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.74,no.3.(Autumn, 2000): 435-463.110 Downard, Dictionary, 68.111 Ibid., 68-69.112 One Hundred Years of Brewing.554, 566-567.113 Downard, Dictionary, 240; One Hundred Years of Brewing; Ballantine Ale, Falstaff Beer Fan Sitehttp://www.falstaffbrewing.com/index.htm (accessed January 1, 2006).39Brewing Battles : A History of American BeerPabst, shipping nationwide, sold one million barrels in 1892.By 1895 Pabst ledthe country s brewers and Ehret s had fallen to fourth place.114Philip Best and his brothers had all been brewers in Mettenheim, Germany.They immigrated to the United States in the 1840s and established various brew-eries in Milwaukee.In 1863, Philip Best became partners with Captain FrederickPabst in Best & Company.In 1865, Pabst and his brother-in-law Emil Schandeinbought out Best.Pabst devoted a considerable amount of energy to expandinghis business and, in 1888, renamed it the Pabst Brewery.Pabst Blue Ribbon, cre-ated in 1895, was the company s signature brand.115Pabst embraced technological advancements, including pasteurization andartificial refrigeration.Frederick Pabst s greatest contribution to both his ownbusiness and the overall brewing industry was in the area of bottled beer.The1862 legislation taxed kegged beer.Before brewers could bottle beer, they had tokeg it, pay the tax, and then transfer the beer to bottles.Congress passed legisla-tion in 1890 that enabled brewers to directly bottle beer at the site of production.Pabst had heavily promoted this bill.His company doubled its bottled beer pro-duction following this change.116Although the number of breweries in the United States decreased from ahigh of 4,131 in 1873 to less than two thousand in 1900, many companies survivedcomfortably producing less than 90,000 barrels of beer.117 Ehret s continued todo well, relying solely on the large New York market, and persisted throughoutProhibition.George Ehret died in 1927, his estate valued at $40 million.118 Hisheirs sold Hell Gate Brewery to Jacob Ruppert in 1935.119Increased competition was one factor in the declining number of breweries.The cost of raw materials, as well as labor, rose while beer prices remained stableor declined.One way brewers attempted to deal with this competitive landscapewas to use cheaper raw materials.120This caused problems because brewers had promoted beer as the nation ssafe and healthy alternative to liquor.When German-Americans began manufac-turing lager in the 1840s, they used only malted barley and hops.In the late 1870s,114 Barbara Krasner-Khait, Impact of Refrigeration, History Magazine, March 2000, http://www.history-magazine.com/refrig.html (accessed August 16, 2007); Downard, Dictionary, 240.115 William H.Mulligan, Pabst Brewing Company, in Jack S.Blocker, David M.Fahey, andIan R.Tyrrell, eds., Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia (SantaBarbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2003).2, 471-472.116 Stack, Local and Regional Breweries, 440.117 Arnold, History of the Brewing Industry, 74, 78.118 New York Times, January 27, 1927, E11.119 Downard, Dictionary, 68-69.120 Kihm Winship, The Evolution of North American Beer, Faithful Readers, Writing byKihm Winship, http://home.earthlink.net/~ggghostie/faith.html#anchor601116 (accessedMay 2, 2005).40Chapter 2.Morality Follows in the Wake of Malt Liquorbrewers began adding corn, rice, and other carbohydrates as supplements.These adjuncts gave the beer more stability and reduced costs.With these supple-ments brewers created a lighter beer; flavored soda water was also becomingmore popular at this time.Colonial brewers had brewed beer with whatever wason hand.Lager first found favor with the public because of its lightness.The useof adjuncts continued this trend.121The brewers changed their manufacturing process at a time of heightenedconsumer concern about the purity of products.Investigations into adulteratedwhiskey raised questions about malt beverages.Several newspapers investigat-ed the quality of beer and found it to be adulterated.The Milwaukee News cameto this conclusion after seeing revenue collectors books which recorded a largeamount of corn in place at breweries
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