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."Sandy, wake up," he said.But she was dead to the world.McCade leaned over her, touching her lightly on the shoulder."Yo,Sandy," he said, louder this time, and her eyes opened."I don't think youralarm went off."She lifted her head, looking toward the clock radio on her bedside table."Oh, shoot," she said as she saw what time it was."Oh, no! I have aneight o'clock meeting!" She clutched the sheet to her chest, pulling it withher off the bed as she ran toward the bathroom."McCade!" she shouted over the sound of the shower."I'm so late.Pick ABC Amber Text Converter Unregistered, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/me out something to wear, will you?"McCade opened her closet and stared at the rack of clothing hangingthere.Something to wear.A pretty blue-flowered sundress that he'dordered for her from a catalog was hanging among all of her otherclothes.It had arrived in yesterday's mail, and had been waiting onSandy's doorstep last night when they got home.The sleeveless dress would make her look like an angel.McCade reached for a staid, almost mannishly cut navy-blue skirt andjacket.There was no point in Sandy hanging around looking like an angel.Not when she was planning to take the latest footage they'd shot over toHarcourt's-and Vandenberg's-office later that day.He put the clothes on her bed just as she rushed back into the bedroom.Water dripped from her hair, and she had a towel wrapped around her."McCade, it's going to be one hundred and fifteen degrees out there thisafternoon," she complained as she caught sight of the outfit he'd picked."You can't be serious.I'm not wearing long sleeves." She pulled the newdress from the closet."Besides, I want to wear something pretty today."Sandy pushed him out of the room."Why?" he asked.Why? She was about to close the door, but stopped, looking up into hiseyes.Because she wanted McCade to notice her.She looked down atthe water that was dotting the floor from her dripping hair."Because Ithink James is going to ask me out to dinner today.""I've got to tell you something," McCade said."It's got to wait." Sandy closed the door and quickly dressed.When sheopened the door, McCade was still standing there.He followed her to thedoor of the bathroom and watched as she stood at the sink, quicklyputting on makeup. ABC Amber Text Converter Unregistered, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/"Look, Kirk, I've really got to tell you this," he said."You're not going tolike it, but."She glanced up at him in the bathroom mirror."What did ya break,McCade? My favorite coffee mug?""I wish.""My grandmother's teapot?""No-""Not the mirror in the hallway." She stretched her lips to put on lipstick,then smacked them together, looking at herself critically."I'm not sure Ican deal with seven years' bad luck-""I didn't break anything.I did something," McCade said as she rushedpast him.He followed her into the kitchen."Actually, it's something that Ididn't do."Sandy grabbed an apple from the refrigerator and washed it in thekitchen sink.Holding it with her teeth by taking a bite, she tucked herbriefcase under her arm and headed for the front door.She unlocked thesafety chain and the dead bolt, then spotted the videotapes on the halltable.Picking them up, she took the apple out of her mouth and turned toMcCade."What's this?""Yeah, that's what I'm trying to tell you." He smiled ruefully."Um.Vandenberg came by early this morning and dropped those tapes off.You were still asleep."She took a thoughtful bite of the apple, staring down at the tapes in herother hand.Nodding, she balanced her briefcase on the table, and slippedthem carefully inside, and looked up at McCade."James Vandenberg,"she repeated."Came by.This morning."It was McCade's turn to nod."Yup."Sandy fought the urge to giggle.This was about as bad as it could get.So ABC Amber Text Converter Unregistered, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/why did she have the urge to laugh? "You answered the door."It wasn't a question, but McCade answered anyway."Yup.""Before or after you took a shower?"McCade studied the worn-out toe of his boot."Um.After.But not bymuch.""I suppose you were wearing my pink bathrobe."He shook his head."Nope.Just a towel."Sandy could picture it, like a scene from a romantic comedy.McCade,draped in a towel, his hair wet and his muscles gleaming."I supposeJames assumed.?" She let her voice trail off delicately."Yup.""Oh, petfect, McCade." She leaned her head against the door."I told himlast night there was nothing between us.""Yeah, he mentioned that, and, well, now he thinks you finally succumbedto my charms."Sandy closed her eyes.If only she had."I'm sorry," McCade said."I should have straightened Vandenberg out assoon as I opened the door.""He probably wouldn't have believed you.Not many people wouldbelieve a man like you could spend the night in a woman's house and endup sleeping on the couch." She took a deep breath, letting it out in a longsigh."Oh, well.I suppose it's fate.I suppose James and I aren't trulymeant to be together."She looked up to find him watching her intently, a strange expression onhis face.It didn't seem fair [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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