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.gust and often near-eroticism (imagine, NeedingAnd there s the other side: an insufficiently intimidatedand being so Needed by a Superior, that you couldLilim is a time bomb.It s quite possible that you ll neverdedicate your life to him!).Lilim-authored fictionhave to pay the piper for annoying her, but it s equally possi-and word-of-mouth have nigh-codified the words ofble that someday you will, when you least expect it, fromsuch a binding.some geased source you never expected to turn on you.The Lord [name], Prince of [Word], I do pledgeDaughters nurse their grudges like Geases.unto theeBesides, it s more rewarding to be friendly with them.My breath, my life, my self, to your Word andFree Tempters know they don t always have immediatewhim,power to defend themselves, and (sensibly) try not to makeMy Heart within your hands.enemies when they don t have to.Only the youngest or mostbitter and rogue Frees start a relationship with hostility anddominance games.The rest take their cue from their Motherand cultivate charm and elegant politeness.Thus, like theirMother, Free Lilim often have little overt power, but aren tIntimacieseasy victims either.Despite their reputation, not all Lilim are dedicated sensu-alists, constantly falling into bed with anything attractive (orNeedy).It s an easy hook, though, so few are above doing itfor that reason, if no other.BOUND LILIM ANDFrom time to time, especially between siblings, more seri-ous relationships emerge.Due to the constraints of Geases THE SISTERHOODfor either partner could have a debt called in, that might turnher against her lover  Daughters don t swear trustworthinessIt doesn t matter how you got here or where youfor long.Geas-conflict is not romantic.What is romantic, tocame from.You are my sister.There s no way youthem, is the exchange of day-Geases, immediately invoked:could annoy me as much if you weren t. For this night, betray me not. Buffy the Vampire Slayer,  Blood TiesBinding to a Prince doesn t make a Lilim any lessa sister  though most Frees respect her a bit less.TYPICAL WORKThey ll still make deals with their Bound sibling, butPrinces assign Lilim as they see fit, when the Lilim is con-they re always careful to take into account that thetracted to them; so do lesser demons who ve made their ownother Daughter serves something besides thebargains.What Free Daughters typically do with themselvesSisterhood first.is get Geas-hooks on others, bargain their own Geases forThose who chose to serve a Prince at birth arethings they want, serve their time, and spend the rest of theirslightly pitied, for they ve never known freedom,existence hooking, bargaining, or kicking back and enjoyingbut a little envied for their security.themselves without a care for the future until the next GeasBound Lilim who were once Free collect thecomes due.Repeat ad infinitum.(Some have more ambition,most veiled scorn.They couldn t hack the risks ofof course.)freedom.They got caught.They got trapped.Themore paltry the Daughter s  final bargain was, themore open the mockery, but for a really good deal, aCelestial Jobsonce-Free can gain at least as much respect as thoseIn Hell, taking hooks isn t always a useful thing  damnedof her sisters who bound at birth.souls aren t good for much outside of Hell, and demons areboth strong-willed and liable to object when a debt is calledSUPERIORS: LILITH 27 DISOWNED LILIMFor a Lilim, the ultimate punishment for angering rules of their Sisterhood (p.33) include mandates toMother is being disowned.Lilith declares the Daughter honor unofficial debts to sisters as well as swornworthless, scattering the tokens of the Daughter s owed Geases, a certain amount of fair dealing, and otherGeases upon the ground for any to pick up.(She may  polite behavior.A normal Daughter abides by theseor may not  keep a single token for herself.No one s rules with her sisters, because Lilim are ruthless aboutever noticed that she has.) From that point on, the Lilim taking advantage of fools who try to take advantage ofis treated like any other demon: Lilith does not acknowl- them  even (or especially) their sisters.A disownededge the link for invocation modifiers, revokes any Tempter is often lucky to find a sibling willing to speakFreedom Rites, and if the Tempter is abused or harassed to her at all.unfairly.well, there s a lot of that in Hell.On the flip side, the unlucky Lilim has less to lose byLilith doesn t do this trivially; most of the times it s being untrustworthy  and therefore, she may be lesshappened for sure, the Lilim in question was in the cus- inclined to keep unofficial favors or honor the ties oftody of the Game for something truly stupid.(Being a kinship.Wise Lilim keep this in mind if dealing with aFallen Bright counts as truly stupid.) All the other times, disowned sister.the Lilim was already bound to a Prince, who collected There s rumored to be something worse  in Hell,the spurned Geas-tokens.Disownment is, after all, a pun- there s always something worse  than mere disownment.ishment, and not an easy way to become a Truly Free It s claimed that once in a great while, when a Lilim hasRenegade.personally angered Lilith, she has reached into the ForcesDisowned Lilim rarely survive long.Without protec- of the Daughter and.done something.And the result istion, they re fair game for anyone who bears them a grudge a demonling. including (or especially) their sisters.Even if they are pro- In GURPS, Disowned would be a Social Stigma,tected, it s a cold thing to be unable to rely on their siblings; worth -5 points, and loss of Lilith as a Patron (p.IN70).many become depressed, careless, and even suicidal.Chances are good that any prior enemies will becomeWhile they live, the disowned are at a disadvantage Enemies, too.when negotiating with other Tempters; the unwrittenin.One can hook sisters, but that carries its own risks (see of Nightmares don t approve of this.Yet if a Daughter slipsLilim and Honor, p.33).The main reason the Free are found into Dreams side of the Marches to start with, she runs thein Hell is the Guildhall: there, they can see what jobs are risk of encountering angels who don t like Lilim trying toavailable that will get them back to Earth again.hook sleeping humans.A girl just can t win.It s rare for a Lilim s bought time to be wasted in Hell, Sometimes it s worth it, though, for the ability to track asince there aren t as many of them as there are other demons, given human later.All it takes is a Geas/1 hook, and thebut sometimes a Word-bound demon, or one with a Celestial Song of Affinity (Liber Canticorum, p.28), and aDistinction, will hire one temporarily, to play hostess for mortal can get a corporeal visit in the morning.some formal occasion when the other Diabolical wants to be Or she can take her life into her hands and set out aloneimpressive, or simply as an  escort for an evening or so.into the Far Marches, to see what obscure Songs she mightpick up whilst dodging hostile ethereals and the rumoredTsayadim.Ethereal JobsIn the Marches, there s not much for a Lilim to do if shedoesn t have at least the Corporeal Song of Dreams [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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