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.As theMorgan firm grew rapidly during the late nineteenth century, until itdominated the finances of the nation, many observers were puzzled that theRothschilds seemed so little interested in profiting by investing in the rapidlyadvancing American economy.John Moody notes, in The Masters of Capital,page 27, "The Rothschilds were content to remain a close ally of Morgan.asfar as the American field was concerned. 37 Secrecy was more profitablethan valor.__________________________34 Corsair, The Life of Morgan35 John K.Winkler, Morgan the Magnificent, Vanguard, N.Y.193036 Matthew Josephson, The Robber Barons, Harcourt Brace, N.Y.193437 John Moody, The Masters of CapitalThe reason that the European Rothschilds preferred to operate anonymouslyin the United States behind the facade of J.P.Morgan and Company isexplained by George Wheeler, in Pierpont Morgan and Friends, theAnatomy of a Myth, page 17:"But there were steps being taken even now to bring him out of the financialbackwaters--andthey were not being taken by Pierpont Morgan himself.The first suggestionof his name for a rolein the recharging of the reserve originated with the London branch of theHouse of Rothschild,Belmont s employers."38Wheeler goes on to explain that a considerable anti-Rothschild movementhad developed in Europe and the United States which focused on the bankingactivities of the Rothschild family.Even though they had a registered agentin the United States, August Schoenberg, who had changed his name toBelmont when he came to the United States as the representative of theRothschilds in 1837, it was extremely advantageous to them to have anAmerican representative who was not known as a Rothschild agent.Although the London house of Junius S.Morgan and Company continued tobe the dominant branch of the Morgan enterprises, with the death of thesenior Morgan in 1890 in a carriage accident on the Riviera, John PierpontMorgan became the head of the firm.After operating as the American 69representative of the London firm from 1864-1871 as Dabney Morgan Company,Morgan took on a new partner in 1871, Anthony Drexel of Philadelphia andoperated as Drexel Morgan and Company until 1895.Drexel died in thatyear, and Morgan changed the name of the American branch to J.P.Morganand Company.LaRouche39 tells us that on February 5, 1891, a secret association known asthe Round Table Group was formed in London by Cecil Rhodes, his banker,Lord Rothschild, the Rothschild in-law, Lord Rosebery, and Lord Curzon.He states that in the United States the Round Table was represented by theMorgan group.Dr.Carrol Quigley refers to this group as "The British-American Secret Society" in Tragedy and Hope, stating that "The chiefbackbone of this organization grew up along the already existing financialcooperation running from the Morgan Bank in New York to a group ofinternational financiers in London led by Lazard Brothers (in 1901)."40William Guy Carr, in Pawns In The Game states that, "In 1899, J.P.Morganand Drexel went to England to attend the International Bankers__________________________38 George Wheeler, Pierpont Morgan and Friends, the Anatomy of a Myth,Prentice Hall, N.J.197339 Lyndon H.LaRouche, Jr., Dope, Inc., The New Benjamin Franklin HousePublishing Company, N.Y.197840 Dr.Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, Macmillan Co., N.Y.Convention.When they returned, J.P.Morgan had been appointed headrepresentative of the Rothschild interests in the United States.As the resultof the London Conference, J.P.Morgan and Company of New York, Drexeland Company of Philadelphia, Grenfell and Company of London, andMorgan Harjes Cie of Paris, M.M.Warburg Company of Germany andAmerica, and the House of Rothschild were all affiliated."41Apparently unaware of the Peabody connection with the Rothschilds and thefact that the Morgans had always been affiliated with the House ofRothschild, Carr supposed that he had uncovered this relationship as of1899, when in fact it went back to 1835.*After World War I, the Round Table became known as the Council onForeign Relations in the United States, and the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs in London.The leading government officials of bothEngland and the United States were chosen from its members.In the 1960s,as growing attention centered on the surreptitious governmental activities ofthe Council on Foreign Relations, subsidiary groups, known as the TrilateralCommission and the Bilderbergers, representing the identical financial 70interests, began operations, with the more important officials, such as RobertRoosa, being members of all three groups.__________________________41 William Guy Carr, Pawns In The Game, privately printed, 1956, pg.60* July 30, 1930 McFadden Basis of Control of Economic Conditions.Thiscontrol of the world business structure and of human happiness and progressby a small group is a matter of the most intense public interest.In analyzingit, we must begin with the internal group which centers itself around J.P.Morgan Company [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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