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.See RepublicansHofstadter, Richard, on Revolution of Johnson, Richard M., on  equality in Dec-1800, 207 n.15 laration, 220 n.120Holmes, John, 111, 149, 184, 185, 186 Johnson, William, 83Holy Alliance, 111, 121, 122 Jones, Walter, letter to Madison on popularHopkinson, Francis, 57, 86 apathy, 208 n.29House of Representatives, U.S.: and elec-tion of 1800, 103; Federalists control in Kaskaskias, 18 196th Congress, 104; party divisions in Kentucky, 134, 137; Resolutions (TJ),7th Congress, 102 72 73, 95, 99, 145Hutchins, Francis G., on Indian indebted- Kercheval, Samuel, 84, 120, 121, 206 n.12,ness, 200 n.74 206 7 n.13Ketcham, Ralph, on TJ and executive pow-Illinois country, 18 er, 207 n.21Immigration, TJ on, 165 66Independence, celebration of 50th anniver- Lafayette, Marie Joseph du Motier, marquissary, 189 91.See also Declaration of In- de, 112, 186, 213 n.11dependence Land, speculators, 33 35, 198 n.49; pur-Indians: and civilization, 23 33, 46 51; gen- chases from Indians, 197 n.38der roles of, 29 33, 50; land cessions, Law of Nature and Nations, 59, 60, 148 49,49, 200 nn.73, 74; population of, 19, 152, 156, 159, 170, 176, 179, 205 n.60.28 29, 31, 47, 48, 49, 50, 199 200 n.69; See also Natural Law; Protectionas republicans, 19, 20, 23 25, 29, 196 n.covenant; Self-determination; War,15; savagery of, 25 28, 32 33; and slaves, state ofcompared, 168; union with Americans, Lenner, Andrew C., on law of nations, 20549 52, 200 n.75; TJ addresses to, 24, n.6037, 46 52.See also British Empire; Levy, Leonard, on TJ and civil liberties, 85Cherokees; Chickasaws; Congress; Fed- Liberal internationalism, 74, 121, 146.Seeeralists; Iroquois; Kaskaskias; Mandan; also NoninterferenceOhio Indians; Osage; Outassete Liberia, 182Integration, of races.See Miscegenation Life of Washington (Marshall), 140Intolerable Acts (1774), 57 Livingston, Robert R., 214 n.30Ireland, 66 Locke, John, 163, 224 n.40Iroquois, 36 Logan (Mingo chief), speech of, 23, 32Ivernois, François d , 54 55 London, England, 115Louisiana: admission to union (1811), 130;Jackson, Andrew, 19, 49, 130 Purchase (1803), 15, 53, 111, 114, 119, 129,Jacobins, 171 72 131, 132; Spanish, 136; Territory, 55, 132;James I, 22 and War of 1812, 129 30.See also NewJay, John, 90 OrleansJay Treaty, 44, 81, 90Jefferson, Thomas: character of, 3, 10; fed- McCoy, Drew R., on Madison and Mis-eralism of, 8, 95, 106, 120 21, 146; for- souri crisis, 220 n.116eign policy of, 108, 227 n.82; governor McKean, Gov.Thomas (Pennsylvania), 103,of Virginia, 161, 162; and Indians, 15, 16, 10417, 18 52; on Missouri, compared with MacLeod, Duncan, on southern whites andMadison, 144 45; as nationalist, 12, 14; race, 224 n.44pacific system of, 133 34, 136, 217 nn.Madison, James, 103, 114; on extended re-71 73, 218 n.87; as partisan, 86 88, public, 54, 120, 216 n.54; and federal121 29; presidential inauguration of, Constitution, 93 94, 95, 96, 144, 145,102; as provincial Briton, 5 6, 12; psy- 209 n.59; on foreign influence, 72,chology of, 141 42; republicanism of, 4, 90 93; on Missouri, compared with TJ, Index 247144 45; and states rights, 145; and War 76 79, 82 83, 142, 146, 152 53, 157 60,of 1812 ( Mr.Madison s War ), 137; TJ 161, 163, 164, 170 73, 181, 183, 189 91;letters to, 12, 166, 214 n.31, 214 15 n.32 British, 7, 60 61, 152, 157, 164; French,Maine, statehood, 111 171 72; Republicans and, 83 93, 96 97,Malone, Dumas, on TJ and states rights, 99, 102, 104 8, 131, 132.See also African213 n.14 Americans; Self-determination; Union;Mandan, TJ address to, 51 VirginiansManifest Destiny, 57 58 Natural law, 105; first law of nature (self-Manufactures, 162 preservation), 93, 101, 105, 107, 149, 157,Marshall, Chief Justice John, 80, 133 34, 176, 209 n.48.See also Slavery140 Natural rights, 53, 146, 164, 225 n.45; Indi-Maryland, 34, 66, 67, 132 ans and, 26, 29; Republicans and, 56,Massachusetts, 57, 89, 94, 98, 111, 113, 94; of slaves, 160.See also Natural law;123 28, 129, 130 SlaveryMeinig, D.W., on American imperialism, Nelson, Hugh, 109 10202 n.11 New England.See Federalists; RepublicansMelish, John, 126 New Jersey, 34, 58Merchants: loyalties of, 205 n.64, 208 n.New Orleans: Battle of, 129 30, 131; Burr40; Madison on, 90 91, 92; Republi- and, 132; French at, 119, 214 n.30cans on, 77, 90.See also Commerce Newspapers.See PressMexico, Burr and, 132 New World, 157; and Africa, 154, 181; andMiller, John Chester, on TJ and Missouri Old World, 5, 10, 11, 18 19, 27, 36, 50,controversy, 112 54 55, 56, 86, 108, 114, 116, 128 29, 178,Miscegenation, 161, 165, 167 68, 169, 182, 181, 182, 185, 222 n.17187 New York, 132Mississippi River, 19, 27, 44, 66, 132; new Nicholas, George, 86, 96states on, 119 Noninterference, principle of, 120, 121, 146,Mississippi Valley, 118, 130 216 n.42Missouri: admission to union, 9, 10 11, 81, North Carolina, 43, 67109 17, 123, 126, 127, 128 29, 131, 137, Northwest Ordinance (1787), 39, 113, 144139, 141 42, 144 46, 149, 184 88; Com- Notes on the State of Virginia (TJ), 66,promise, 111, 144 67 68, 73, 173, 174; European readersMonroe, James: and colonization, 180; and of, 147; Simpson on, 224 n.37; Queryelection of 1800, 82, 103; TJ letters to, I, on boundaries, 66; Query II, on178 81, 216 n.42 rivers, 66; Query III, on seaports, 69;Monroe Doctrine (1824), 182 Query VI, on size of animals, 5;  , onMontesquieu, Charles: on federal republics, Indians, 18 19, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 37, 50;201 n.3; on problem of size, 54, 118, Query VIII, on population, 165; Query137 XIV, on racial differences, 147, 160 61,Montezuma, throne of, 135 167 69, 180;  , on colonization, 150,Monticello, 3, 11, 88 163, 178, 183; Query XVIII, on effects ofMorality, 142; and slavery, 147, 148, 150, 151, slavery on masters, 3, 148, 161 63;  ,153, 158, 160, 161 62, 165, 169, 177, 179, on emancipation, 147, 158; Query XIX,181, 182, 223 24 n.34 on cities and manufactures, 69, 70,161 63; Query XXII, on foreign trade,Napoleon, 119, 122 70 71Napoleonic wars, 177 Nullification, 145Nation, definitions of, 148 49, 159.See alsoNationalism; Nationhood O Brien, Conor Cruise, on  Adam andNational Intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), Eve letter, 226 n.66104 Ohio, 42; and Burr Conspiracy, 134 35Nationalism, 7, 12, 14, 85 86, 92, 190 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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