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.3 Many Finns pronounce tt (or even t) instead of ts in certain com-mon words such as itse  self at least when they are in colloquial|mode.Other examples are kattoo (> katso a  looks at, watches )and seittem�n (> seitsem�n).ReadingA recipe for malted potato casserolethere s a translation of this recipe at the back of the book; but trynot to peek until you ve given it an honest attempt with the help ofthe vocabulary given here.Imelletty perunalaatikko2 kg perunoita 2-3 rkl voisulaa1 dl vehn�jauhoja 2 tl suolaa4-5 dl maitoa muskottip�hkin��Keit� perunat kypsiksi ja kuori ne heti h�yrytt�misen j�lkeen.Survoperunat ja ripota jauhot joukkoon.anna seoksen imelty� muutamatunti tai vaikka seuraavaan p�iv��n.Sekoita pari kertaa.lis�� maito,voi ja mausteet.Kaada seos voideltuun uunivuokaan ja kypsenn� 150asteessa noin kaksi tuntia. 146 Unit 7: Eiks ookki ihana!Vocabulary| |anna X n Y TAQ let X YasteQ degreedl, desi+litra decilitreheti at once, right away| |h�yry tt� minen allowing to steam|imelle tty malted|imel ty- malt, become malted|jauho t flour, mealjoukko mass, bulk, heapkaata- pour (tr)keitt�- cook, boil (tr)kg, kilo+gramma kgkuori- peelkypsent�- ripen, roast (kyps�)| |kyps i ksi until they are ready kyps� (ptRa)|lis� X- add (lis� more)maku taste, flavour|mau sta- season, add flavour| |mau st eQ spicemuskotti+p�hkin� nutmegmuutama a few|pari kerta a a few timesripotta- sprinklerkl, ruoka+lusikka tablespoon|seko itta- mix, stir, shuffleseos kse mixture|seuraa va next, following (seura=X- follow)suola saltsurvo- crush, mash, grindtai ortl, tee+lusikka teaspoon Unit 7: Isn t it great! 147tunti houruuni ovenvaikka or evenvehn� wheatvoi butter|voi+sula a melted butter| |voi del tu butteredvuoka mould, dishExercise 7Write out an English translation of the recipe above, then compare itwith that given at the back of this book.Exercise 8Make the casserole!Exercise 9Of the twelve Finnish words below, six are derived from the verb voi-  beable and six are derived from, or compounded to, the noun voi  butter,fat, grease.With the help of the glossaries, work out which ones arewhich, and try segmenting the stems and suffixes.voitele- anoint voimala power plantvoimistele- do gymnastics voitta- prevailvoima force voileip� sandwichvoimista- fortify voileip�p�yt� sm�rg�sbordvointi health voitelu unctionvoide ointment voitto victory Unit EightHuonosta viel� huonommaksiFrom bad to worseIn this unit you will learn:" how to say how you re feeling; vocabulary of medicine andillness" how to form and use the comparative and superlative" about entering and being in states (the translative andessive cases)" a little about Finnish sport" about the stem types talous  economy and tyylik�s  stylishDialogue 1Sairaana Feeling ill (CD1; 40)Matthew hasn t been feeling very well for the last few days, so heasks Mikko for advice.[Tapaavat yliopistolla]Matthew Kuule Mikko, voisit s� neuvoa mua yhdess� asiassa.Mulla on ollu jo kaks p�iv�� ysk� ja kurkkuki on aikakipee.Pit�sk� mun menn� l��k�riin?MiKKo Mee nyt ihmeess�! Se voi tulla pahemmaks jos viivyttelet.Matthew Minne mun pit�is menn�?MiKKo L�himp��n terveyskeskukseen.Niihin ei tartte varata aikaa.Meet vaan p�ivystykseen oottamaan.Joskus voi kyll� joutua Unit 8: From bad to worse 149odottamaan pariki tuntia.L�hin terveyskeskus on ihan t�ss�yliopiston vieress� Yliopistokadulla.Matthew Kiitti sulle m� l�henki t�st� heti sinne.[at university]Matthew Listen Mikko, could you give me some advice on something(lit. on a matter ).I ve had a cough for two days now and (my)throat is pretty sore too.Should I go to (see) the doctor?MiKKo Go now, for goodness sake! It can get worse if you hangabout.Matthew Where should I go?MiKKo To the nearest health centre.You don t have to make anappointment (there).You just go and wait your turn tosee the GP on duty.Of course sometimes you may endup waiting as much as a few hours.The nearest healthcentre is right here next to the university, in Yliopistokatu.Matthew Thanks! I m going to go there right now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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