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." The establishment of the NOC would not be construed to impair or otherwise affect: (1) authoritygranted by law to an executive department or agency or the head thereof; or (2) functionsassigned by the President to the National Security Council (or subordinate bodies) relating tomatters affecting foreign affairs, national security, homeland security, or intelligence  any ofEOP | INTERAGENCY OCEAN POLICY TASK FORCE 21 INTERIM REPORT OF THE INTERAGENCY OCEAN POLICY TASK FORCEthese matters that are not resolved by consensus within the NOC will be forwarded to the NSCfor resolution.III.Steering CommitteeStructureThe Steering Committee would be a high-level, streamlined body of four members from OSTP, CEQ, andone Chair each of the ORM-IPC and OST-IPC.The Steering Committee would meet at least every othermonth, but more often as issues require, and work in consultation with NSC and OMB to ensure theirrespective input on relevant matters, as appropriate.FunctionThe Steering Committee would be the key forum for ensuring integration and coordination on priorityareas within the NOC.In particular, it would ensure that there is coordination of management andscience issues and that the activities of the ORM-IPC and OST-IPC are aligned to fully supportimplementation of the National Policy, and priorities agreed upon by the NOC.The Steering Committeewould identify key issues and assist in developing the agenda for the NOC.In addition, the ExtendedContinental Shelf Task Force would report to the Steering Committee.IV.Ocean Resource Management Interagency Policy CommitteeStructureThe Ocean Resource Management Interagency Policy Committee (ORM-IPC) is the successor to thecurrent Subcommittee on Integrated Management of Ocean Resources.Chairs of the ORM-IPC aredesignated by the NOC.The members would consist of Deputy Assistant Secretaries or appropriaterepresentatives from the Executive branch agencies and departments of the NOC.The ORM-IPC reportsto the NOC.The ORM-IPC may establish sub-IPCs as necessary, as approved by the NOC.FunctionThe ORM-IPC would function as the ocean resource management body of the NOC, with an emphasis onensuring the interagency implementation of the National Policy, national priority objectives, and otherpriorities defined or approved by the NOC.This would include the development of strategic plans, incoordination with the OST-IPC, for the implementation of priority management objectives, with clearoutcomes, milestones, deadlines, designated agencies, and performance measures with an adaptive reviewprocess.The ORM-IPC Chairs would develop a charter for the operation of the body, to be approved bythe NOC, including, but not limited to, membership, meetings (e.g., requiring that it meet at least everyEOP | INTERAGENCY OCEAN POLICY TASK FORCE 22 INTERIM REPORT OF THE INTERAGENCY OCEAN POLICY TASK FORCEtwo months); development of a new or updated work plan based on direction from the NOC, and aprocess for external input (e.g., State, tribal, local, regional, and the public).VII.Ocean Science and Technology Interagency Policy CommitteeStructureThe National Science and Technology Council s (NSTC) Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science andTechnology (JSOST) would serve as the Ocean Science and Technology Interagency Policy Committee(OST-IPC).Chairs of the OST-IPC would be appointed through NSTC procedures in consultation withthe NOC.The group would consist of Deputy Assistant Secretaries or appropriate representatives fromthe Executive branch agencies and departments of the NOC.The NSTC would direct the OST-IPC toadvise and assist the NOC in consonance with this National Policy and to work with associated bodies(e.g., the ORM-IPC) accordingly.FunctionThe OST-IPC would function as the ocean science and technology body of the NOC, with an emphasis onensuring the interagency implementation of the National Policy, national priority objectives, and otherpriorities for science and technology objectives.This would include the development of strategic plans(e.g [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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