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. Yes, but to kill? Kei s expression became sad again.Arman laid a hand on hisshoulder. We ll never have peace.It ll always be armed hostility.I ve been a fool to thinkotherwise. Give it a few years, like he said.You and I, we ve done all we can.Now it s up to everyone else.I m tired.I want to not think of matters of war and government for a longwhile. Really? For some reason, that cheered Kei up considerably. So going back to Ai-Albon isn t second best?Arman leaned over and kissed his cheek, carefully keeping his nasty whiskers awayfrom Kei s smooth skin. Not in the least. Good.I hoped it wasn t. He threw the grass stalk away and touched Arman s hand. I m glad to see Vikis so well.He came so close to dying, but we were all determined hewasn t going to. And you ve surely saved two lives, for the gods only know how Kesa would havedealt with his death. No kindness is ever wasted.Just as yours to me was not. No, indeed it wasn t, though at the time it was less kindness to you than anger at myvicious wife and her thuggish servants.Kei turned to him. It was more than that.Anger would have done for some of it.Notall.That you found that within you, with all your pain.You asked about my memories ofthis time.That is one I ll cherish.Arman regarded Kei in blank astonishment. That was an appalling time for you! Noone should have to endure that even now, I wish I d done something more to Mykis thanjust turn him off.He deserved to suffer worse. And so he will, in the spirit world.He will serve his time in one of the hells for hiscrimes, unless he learns remorse in this life. How can you be so calm about that? I saw you.You were terrified out of your wits,had been for weeks.And now you just want to leave it to your gods to punish him?Kei shook his head with a smile. Don t get me wrong.If I was cooking for him,something really unpleasant would end up in his food, trust me.But nothing I can do, oryou, could punish him for the darkness in his soul.His cruelty is just a reflection of that.Mykis will get his I wouldn t be surprised if he returns as an oroj cricket in the next life.Or a flea on the arse of an urs beast, he said with such satisfaction Arman could onlychuckle.At least Kei wasn t too saintly to take relish in a little vindictive speculation. Andlook at it this way had he not behaved thus, you would still hate us, I would still be ahostage, the war would go on, more people would be dead.So the little pimple s worstpunishment is that he brought happiness where he only sought to cause pain.That s the bestrevenge, don t you think? Kei s bright smile was welcome. Yes, it is.Healer, would you be able to work a littlemagic on my arse, do you think? What, here? My, you ve lost all your inhibitions, haven t you? Brat, I meant the tirsel leaf cream. You re no fun, Arman. But he stood up anyway. Come on, we can use the infirmaryand then you can do some exercises with me it ll help loosen things up. He grinned. And then we can have sex, he added brightly. You would, you really would.Reji really should have warned me about you before Iever took up with you. Too late, lover.You re stuck with me now. Sadly, this is true. What a delightful fate, Arman thought, as Kei pulled him to hisfeet.~~~~~~~~They set off at dawn, Arman trying not to groan as underused muscles complainedabout being back in the saddle.Several hours later, they got a message from Neka to sayReji s caravan had crossed Kurlik Pass and was on its way.Arman, Kei and Vikis had toride cross-country to meet up with them, and it wasn t the easiest ride.Arman was thankfulthe Darshianese had such excellent maps as they navigated the route.It would have beentoo easy to have got lost in the alien, deceptively changeable landscape, apparently so flatand featureless, but offering frequent traps for the unwary.They pushed their beasts as hard as they dared, wanting to get to the meeting placebefore nightfall.If they were late, it would delay the caravan, and if Reji was forced tocome looking for them, it would delay things even more.Vikis was clearly anxious to getback to his wife, and Kei to see the other former hostages again.He had few enough daysleft with the friends from Ai-Rutej and wanted to spend as much time with them as hecould.Arman had Kei and was thus content to be moving or still, wherever he was.His lifewas so amazingly uncomplicated now.Sunset was coming to an end as Arman spotted the cooking fires of the camp.Soonthey heard shouts of welcome, and then, charmingly, Reji sent a few little fireballs alongtheir path to light it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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