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., 311Jeffries, Leonard, 9, 478Kaiser Aluminum v.Weber, 493Jehovah s Witnesses, 51, 153, 384Kane, Sister Theresa, 774Jenkins v.Missouri, 968Kansas City Call, 906Jews, 67, 351, 474-479, 515, 756, 880Kansas-Nebraska Act, 244Jews for the Restoration of Firearms Ownership,987 Kastenmeier, Robert, 345Jim Crow laws, 479-480 Katz v.United States, 282Job Training Partnership Act, 243, 517 Katzenbach v.Morgan, 493, 959John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, 981 Kawano, Jack, 493-494John Paul II, Pope, 774 Keeler, W.W., 60Johnson, Andrew, 731-733, 832 Keeler Commission, 494LXX IndexKennedy, Anthony M., 257, 839 Labor, U.S.Department of, 517, 864Kennedy, John F., 143, 207, 266, 461, 494, 502, Labor Management Relations Act, 229504, 565, 595, 653, 690, 698, 772Labor strikes, 227, 517-522Kennedy, Robert F., 354, 362, 390, 494-496, 495,Labor unions, 227-229, 522-525607Ladder, The, 293Kent County, Virginia, 411La Farge, Oliver, 538Kent v.United States, 172Laird, Melvin, 595Keppler, Joseph, 750Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, 403Kerner Report, 625Laporte, Pierre, 153Kevorkian, Jack, 52, 757, 758Lardner, Ring, Jr., 439Keyes v.Denver School District Number One, 144,Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 537496-497, 962Latino Newspapers.See Newspapers, LatinoKido, Saburo, 464, 472, 497-498, 498, 935-936, 935Latinos, 192, 525-530Kilpatrick, James J., 651Lau v.Nichols, 100, 530-531, 814, 962King, Clemmon, 231Laundry ordinances, 180, 531-532, 936King, Coretta Scott, 148, 498-500, 499, 520Law Enforcement Assistance Act, 238King, Edwin, 608Lawson, James, 801, 815King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1-3, 16, 84, 97, 108-110,Leadership Conference of Women Religious, 774148, 159, 193, 222, 296, 364, 377, 396, 440,Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 982448, 448, 494, 495, 498, 500-506, 503, 507,League for the Protection of Colored Women, 642533-534, 534, 541, 577, 610-611, 611, 792, 800,814-817, 988 League of Struggle for Negro Rights, 241King, Martin Luther, Sr., 500, 506 League of United Latin American Citizens, 533,579, 624, 685King, Rodney, beating of, 285, 506-507, 511, 688League of United Latin American Citizens v.King Day, 500, 507-508Pasadena Independent School District, 48, 533Kinsey Report, 400League of Women Voters, 921Klanwatch, 904, 980Leaphart, Vincent, 619Klopfer v.North Carolina, 281Lee, George W., 630Knights of Labor, 522, 524Legion of Decency, 367Know-Nothing Party, 44, 350, 460, 670, 772Lelyveld, Arthur, 478Knox, Henry, 749Lem Moon Sing v.United States, 45, 533, 954Kochiyama, Yuri, 508Lemon v.Kurtzman, 741Komunyakaa, Yusef, 541Leo XIII, Pope, 598Korea, 450Leon, United States v., 283Korean Americans, 508-511 Letter from a Birmingham Jail (King), 108, 504,Korean War, 257, 358, 508533-534, 712Koreans, 678Levison, Stanley, 364, 815Koreatowns, 510Levy v.Louisiana, 534-535, 960Korematsu, Fred, 469, 511-513, 512, 598Lewis, John L., 248, 727Korematsu v.United States, 512, 838, 957Lewis, John Robert, 124, 159, 372, 535, 793, 833,Ku Klux Klan, 16, 83, 108, 113, 125, 148, 272, 295,855, 879303, 356, 364, 366, 449, 461, 487, 492, 513-516,Liberation theology, 186515, 606, 615, 773, 793, 813, 874-876, 875, 901Liberator, The (Garrison s paper), 413Kuhn, Maggie, 410Liberator, The (Briggs s paper), 132Kuroki, Ben, 465LXXI The Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in AmericaLiberia, 115, 399 Lynching, 326-328, 327, 482, 514, 549-553, 898,901, 906-907Liberty Bonds, 929Lyng v.Northwest Indian Cemetery ProtectiveLiberty leagues, 548Association, 56, 311, 741Liliuokalani, Queen, 678, 989Lynn, Conrad J., 388Lin Sing v.Washburn, 535Lyttle, Bradford, 446Lincoln, Abraham, 260, 319, 331-333, 535-537,536, 540, 569, 858-859, 858McCabe v.Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway,Lindbergh Law, 607853, 955Lippard, George, 540McCarran-Walter Act, 178, 240, 353, 420, 451, 454,Literacy tests, 208464, 472, 498, 554-555Literature, 537-545McCarthy, Eugene, 549Little Big Man, 369McCarthy, Joseph, 51, 246, 401, 557, 765Little Rock, Arkansas, 271, 293, 369, 544,McClellen, John L., 566545-546, 569, 632, 651, 657McCleskey v.Kemp, 634, 966Liuzzo, Viola, 364, 793McClure, Samuel Sidney, 542Living Way, The, 898McClure s Magazine, 542Livingston, Sigmund, 477McCollum v.Board of Education, 741Lochner v.New York, 376, 836, 838McCorvey, Norma, 771Locke, John, 297, 647, 761McCreary Amendments, 177Lockwood, Belva Ann Bennett, 546McDuffie, Arthur, 589Lodge, Henry Cabot, 351McGuinn, Warner, 564Logan, Adella Hunt, 915McKinley, William, 893Long Walk Home, The, 370, 546McKissick, Floyd, 252, 555, 577, 801, 905Longest Walk, 60, 546-547, 547McLaughlin v.Florida, 603Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 538McLaurin v.Oklahoma State Regents, 230,Look Tin Sang, In re, 547555-556, 564, 625, 631, 957López, Ignacio, 548McNichols, Charles, 538Lost Boundaries, 368McNickle, D Arcy, 538, 638Louis, Joe, 825McWilliams, Carey, 556-557, 807Loving, Richard and Mildred, 548Madame Walker Urban Life Center, 989Loving v.Virginia, 68, 71, 548-549, 603, 836, 960Maddox, Lester, 124Lowell, James Russell, 540Madison, James, 196, 256, 259, 738, 837, 876-877Lowenstein, Allard, 549Magna Carta, 103Loyal Democrats of Mississippi, 608Magon, Ricardo Flores, 662Loyalty oaths, 438Makeba, Miriam, 159Lozano, Ignacio E., Sr., 662Makino, Frederick Kinzaburo, 557, 557Lucy, Autherine, 231, 651Malcolm X, 12, 116, 117, 118, 120, 360, 557-560,Lucy Stoners, 832559, 623Lum, Gong, 409Malcriado, El, 663Lundy, Benjamin, 5Maloy v.Hogan, 281Luther v.Borden, 570Man Called Horse, A, 369Lynch, Charles, 549Mankiller, Wilma P., 560-561Lynch v.Donnelly, 674Manlapit, Pablo, 561, 561, 563LXXII IndexMann Act, 352 Mennonites, 63-65Manzanar National Historic Site, 988 Menominee Reservation, 299Mapp v.Ohio, 106, 282, 840 Mentally ill, rights of the, 18, 425, 436, 573-576Marbury v.Madison, 258 Meredith, James, 231, 496, 576-577, 576, 604, 653March on Washington, 89, 143, 388, 448, 500, Meritor Savings Bank v.Vinson, 577-578, 796,504, 562, 563, 610, 630, 659, 727-728, 777-778, 798, 965821, 897, 907, 937Messenger, The, 725March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and BiMetzger, Tom, 903Rights, and Liberation, 404Mexican American Anti-Defamation Committee,Marcos, Ferdinand, 570, 68068, 578Marielitos, 290Mexican-American Cultural Center, 582Marrero, Victor, 714Mexican American Legal Defense and EducationMarshall, Burke, 874 Fund, 429, 571, 578Marshall, John, 57, 95, 213, 258, 843 Mexican American Political Association, 578Marshall, Thurgood, 34, 135, 136, 154, 230, 443, Mexican American Youth Organization, 581491, 555, 563-568, 567, 625, 631, 800, 839, 841Mexican Americans, 416, 526-527, 529, 533,Martial law, 84, 568-570 578-583, 585, 640, 685, 730, 864, 938Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Mexican Revolution, 527Social Change, 500Mexico, 61, 125, 340, 400, 526-527, 579, 585-588,Martin Luther King Jr.Memorial Historic District, 592, 662, 864988Meyer v.Nebraska, 107, 838Martin v.Wilkes, 718Mfume, Kweisi, 357, 361, 588-589, 630Martínez, Vilma Socorro, 570-571Miami, Florida, 284, 290Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial, 991Miami riots, 589-590Maryland, University of, 21; Law School, 93, 230,Michael M.v.Superior Court of SonomaCounty,564796, 964Masaoka, Joe, 465Micheaux, Oscar, 366Masaoka, Mike, 464, 472Mid America All Indian Center, 989Masaoka v.State of California, 46, 571Migrant workers, 125, 163-164, 359, 371, 556,Mason, George, 103, 196, 876 590-593, 660, 863Massachusetts Board of Retirement v.Murgia, 33, Milholland, John, 138571, 963Military, the, 130, 358, 391, 568-570, 593-597Massachusetts Body of Liberties, 103Military Academy, U.S [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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