedetails in the morning.""Dude," Dan said simply as he looked at his watch."It is morning.""Just later then," Nick said adamantly.Rob sighed.Okay, he guessed he could work with asmall delay in this whole thing."Bring him in ""We'll do it here." Nick's voice remained firm, andhis eyes narrowed as Rob looked at him.Rob might leadthe task force, but when it came to wolf matters, it wasgenerally Nick who provided guidance."Okay." Rob agreed and then he stood."Can we get97 Shattered Secrets Diane Adams & RJ Scottyou anything?""Nothing." Nick picked up his cell from the sidetable and put it on the sofa arm."Call me."The three men left, Dan and Joe talking low, andRob following at a slower pace.He accepted the lift home,and in a half daze, he climbed the stairs to his apartment.His shower called, even as lack of sleep pulled at the edgesof his consciousness.The water was hot, and the showerworked on some of the tension in his neck.He shaved anddried, and with an eye on the amount of walking he wasplanning to do that day, he dressed in jeans and a shirt.There was too much in his head to even start tothink about any of it now.He needed to track Jamie down.Jamie had said he sensed a she-wolf at the club.There wereso many questions Rob needed to ask.Seeing Mark curled into Nick like that, secure andsafe and protected, created feelings inside Rob alien to him.The way Nick spoke about Mark's wolf wanting protectionhad seemed more like a nurturing and protecting act than asexual thing.It was a calming and caring action.Jamie'swolf had wanted to mate.That was different, wasn t it?Maybe everyone was wrong.Maybe he hadn t imprinted onJamie at all.The confusing sensations of anger, mistrustand lust buried inside him when he had seen Jamie in the98 Shattered Secrets Diane Adams & RJ Scottcaf� were overwhelming.Ninety percent of him wanted tobe the cop interviewing a source, relegating Jamie to aparticular place in his cop's life.But hell, the other tenpercent wanted to grab the younger man and shake him,demand to know why he had hidden this, why he hadn ttold Rob he was a wolf from day one.Then, shit, thediscomfort at feeling anything like need for the man he wastrying to forget was the worst thing of all.He resolved to listen to the greater part of hisrational mind and to ignore the small part that desperatelyneeded a physical resolution.Jamie was a source ofinformation, someone that he could ask in for morequestioning.Right now, he needed coffee, a Danish, andthen to track down and question Jamie some more.In thatorder.Only that didn t quite go to plan.Opening his front door, he was startled when aweight against it forced it back against his hand.He lookeddown to see a bundle of cloth and a bloody man, and heardmoans of pain.Jamie.Jamie, beaten to fuck and barely conscious on hisdoorstep.99 Shattered Secrets Diane Adams & RJ ScottCHAPTER 7"Where m I?" Jamie squinted against the light; itstabbed between his barely parted lids.Wincing, hesqueezed them closed."Lights." He tried to bring his handup to shade his eyes, but a stabbing pain in his ribs changedhis mind.His breath caught and then released in a longhiss."Crap.Ow." He would have fallen back into thepillow if he d managed to get off it in the first place.Thelights dimmed, and he breathed a sigh of relief."How are you feeling?"That voice.That scent.Rob.Jamie tried to figureout how a person could relax and get tenser at the sametime.He was safe.Somehow Rob had him.Jamie s guttwisted.His jaw clenched with pained concentration as hetried to piece together the last few hours.A straw touched his lips.Water.Jamie took a deepdrink, and another."Thanks," he muttered but didn t let goof the straw.He kept drinking until Rob chuckled andpulled it away."I think that s enough for right now.Do youremember what happened?"Jamie didn t open his eyes, but he shook his headslightly.Even that small movement sent shockwaves of100 Shattered Secrets Diane Adams & RJ Scottpain through his brain."Fuck," he whispered."Where amI?""Home."Jamie wrinkled his nose, sniffing.He frowned andsniffed again."Smells weird.Your home, not mine."The bed settled, and Jamie assumed Rob now sat onthe edge."You live with teenage werewolves and you thinkmy house smells weird?""Mmm hmm.Clean." Jamie s head swam, and hefrowned."Waz wrong w me?" His tongue felt thick.He feltRob s fingers brush against his forehead, but not on hisskin, and then back through his hair."Best I can tell someone beat the crap out of you.""Oh.Bad?""Seen road kill that looked better.""Hospital?" Jamie frowned; he hated doctors."Been there, done that."That brought Jamie all the way up onto his elbows,eyes wide.He froze.Pain made itself known in his ribs andhead; his jaw ached, and only one eye opened.Holdingvery still, he catalogued everything he could feel and triedto make sure there wasn t anything he couldn t feel."Whoa! Careful." Rob s hands on his shoulderseased him back to the bed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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