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.In humans, they have been shown to inhibit theproliferation of various types of cancer cells such as those affecting the lungs, stom-ach, cervix, breast, bladder, and mouth.They also have been proven to protect againstatherosclerosis, cataracts, macular degeneration and other major degenerative disor-ders.The key carotenoids are: beta carotene, alpha carotene, lycopene, and zeaxan-thin.Probably the best known of the carotenoids, beta carotene is converted by the bodyinto vitamin A as needed to strengthen the immune system and promote healthy cellgrowth.In addition, beta carotene is a potent antioxidant, offering particular benefitsto the immune system and the lungs.(Note: synthetic beta carotene is to be avoided atall costs and may not be required if provided in your daily multivitamin supplement.)Alpha carotene 425 IURecent studies have shown that alpha carotene is one of the most powerful carote-noids and has a strong inhibitory effect on the proliferation of various types of cancerCopyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved Lessons from the Miracle Doctors - 65 - Free Radicals and Antioxidantscells such as those affecting the lungs, stomach, cervix, breast, bladder, and mouth.Itworks by allowing normal cells to send growth-regulating signals to premalignantcells.Lutein 8 mgIn addition to being a specific for the prevention of macular degeneration (loweringthe risk by over 50%), lutein has also been shown to have strong anti-cancer proper-ties.Its antioxidant effect is significantly enhanced by the presence of zeaxanthin andbilberry.When combined with vitamin C, these three antioxidants have been shown tosignificantly decrease the risk of cataracts.Lycopene 6 mgDerived primarily from tomatoes (cooked with olive oil, not raw), lycopene appearsto be one of the best defenses against prostate cancer and bladder cancer.When usedin conjunction with d-alpha-tocopherol vitamin E and green tea extract, studies indi-cate that it inhibits prostate cancer proliferation by some 90%.Zeaxanthin 300 mcgLutein and zeaxanthin are both part of a group of carotenoids known as xanthophylls,which are extremely beneficial to the eyes and help significantly in the prevention ofmacular degenerationSodium Selenate 75 mcgSelenium is synergistic with glutathione and catalase in helping to protect the integrityof cell membranes.It stops the growth of tumors, and it protects the liver.Specifically, low levels of selenium have been connected to death from heart disease,breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and in fact cancer of all kinds.Some stu-dies have shown that selenium may be 50-100 times more powerful than any otheranti-carcinogen known.Sodium Citrate 300 mgRevitalizes collagen and elastin fibers to rejuvenate the skin and the collagen-rich con-nective tissue of the arterial walls.N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) 225 mgOne of the keys to a healthy immune system is maintaining high levels of glutathionein the body.Unfortunately, supplementing with glutathione doesn't really help.Fortu-nately, there are alternatives.Supplementation with N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) has beenproven to substantially raise the body's glutathione levels.In addition, NAC supple-mentation is mandatory for all smokers and big-city dwellers as it protects againsttoxic aldehydes that enter the body through cigarette smoke and pollution.L-Methionine 225 mgAn essential sulfur amino acid, methionine is a powerful antioxidant and liver detoxi-fier where it assists in the normal detoxification processes.As an antioxidant, it pro-vides powerful protection in the colon.And finally, methionine is involved in thesynthesis of choline, adrenaline, lecithin, and B12, and it works as a powerful SAMeprecursor.Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved Lessons from the Miracle Doctors - 66 - Free Radicals and AntioxidantsQuercetin 180 mgQuercetin is one of the class of antioxidants known as bioflavonoids.A prime role ofquercetin is to protect the integrity of cell walls from free radical damage.In addition,quercetin prevents the release of histamines into the bloodstream, thereby helping tocontrol food and pollen allergies.Gingko biloba-- 180 mg (24/6%)Known as the brain antioxidant, gingko has been shown to increase brain functional-ity, which makes it useful in helping to improve concentration and memory.Thismakes it a specific for Alzheimer's, where it has the added benefit of helping to signifi-cantly reduce depression.In addition, gingko oxygenates the blood, increases circulation, and strengthens bloodvessels.And finally, its anti-inflammatory, lung-relaxant properties have proven usefulin the treatment of asthma, where it eases coughing and reduces tissue inflammation.Curcumin 120 mgCurcumin is what gives turmeric its yellow color.Studies have shown that it can in-hibit colon cancer cells by some 96% in a matter of hours.It also appears to havegreat potential in countering the effects of prostate cancer and breast cancer.In asense, curcumin can be thought of as natural chemotherapy with the ability to selec-tively kill cancer cells, while at the same time leaving normal cells alone.Note: Curcu-min and green tea strongly reinforce each other.Green tea extract 120 mg (83%)Green tea antioxidants are of the same family as grape seed and pine bark extracts.They are polyphenols, chief of which are the flavonoids called proanthocyanidins [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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