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.Placing hispalm on the front of the locker, he waited for the spell-lock to sense his presence and openthe narrow metal door.It took a few seconds, but the door popped open and Vahid reachedin, pulling out the trappings of his life as a Dominant.He changed swiftly into the leather outfit he preferred when having a scene with a newsub.He reached for the whip’s handle, letting it warm to his palm.He stepped out of thelocker room and made his way to the red room.Because he’d been there countless timesbefore, his feet automatically knew the path.A few steps from the door, the strong scent of baby powder assailed his nose.Startled, hestopped in the center of the corridor, sniffing.The baby powder scent intensified and he42stiffened.A mixture of astonishment and rage swept through him.Turning, he sought thedirection of the scent.He twisted around and his gaze landed on a plain wood paneled doorsome eight feet away.Silently, Garrick appeared again, his face set in harsh lines.He strode over to the doorand pushed it open, moving with a speed that surprised Vahid.The instant the door crackedopen, the scent of baby powder became overwhelming.Following Garrick into the room,Vahid saw a thickly muscled man dressed in a loin cloth and wielding a barbed cat o’ ninetails.His sub hung from chains attached to the leather cuffs on her wrists, her feet restrainedby a spreader bar.Nearly naked, her back a mass of bloody ribbons, her blonde head lolled onher neck, indicating her unconsciousness.Fury streaked through him and he reached for theman’s whip arm, but Garrick beat him to it.The master of Beyond Pleasure ripped the whip from the man’s hand and tossed it down,ordering, “Out! Do not show your face here again.It is your duty to know when your sub hashad enough.”“She didn’t use her safe word,” the man whined, cowering away from Garrick.“No excuses.” Garrick’s grim expression didn’t change, and the man slunk out of theroom.Vahid strode over to the unconscious woman, carefully cupping her face in his hands andavoiding the mess that was her back.His chest tightened painfully as he stared down at herbeautiful face and softly breathed her name.“Emily.”PART ONEThree Years AgoChapter OneOn the second day of the second week of her new job, Emily got a whiff of allspice.Hernose twitched as the scent grew stronger, smelling like a freshly baked pumpkin pie.She knewwhat day it was, but glanced at the calendar anyway.July third.Hot dogs and barbeque ribsseason, not pumpkin pie.Two deep voices rumbled in the corridor outside her office.She tensed.She had yet tomeet her cousin and new boss, Sean Antaeus.They had corresponded and spoken on thephone numerous times over the past few years, but had never met.So far, she had met both ofhis brothers, but not his sister.The younger Antaeus men were highly intelligent, obviouslytalented, and beyond good looking.She could only imagine how gorgeous the oldest Antaeuswas.Their dark beauty made her feel pale and insignificant.Swallowing hard, she fought back her fear and self doubt, armoring herself with a coolfaçade.She stepped to her office door and peeked out.Two men stood about five feet from herdoor with their backs to her.Both had black hair.One was tall and lean with a hawk likeprofile.The other man seemed built like a tank.His head was some three or four inches belowthe tall man’s yet his shoulders were just as wide if not wider.Emily could sense the thickmuscles bunching and rippling beneath his clothes as he moved.43Riveted, she stared at them, the scent of allspice growing stronger by the second.Herpulse began to race and her heart pounded.Dear gods.Something inside her went completelyhaywire.The taller man spoke and his words caused her spine to stiffen.“Have you met our new head of finance? Alfred swears she’s a genius.”The shorter man snorted rudely [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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