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.She was quite skeptical.As Iworked with him I asked her to stop judging and criticizinghim and let me make him aware of his deficiency.After a few weeks of therapy, I started giving himhomework, which he followed.At one stage I asked him tomake a list of the money owed him and send invoices out tohis clients.Within a few days he received more than fiftythousand dollars.He not only paid his debts but also took hisfamily on a vacation.That was a major step in the improve-ment of his relationship with his wife and family.After Brucerealized his problem he started designating work to his staffand asked their help to stay on top of things.At one stage, I asked Bruce if he would be kindenough to share his experiences in therapy so that otherscould learn from his story.I was confident that his answersDr.K.Sohai l and Bette Davi s RN MN  129 would help many to review their lives and work.He read-ily agreed, but even after making a commitment he tookthe longest to complete the questionnaire.He was the lastone to send me his story for this book.It did not frustrateme as I knew his interview was worth waiting for.Thesenine questions are from my letter to Bruce with hisresponses." Which one of the three Zones were you working inwhen you first came to see me?Response:When I first came to see you in December 2001, I wasworking almost exclusively in the Red Zone with occa-sional forays into the Yellow.I did spend some time inthe Green.This would occur shortly after the commence-ment of submissions and argument in Court.I wouldget a natural high or rush from litigation and duringthese times there would be nothing else in my mind ormy life but the intense focus on the judge and otherlawyer, as well as the joy of a good argument or crossexamination of a witness.Other than those brief periodsin Court, I was pretty miserable all the time." What symptoms were evident in your day-to-daylife?Response:I was very stressed and unhappy for most of my work-ing hours (not to mention non-working hours).I had avery full practice with some great clients and challeng-ing, enjoyable files.I spent many hours at work,probably close to 100 per week.The legal work that Idid was very good, at times brilliant, and those clientsT h e Ar t o f Wo r k i n g i n Y o u r Gr e e n Z o n e  130 would be extremely pleased and had no trouble recom-mending me to others.Indeed, my practice has beenbuilt exclusively by word of mouth, I have never adver-tised or promoted in any way.However, I was unable to consistently complete anyof the practical, easy or mundane aspects of privatepractice.The docketing of my billable hours was incon-sistent and incomplete which always made billing,when it happened, a very time consuming, difficult andfrustrating chore.As a result, the income in no wayreflected the amount or quality of work and my debtload just kept increasing.Moreover, there was work-in-process strewn all over my office.Files would often betaken to a certain point and then not finished (whichalso contributed to billing problems).There was noorganization and very little planning or follow-up,which always left me on the verge of missing somethingcrucial and potentially facing a negligence suit." How was this affecting your personal and familylives?Response:Working the extremely long hours meant that I rarelysaw my family.I left before my wife and children wereawake and came home after they were asleep.My firstwife left (with the kids) and my second wife had becomecompletely baffled and estranged.I had missed out onso much of my children s lives and I really had next tonothing to show for it." How long were you struggling with those problems?Response:Dr.K.Sohai l and Bette Davi s RN MN  131 Upon reflection, I can see now that I have struggled withthis problem my whole life.My academic career hadbeen a continuous series of incomplete assignments,last minute cramming and mediocre results inter-spersed with occasional brilliance.I have credits fromfour universities but did not get a degree (law is my onlydegree) until I was 40.I have held many different jobs ina very wide range of fields and have been almost univer-sally fired from each one." What did other doctors/therapists suggest asdiagnoses and treatment?Response:From my perspective, Ontario is a horrible place to seekhelp with mental health issues [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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