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.The reasons are psychological rather than scientific.112This "psychological reason" that Hoyle mentions is the evolutionists'disposition by which they insist on rejecting, in advance, every result thatshould lead them to accept the existence of Allah and their conditioningthemselves for this.In our other works focusing on the invalidity of the theory of evolu-tion, we cited many admissions of this fact by the evolutionists and we ex-amined the irrational hypotheses that evolutionists have blindly proposedmerely in order to not accept the existence of Allah.At this point though,we will focus our attention on the Masonic lodges to see their view on thismatter.While it is so clearly evident that "life was brought into being byan intelligent Creator," what do the Masons think about the question?Master Mason, Selami Isindag, in his book intended for Mason audi-ence, entitled Evrim Yolu (The Way of Evolution), explains the matter inthis way:The most important characteristic of our school of morality is that we donot depart from the principles of logic and we do not enter the un-knowns of theism, secret meanings or dogmas.On this basis we assertthat the first appearance of life began in crystals under conditions thatwe cannot know or discover today.Living things were born according to147GLOBAL FREEMASONRYthe law of evolution and slowly spread over the earth.As a result of evo-lution, today's human beings came to be and advanced beyond other an-imals both in consciousness and intelligence.113It is important to notice the connection between cause and effect sug-gested in the above quotation: Isindag stresses that the most importantcharacteristic of Masonry is that it rejects theism, that is, belief in Allah.And immediately afterwards, he claims "on this basis" that life arose spon-taneously from lifeless matter, and later underwent evolution that re-sulted in the appearance of human beings.It will be noticed that Isindag brings no scientific evidence to bear onthe theory of evolution.(The fact that there is no scientific evidence is pre-supposed by the obtuse words these are facts "that we cannot know or dis-cover today").The only support that Isindag supplies for the theory ofevolution is the Masonic non-acceptance of theism.In other words, Masons are evolutionists because they do not acceptthe existence of Allah.This is the only reason for their being evolutionists.In the constitution of the "Great Council of Turkey" organized byTurkish Masons of the 33rd degree, the evolution scenario was once againrestated, and the Masons' rejection of the Creationist explanation ex-pressed in these words:In a very early age and according to an inorganic process, organic lifecame to be.In order to produce cellular organisms cells came together ingroups.Later, intelligence sprang forth and human beings were born.But from where? We keep asking ourselves this question.Was it fromGod's breathing over formless mud? We reject the explanation of an ab-normal kind of creation; a kind of creation that excludes man.Since lifeand its genealogy exist, we must follow the philogenetic line and feel,understand and acknowledge that a wheel exists that explains this greatdeed, that is the act of "leap." We must believe that there was a phase ofdevelopment in which there was a great rush of activity that caused lifeto pass at a particular moment from that phase to another.114148Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)It is possible here to recognize Masonic fanaticism.When the writersays that they "reject a kind of creation that excludes man," he is repeatingthe basic dogma of humanism, that "a human being is the highest creaturethat exists," and announcing that Masons reject any other explanation.When he says, "an abnormal kind of creation," he means Allah's interven-tion in the creation of living beings, rejecting this possibility a priori.(How-ever, what is truly abnormal is that Masons accept, without observation orexperiment, the illogical belief that lifeless matter came to life by chance andformed life on earth, including human beings.) It will be noticed that ac-cording to the Masonic explanation there is no suggestion of scientificproof.Masons do not say, "There is proof for evolution and therefore we re-ject Creation." They are only blinded by a philosophical fanaticism.Masonic publications insist on this tenet.Master Mason SelamiIsindag claims that "apart from nature there is no force that guides us,and is responsible for our thoughts and actions." He immediately adds,"life began from one cell and reached its present stage as a result of var-ious changes and evolutions."115 Later he summarizes what the theory ofevolution means for Masons:From the point of view of evolution, human beings are no different fromanimals.For the formation of man and his evolution there are no specialforces other than those to which animals are subjected.116This assertion shows clearly why Masons attach such importance tothe theory of evolution.Their aim is to defend the idea that human beingswere not created and to present their own humanist materialist philoso-phy as tenable.And, the only method that can be used to reject the ideathat human beings were created is the theory of evolution.So, it is for this reason that Masons, to whatever extent, believe in the the-ory of evolution and seek to disseminate it throughout society.This shows that Masons, who are constantly accusing those who be-lieve in Allah of being dogmatic, are themselves dogmatic.149GLOBAL FREEMASONRYTHE MASONS' FALSE SUPPORT OFHAECKELWhen we look at Masonic literature, apart from their blind attachment to thetheory of evolution, we are struck by its profound ignorance.For example, when weexamine Turkish sources, we see that evolutionist claims that were proved false inthe first quarter of the twentieth century are still defended passionately.One ofthese is the story of Haeckel and his theory on embryos mentioned in nearly all Ma-sonic publications.The story is about a German biologist by the name of Ernst Haeckel, who wasa close friend and supporter of Charles Darwin, and one of the most prominent sup-porters of the theory after Darwin's death.In order to establish the validity of thetheory, Haeckel examined the embryos of various living things, and proposed thatthey all resembled one another and that each undergoes a miniature process of evo-lution before birth.To support this claim, he drew a number of comparisons be-tween different embryos, by means of which he persuaded many of the validity ofthe theory of evolution in the first half of the twentieth century.As we mentioned, Masonic sources place great importance on this embryol-ogy thesis, which is termed "'ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." Master NakiCevad Akkerman, in an article entitled "The Concept of Truth and the Principles ofMasonry" in Mimar Sinan, calls this thesis a "law," that is, he raises it to the rank ofundisputable scientific fact.He writes:& We will consider a very important natural law.This is the formula proposed byHaeckel, "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
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