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.You don tfrom a Constitutional republic, dedicated to the pursuit of take yourself or your causes as seriously as you would if youthe general welfare and a community of principle among thought this was 100% truth. Political movements areperfectly sovereign nation-states, into always full of partisans fighting fora brutish, post-modern imitation of their opinion.But that s very differentthe Roman Empire, engaged in mur- from the truth. derous imperial adventures abroad, From his perch as editor-in-chief ofand brutal police-state repression at the Rupert Murdoch-bankrolledhome.Weekly Standard magazine, launchedAlthough a Jew, who was active in 1995, Kristol has perfected the artin the Vladimir Jabotinsky-led of political deception and theRevisionist Zionist circles in Goebbels Big Lie. The son of twoGermany in the 1920s, Strauss was first-generation postwar neo-conserv-also a protégé and enthusiastic pro- atives, Irving Kristol and Gertrudemoter of the ideas of two leading Himmelfarb, Kristol was trained atintellectual figures of the Nazi Party: Harvard from the time of his 18thexistentialist philosopher and birthday by one of Leo Strauss lead-Friedrich Nietzsche-revivalist Martin ing disciples, Harvey Mansfield, Jr.Heidegger; and Nazi jurist Carl Kristol s Harvard graduate schoolSchmitt, who wrote the legal opinion roommate and fellow Straussian wasjustifying Adolf Hitler s February- Alan Keyes, later a Reagan StateMarch 1933 post-Reichstag Fire dic- Department official and unsuccessfultatorial putsch.Schmitt personally candidate for the U.S.Senate inWilliam Kristol, editor of the Weeklyarranged for Strauss to leave Maryland (Kristol ran Keyes 1988Standard, is a leading WashingtonGermany on a Rockefeller Foun- propagandist for the war party.campaign against Democrat Paul13Sarbanes).His other classmates conservative and Likudnik fellow-included Francis Fukuyama, later pro- travellers, has operated as an under-moter of the Nietzschean idea of the ground network, in and around gov-end of history, who came to Harvard ernment, for the past 30 years await-following undergraduate studies at ing the moment of opportunity toCornell, where he was trained by launch their not-so-silent coup.Sept.Allan Bloom, another of the inner cir- 11, 2001 provided them with thecle University of Chicago students of once-in-a-lifetime moment of oppor-Strauss.Bloom s life was recounted by tunity, a moment for which they werefellow Chicagoan Saul Bellow in the thoroughly prepared.true-to-life novel Ravelstein.As Lyndon LaRouche has written inhis LaRouche in 2004 campaignNeo-Conservativereport, Zbigniew Brzezinski and9/11 PutschSeptember 11th, the events of 9/11Bellow s tribute to Bloom also could not have occurred without sig-highlighted another Straussian now nificant inside complicity from ele-playing a larger-than-life role in the ments of the U.S.national securityBush Administration inside putsch: establishment, given the total break-Paul Wolfowitz.down of rudimentary security proce-DOD Photo/Helene C.StikkelWolfowitz was one of the first of dures and the depth of inside knowl-Paul Wolfowitz, one of the first Strauss-the Strauss-Bloom disciples to come edge about those vulnerabilities.TheBloom disciples to come to Washington, isto Washington.Through Bloom, Sept.11 attacks could not, LaRouchenow Deputy Secretary of Defense and haswhile completing his graduate studies assessed, have been carried out by al-been a crucial voice for war.at the University of Chicago, Qaeda operatives without such com-Wolfowitz had been introduced to RAND Corporation plicity.Indeed, the attacks constituted a sophisticated act offounder Albert Wohlstetter and to Paul Nitze, a leading arms military covert irregular warfare, far beyond the capacitiescontrol expert who had served in most of the post-World of the bin Laden apparatus.The idea that Osama bin Laden,War II governments in senior posts.By the 1970s, Wolfowitz operating out of caves in Afghanistan, could have pulled offwas working his way through the arms control bureaucra- the most significant act of irregular warfare against thecy and establishing his ties to other Straussians and United States in memory is, perhaps, the most significantWohlstetter protégés who had been planted on various Goebbels Big Lie of all.Senate committee staffs.Among Wolfowitz s collaborators In his Brzezinski and September 11th report, LaRoucheduring this period were Richard Perle, Steven Bryen, and acknowledged that while the details of precisely how theElliott Abrams, who served on the Senate staffs of Henry attack was orchestrated involve covert military secrets that Scoop Jackson (D-Wash.), Clifford Case (R-N.J.), and are often the most difficult to unravel, the larger question ofDaniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.), respectively.Perle cui bono who benefitted from the attacks is much morereports that he first was introduced to Wolfowitz in 1969, accessible.To deal with this question, however, requires awhen the two were both sent by Wohlstetter to do a research review of some critical events, dating back, at minimum, toproject for Senator Jackson.the period of the Bush 41 Presidency.Among the other Strauss disciples who are currently partImperial Preventive Warof the ongoing neo-con insurgency are: John Podhoretz, edi-torial page editor of Murdoch s yellow tabloid, the New York On May 21, 1991, at the request of then-Secretary ofPost, former editor of The Weekly Standard, and offspring of Defense Cheney, a team of civilian strategists in the Pentagonfirst generation neo-cons Norman Podhoretz and Midge policy office delivered an oral presentation to Cheney on theDecter; Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Attorney subject of the post-Soviet strategic environment and long-General John Ashcroft; I.Lewis Scooter Libby, chief of range national security implications for the United States.staff and chief national security advisor to Vice President The bulk of the presentation was delivered by AssistantCheney, who was introduced to the world of Leo Strauss by Secretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz
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